基本上是張愛玲的英文寫作能力被劉紹銘嫌鄙了 [1],邁克心有不忿,出來幫張說話。(無甚說服力的辯解。)
【更新】張愛玲自己翻譯過《金鎖記》,收錄在企鵝出的《Eileen Chang: Love in a Fallen City》裡。有一處 Editor"s note 很重要,抄錄如下:Editor"s note: The repetition of the phrase 『said, smiling』 (hsiao tao) may seem tiresome to the reader. However, this and similar phrases are routinely prefixed to reported speeches in traditional Chinese fiction, and Eileen Chang, a dedicated student of that fiction, has deliberately revived their use in her early stories. It is to be regretted that their English equivalents cannot be equally unobtrusive.
這裡指的是「笑道」(hsiao tao)一詞。可見張愛玲的譯文裡確實有很多不常見於英文寫作的用法,英文版編輯選擇了保留。至於是如邁克所說的故意,還是張「英文水平不夠好」,尚需進一步研究。
上面涉及的段落也抄錄如下,注意這是張自己的譯筆:Little Shuang came, smiling, and gave a kick to the pallet. 「I woke you.」 She put both hands under her old lined jacket of dark violet silk, worn over bright oil-green trousers. Feng-hsiao put out a hand to feel the trouser leg and said, smiling: 「...」
小雙笑嘻嘻走來,踢了踢地上的褥子道:「吵醒了你了。」她把兩手抄在青蓮色舊綢夾襖裡。下面系著明油綠 [缺字] 子。鳳簫伸手捻了那 [缺字] 腳,笑道:「……」
另參考了才子 Andrew F. Jones 翻譯的《流言》。屬於最平鋪直敘的譯法,英文求純,二胡都給譯成 two-stringed Chinese violin。幾乎算政治不正確了吧。
[1]: 劉紹銘:愛玲五恨 http://bit.ly/hMPwIM
The Sun Parlor
My favourite spot in St. Mary"s Hall is the Sun Parlor. It gives me the same impression as its name; a warm, bright room constantly filled with sunshine. It is a rectangular room. The walls are painted in white, but the lower half of them is hidden behind a cover of black wood. In the middle of the room there is a long black table, and around it are many chairs. These are prepared for the girls to have a chance for reading newspapers. In one corner of the room there is a wooden box placed on the shelf. This belongs to the Phoenix Broad, and every girl has the privilege of putting her own themes in it. The box is locked, and we always dream of how we would open this mysterious box and see the things within. On the wall there hang many interesting pictures and records that attract girls" attention every time they pass the Sun Parlor. The room is very bright, because one side of it faces the big glass door that leads to the school gate, and one side of it is composed of three glass doors which face the school garden. Sunlight can reach the room in both directions. When we stand before the glass door, we can see the whole view of our lovely school garden. In winter afternoons, when the pale yellow sunlight lies lazily on the stone ground, we sit beside the steam heaters, with newspapers in our hands. We feel nice and warm and pleasant, and thoroughly enjoy the charm of the "Sun Parlor".
The School Rats Have a Party
In our school there is a beautiful lady rat named Miss Black. She is very stylish and famous, so that all the rats know her. She married a great gentleman named Mr. Brown on Saturday. That night they were very happy, all their friends and relatives came to the party. Miss Black wore a pretty long dress,and a white long veil on her head. It made her black face and body more black. Mr. Brown has two little brown eyes, and little black whiskers. When their wedding was finished, they gave a feast and danced and sang. The guests and ladies danced with their little boots and little high heeled shoes as loudly as they could, but no student heard it, because it was midnight and they were fast asleep.
Next morning, I rose very early and went down the stairs to take a walk. When I passed the doorway, suddenly I heard a noisy voice, then I peeked in at the door. When I saw the happy party, how surprised I was! I cried, "See! See! The rats have a party!" Maybe my voice was too loud for the rats all stood up and took their feast and quickly ran to their home.
A Dream on the Journey
It was a night before our literature test. I sat in the study hall, with my book opened before me. I tried to read, but I heard the noisy music and tap dancing steps which I had seen last week in a movie. There seemed to be many beautiful dancers waving their handkerchiefs and winking their eyes at me. Under these noisy sounds and flashing scenes, the words in my book slipped away so smoothly and quickly, before I could catch them and keep them in my brain. I turned over the page and tried another paragraph. The same things went on, and still I could not control myself. I got very tired and weary. So I leaned on the desk and went to sleep, forgetting all about our literature test.
I walked into a mysterious wonderland, the wonderland that "Alice" had not gone in. I was sitting beside a dining table, having a tea-party with Ali Baba and his wife, and Morgianna, who had been once a slave and was now his daughter-in-law. On the other end of the table sat a graceful, mild, fair-haired, grand lady. A golden crown was set upon her head. She was Queen Esther, as Ali Baba told me, the most powerful and kind lady in this land. Then I heard a knock on the door; Ali Baba told me that it must be the other guests invited. Morgianna ran and open the door, and a gigantic, tremendous, white-bearded old man walked in, with a little girl leaning on his arm.
