
是不是有些学校的管理学院经济学好点,有些学校的文理学院的经济学好点? 或者是各有所长? 还是管理学院的经济学都比文理学院的经济学好?


首先,我们注意到的是国内的大学通常设经济学院,而美国的大学都是设经济系。经济系通常设在文理学院内(也有少数设在管理学院内的)。文理学院一般分三个部:自然科学部、社会科学部和人文部。国内习惯把社会科学和人文统称为文科。但是社会科学和人文学的研究对象和方法是很不一样的。人文主要包括文(学)、(历)史、哲(学)等;而社会科学主要包括经济学、政治学、社会学、人类学等等。在一所大学内,文理学院是大学的核心,是最重要的部分。这是因为文理学院的主要教学对象是本科生和博士生,前者是大学教育的主要对象,而博士的培养与科研密切相关。所以文理学院是任何一所综合性大学的学术核心。这个核心之外是职业学院(professional school),主要的有法学院、商学院、医学院和工学院,这些职业学院通常只招研究生(也有例外,特别是工学院)。美国不少大学的管理(商)学院是研究生院,没有本科生。如果本科想念管理(商)的话,可以主修经济学。经济学不仅是社会科学中最重要的学科,而且在一所大学里也是举足轻重的学科。所谓重要是说,相对其它学科而言,它的教授人数比较多,主修的学生也比较多。经济系在文理学院里是大系。相对而言,经济学科在社会科学的各学科中会被认为是最“成熟的”学科,这也增强了经济系在整个学校中的地位。


管理(商)学院中的经济学科是怎样的呢?以往美国的商学院以教学为主要任务,但是最近二三十年来,较好的商学院对研究越来越重视了。一般商学院内设有多个小组(group),如金融、会计、市场营销、组织行为、管理、信息技术等。有的商学院里也有经济学小组(economics group),通常远不如经济系的师资力量强,但个别的商学院中的经济组特别强。需要注意的是,商学院中的经济组与有些大学设在商学院中的经济系是不同的,前者面向MBA,后者面向本科生。商学院的某个领域研究好不好,首先看它招不招博士生。商学院的首要任务是培养MBA。培养博士是为教授研究教学提供辅助,优异毕业生则成为师资来源。商学院中的博士班(所有小组累加起来)通常比经济系的小。MBA需要学一些经济学的基本知识,主要是微观经济学。因此,商学院中经济学以微观经济学为主,教学注重实用。MBA学生是不同的群体,他们交了很高的学费,是来学技能的。MBA学生听不懂的话,他们说你教的不好;而本科生或博士生听不懂的话,他们说自己学的不好。因此,对教授来说,教MBA学生要比教本科生、博士生花更多的时间。

Pomona College 的经济系课程:
Economics Courses
Economics (ECON) courses satisfy Area 2 of the Breadth of Study Requirements, with the exception ofECON 057 PO, which satisfies Area 5.

  • ECON 051 PO - Principles: Macroeconomics
  • ECON 052 PO - Principles: Microeconomics
  • ECON 057 PO - Economic Statistics
  • ECON 101 PO - Macroeconomic Theory
  • ECON 102 PO - Microeconomic Theory
  • ECON 107 PO - Applied Regression Analysis
  • ECON 115 PO - Economics of Immigration
  • ECON 116 PO - Race in the U.S. Economy
  • ECON 117 PO - Managerial Accounting Financial Analysis
  • ECON 121 PO - Economics of Gender and Family
  • ECON 122 PO - Poverty and Income Distribution
  • ECON 123 PO - International Economics
  • ECON 124 PO - Water, Resources, Economics, and Management
  • ECON 125 PO - Natural Resource Economics and Policy
  • ECON 126 PO - Economic Development
  • ECON 127 PO - Environmental Economics
  • ECON 128 PO - Energy Economics and Policy
  • ECON 129 PO - Health Economics
  • ECON 150 PO - Industrial Organization
  • ECON 151 PO - Labor Economics
  • ECON 153 PO - Urban and Regional Economics
  • ECON 154 PO - Game Theory for Economists
  • ECON 155 PO - Law and Economics
  • ECON 156 PO - Security Valuation and Portfolio Theory
  • ECON 157 PO - Corporate Finance
  • ECON 159 PO - Economics of the Public Sector
  • PPE 160 PO - Freedom, Markets and Well-Being
  • ECON 161 PO - Advanced Macroeconomic Analysis
  • ECON 162 PO - Advanced Microeconomic Analysis
  • ECON 163 PO - International Macro Policy and Monetary Institutions
  • ECON 164 PO - Technology and Growth
  • ECON 166 PO - Risk Management in Financial Institutions
  • ECON 167 PO - Econometrics
  • ECON 169 PO - Advanced Econometrics
  • ECON 190 PO - Senior Seminar in Economics
  • ECON 195 PO - Senior Activity in Economics
  • ECON 199DRPO - Economics: Directed Readings
  • ECON 199IRPO - Economics: Independent Research
  • ECON 199RAPO - Economics:Research Assistantship