"Hello,Miss Ai-ling, you don"t recognize me now, eh? We met three and a half years ago, on the Alps--"
"You"re the Alm Uncle!" I cried out before he had finished his speech. I held out my hand earnestly, and we greeted each other happily.
"Here"s Heidi. Does she look fatter and taller than before?" He showed me the child. Heidi was still a healthy and innocent little girl. She told me that the "Old grandmother" was still alive, and had white bread to eat every day.
We sat down and began our eating. Suddenly, a sharp voice calling "Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight!" was heard. Then we heard heavy foot-steps; a sea-faring man with a wooden leg came in, with a parrot standing on his shoulder.
"Excuse my interruption, Your Majesty. May I join the party?" Long John Silver bowed gracefully to the queen. And Queen Esther nodded her head and smiled sweetly-she was always so sweet and gentle, even to a pirate. So Long John took his seat and joined our party. I was a little afraid of him, when I thought about his killing people in Treasure Island. But Morgianna and Alm Uncle were all very calm, even Heidi, the child. So I felt ashamed of myself.
In the midst of our eating I saw a pretty face peeping in at the door. The big, glorious, black eyes recalled someone to me. I suddenly sprang to my feet and rushed to the door, holding her hand and screaming.
"Oh, Rebecca Randall! Is it really you-oh, I have longed for you!"
It was really Rebecca, the one I loved best among those friends. We held together both with tears in our eyes. The first question I eagerly asked her was:
"How about Mr. Aladdin? Did you-" I meant "Did you marry him?" but I stopped in the middle.
There was no reply. Rebecca blushed, smiled, lowered her head, and began to hum a love song.
During this time I hadn"t mentioned that Aunt Miranda was just now coming in after Rebecca. She stared at me, then turned to the rest of the people. When she saw Long John and Morgianna, she pulled her face very long and made her eyes perfectly round, and screamed.
"Dear! Dear! Sea-robber-and slave! Inviting us Sawyers to the party with sea-robbers and slaves! Oh my, I"m fainting!....Rebecca, button up your coat, put on your hat and stop laughing and crying like a three-year-old child! We must leave here as quickly as possible."
She pulled Rebecca hard out of the room. Ali Baba and his wife looked puzzled. Long John was trying to hide his angriness and laughed unnaturally. Morgianna was still so white and calm, only moving her lips a little; she seemed to be trying to say something. Heidi did not know what had happened. She looked at Long John, looked at Aunt Miranda, and then turned to her grandfather.
When Aunt Miranda was pulling Rebecca, a funny little old man darted in at the door and ran hard against Aunt Miranda. They both fell on the ground. Aunt Miranda grumbled, "All of the men in this house are as rude as rubbers." She rose up and disappeared with Rebecca through the door.
The little old man stood confused and panting. Ali Baba asked him, "Mr. Rip Van Winkle, are you driven out by Dame Van Winkle again?" Rip Van Winkle shrugged his shoulders, cast up his eyes, and said nothing.
Just then, there was a bell tinkling far away. "It must be our friend, "The King of the Golden River". He has come to take us to the feast of Xerxes, the Persian king. I think we had better say good-bye", said Ali Baba to me. So they sang a song to bid farewell to me. I can only remember the chorus, 「Oh, we wish you may have a good mark tomorrow, tomorrow!…………」 The song got softer and softer, and at last I could not hear it. I opened my eyes and found myself still sitting in the study hall. My book had already dropped on the floor. The bell was ringing, and students were going out one by one. I picked up the book, rubbed my eyes, and read it while I was going out. I found it very interesting so that I could not stop reading. There seemed to be lovely scenes with all those people I had seen in the dream acting in them. I held my book tightly and cried, "A thousand thanks to the people in our wonderland!"