NYU Stern 的经济学课程

  • COR1-GB.1303 Firms and Markets
  • COR1-GB.2303 The Global Economy
  • ECON-GB.2105 Energy the Environment
  • ECON-GB.2110 Economics of Healthcare
  • ECON-GB.2112 Economics and Management of the Pharmaceutical
  • ECON-GB.2119 Entertainment and Media: Markets and Economics
  • ECON-GB.2129 Bust, Boom, Bust: The 1920s and 1930s
  • ECON-GB.2190 Global Perspectives on Enterprise Systems
  • ECON-GB.2195 Advanced Global Perspectives on Enterprise Systems
  • ECON-GB.2305 Entrepreneurial Leadership: Patterns and Processes
  • ECON-GB.2314 Empirical Business Strategies Decision Making
  • ECON-GB.2315 Global Economic Integration and Entrepreneurship
  • ECON-GB.2320 The Future of the Global Economy
  • ECON-GB.2330 Economic and Business History of the United States
  • ECON-GB.2332 Advanced Macroeconomics
  • ECON-GB.2333 Monetary Policy, Banks, and Central Banks
  • ECON-GB.2337 Comparative Analysis of the Japanese and U.S. Economies
  • ECON-GB.2338 Global Perspectives on the History of Enterprise
  • ECON-GB.2340 Economics and Politics of European Integration
  • ECON-GB.2342 Current Economic and Financial Problems: Rhetoric, Reality, and Remedies
  • ECON-GB.2343 Financial Crisis and the Policy Response
  • ECON-GB.2344 The Economy Financial Markets
  • ECON-GB.2345 The Economics of Social and Other Networks
  • ECON-GB.2346 Growth in the Developing World and the Global Economy
  • ECON-GB.2347 Real World Analysis of Economic Data
  • ECON-GB.2348 Public Policy and Business Strategy
  • ECON-GB.2350 Global Poverty Alleviation
  • ECON-GB.2355 Behavioral Economics: Decisions and Strategies
  • ECON-GB.2358 Global Economic Trends and Policy Challenges
  • ECON-GB.2360 Sports Economics
  • ECON-GB.2365 Patenting and Innovative Entrepreneurship
  • ECON-GB.2380 International Macroeconomics- Policy, Theory Evidence
  • ECON-GB.2383 Economies in Transition
  • ECON-GB.2385 International Competition and the Multinational Enterprise
  • ECON-GB.2389 The Social and Economic Setting of Business
  • ECON-GB.2391 Financial History: Money and Power, 18th-21st Centuries
  • ECON-GB.2392 Development of Financial Institutions and Markets
  • ECON-GB.3312 Advanced Microeconomic Theory (Microeconomics II)
  • ECON-GB.3313 Economic Regulation and Managerial Decision Making
  • ECON-GB.3325 Macroeconomic Analysis (Macroeconomics I)
  • ECON-GB.3332 Advanced Topics in Macroeconomics (Macroeconomics II)
  • ECON-GB.3334 Microeconomic Theory (Microeconomics I)
  • ECON-GB.3335 Microeconomics: Theory and Applications
  • ECON-GB.3340 Economic Growth and Technical Change
  • ECON-GB.3351 Econometrics I
  • ECON-GB.3360 Topics in Economics: Industrial Organization
  • ECON-GB.3375 Urban Systems
  • ECON-GB.3384 Theory of International Trade
  • ECON-GB.3386 International Macroeconomics
  • ECON-GB.4301 Strategy I- Economics
  • INTA-GB.9912 Panel Data Analysis (Econometrics II)

不知道你这个文理学院是指liberal arts college还是指university里面的undergraduate,假设是后者吧,因为前者liberal arts college和business school的取舍实在是太容易了。
要说区别的话,实在是一个school specific的问题,比如有的学校它就是理科强连商学院都充满了quant气息,有的学校它就是比较偏重professional education连理学院都充满了商科气息。



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