祝淳翔 文
張愛玲從小就立志成為一名雙語作家,成年後有相當多的作品先用英文發表,再譯成中文。散文《更衣記》《洋人看京戲及其他》《中國人的宗教》《重返邊城》如是,小說《秧歌》《赤地之戀》亦復如是。其中最早的一篇,寫於1938年。據張子靜所撰姐姐的傳記稱,「一九三八年初,將近舊曆年的時候」,張愛玲從父親家逃離。不久,將「被軟禁的經過寫成英文,投到《大美晚報》(Evening Post)發表」。六年以後,張愛玲成名,又在《私語》(載《天地》1944年10期)里重述一遍。
倘若將張愛玲的求學與從文經歷,放在較深廣一些的時空維度去審視,就不難發現聖瑪利亞女校(St. Mary"s Hall,簡稱「聖校」)的重要性。1931年,十一歲的張愛玲進入聖公會所辦聖瑪利亞女校,被分入初中一乙組(Class Section B),直到1937年高三畢業,張愛玲生命中整整六年的光陰,便在此度過。當人們被好奇心驅使,去窺看《鳳藻》(The Phoenix)年刊中的集體照,混雜在同學們中間的張愛玲,形同安徒生童話里的醜小鴨,身材瘦弱,貌不驚人。也許普通讀者的腦海里會冒出這樣的念頭來:若不是日後在文壇聲名鵲起,恐怕很少會有人對她多加留意吧。事實上,高中時期的張愛玲已經在文學領域嶄露頭角了。據張愛玲讀高二時赴「聖校」任教務部主任的汪宏聲回憶,為了平衡此前偏重英文教學的弊端,聖校才開始大力加強和推進國文課程教學。汪老師給學生們布置了國文作文和影評,並創辦《國光》月刊,張愛玲便是雜誌社的編輯兼積極撰稿者。汪的回憶,還從側面透露出張愛玲的英文素養的養成,並不晚於國文素養,兩者幾乎齊頭並進。
最近,當翻閱2014年第一期《檔案春秋》,其中徐如林的文章《鳳棲於梧:張愛玲的中學時代》,引起了筆者的關注,因為該文披露了一篇此前無人知曉的英文習作The Sun Parlor(徐文譯作《太陽房》),載於1936年《鳳藻》年刊(第102頁)。受其啟發,筆者更在上海圖書館近代期刊館藏中,找到另外兩篇張愛玲寫於1937年的英文習作,篇名分別為「The School Rats Have a Party」和「A Dream on the Journey」(姑譯成《校鼠舞會》和《書旅一夢》)。由於館藏紙質版有破損,經合理推斷,其出處應當也都是1936年《鳳藻》年刊,為方便引用,其頁碼分別為第48頁、第72-74頁。
文學史上,好多作家成名後,常悔其少作。張愛玲不僅並不例外,而且對於少作被挖掘「出土」,深惡痛絕。此前,陳子善先生從1937年《鳳藻》年刊中,找到並中譯過兩篇張愛玲的英文習作,分別是「My Great Expectations」(《心愿》)和「Sketches of Some Shepherds」(《牧羊者素描》)。但據宋以朗先生《張愛玲沒有寫的文章》(載《南方都市報》2013.7.9)引1990年張愛玲給其父的信,稱:「中國時報轉載校刊上我最討厭的一篇英文作文,一看都沒看就扔了……」態度之決絕,簡直令人瞠目結舌。這也使筆者一開始不無顧慮,但考慮到這些畢竟是「祖師奶奶」文學生涯起步期難得的佳構,雖然會被認作錢鍾書所說的發掘文墓的考訂家,可我自信它們對熱愛張愛玲的讀者、研究張愛玲的學者來說,不會沒有意義。至少能豐富大家對張愛玲早期閱讀史的了解,以及加深對其英文虛構能力的認知。而所有這些新增的樣本,如能引發更多熱議,則善莫大焉。
大致五歲 由家人聘請英國人教授英文 對張愛玲來說 英文是第二母語 她也熟背英文版莎士比亞劇本 她十分了解各類詞源 英文寫作功底可想而知
張愛玲在英國和美國出版發行的作品只有《秧歌》(The Rice-sprout Song) 和《北地胭脂》(The Rouge of the North) ,另外《雷峰塔》(The Fall of the Pagoda) 及《易經》(The Book of Change)也是她用英文寫成,由香港大學出版社出版。
以及 goodread上面native speaker對《雷峰塔》的評價
The author"s English is not outstanding, but this rather magically does not spoil the book. You have to get used to a certain weirdness before you start enjoying it.
- covers all requirements of the task sufficiently
- presents, highlights and illustrates key features / bullet points clearly and appropriately
- sequences information and ideas logically
- manages all aspects of cohesion well
- uses paragraphing sufficiently and appropriately
- uses a wide range of vocabulary fluently and flexibly to convey precise meanings
- skilfully uses uncommon lexical items but there may be occasional inaccuracies in word choice and collocation
- produces rare errors in spelling and/or word formation
- uses a wide range of structures
- the majority of sentences are error-free
- makes only very occasional errors or inappropriacies
1942 年香港淪陷,未畢業即回上海,給英文《泰晤士報》寫劇評、影評:《婆媳之間》《鴉片戰爭》《秋歌》《烏雲蓋月》《萬紫千紅》《燕迎春》《借銀燈》。也替德國人辦的英文雜誌《二十世紀》寫《中國的生活與服裝(Chinese life and Fashions)》。
1956年得Edward Mac Dowell Colony的寫作獎金