


「Sound of the Sea」
Chef Heston Blumenthal of The Fat Duck – Bray, England
Adapted by http://StarChefs.com
Yield:8 Servings
65 grams sake
2 fresh yuzu
1 fresh sudachi
700 grams mirin
525 grams rice wine vinegar
550 grams tamari
110 grams 『thin mouth』 soy sauce (usu kuchi shoyu)
10 grams katsuo bushi (dried bonito flakes)
15 grams kombu (dried kelp), browned on both sides over an open flame
Miso Oil:
250 grams red miso paste
100 grams white miso paste
5 grams cod liver oil
250 grams grapeseed oil
Pickled Dulse Seaweed:
15 grams white wine vinegar
40 grams rice wine vinegar
40 grams water
30 grams sugar
2 grams salt
50 grams dried dulse seaweed, washed in cold water, picked over, and cut into 4 cm strips
10 grams grapeseed or groundnut oil
20 grams shirasu (baby eels or anchovies)
10 grams kombu
80 grams N-Zorbit M tapioca maltodextrin*
25 grams ice-cream sugar cone (dark, biscuity type), ground
30 grams panko breadcrumbs, fried in grapeseed oil until golden brown, then lightly ground
2 grams blue shimmer powder
3? grams brown carbonized vegetable powder
Sea salt
* This is essential to achieve the sand-like texture. National Starch developed it specifically to increase the volume of dry mixes and to absorb fats and oils to form a light, dry powder. Other types of tapioca maltodextrin don』t absorb fat in the same way.
Hijiki Seaweed:
150 grams dried hijiki seaweed
25 grams usu kuchi shoyu (『thin mouth』 soy sauce)
5 grams mirin
1 Japanese lily bulb

125 grams carrot, finely sliced
125 grams onion, finely sliced
75 grams fennel, finely sliced
50 grams leek, white and pale green parts only, finely sliced
50 grams shallots, sliced
5 grams garlic, finely sliced
25 grams vermouth
100 grams Chardonnay
250 grams razor clams, purged in several changes of fresh water
300 grams mussels, purged in several changes of fresh water and beards removed
225 grams cockles, purged in several changes of fresh water
1.75 kilograms water
35 grams dried wakame seaweed
20 grams kombu
15 grams flatleaf parsley
Razor Clams:
15 grams rishiri kombu
900 grams low-calcium mineral water
40 grams shiro shoyu (white soy sauce)
500 grams live razor clams, purged in several changes of fresh water
8 native oysters
For the Final Sauce:
30 grams shiro shoyu (white soy sauce)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Sea Urchins:
8 live sea urchins*
*These need to be prepared as near as possible to serving in order to maximize their fragrant floral character.
To Assemble and Serve (per portion):
10 grams 「Sand」 (from above)
1 level teaspoon fried shirasu (from above)
1 「Seashell」 (from above)
Ponzu (from above)

謝邀。 最好吃的說不上 就來答非所問一下吧。 最近做雞翅比較多。 分享一個烤雞翅配方。 實際操作下來賣相口味都不錯。 配方如下:主料:雞中翅。 醬汁配料:南乳汁、番茄沙司、大蒜碎、黑胡椒碎、蜂蜜、白鬍椒粉、海鮮醬、排骨醬(攪拌均勻)。ps:可以適當放些醬油。

目前為止,我覺得最好吃的是Magret de canard à l"orange,可能因為它是我們初級階段最後一節實操課的菜式,所以尤為記憶猶新,也是初級我們做所得為數不多的酸甜味的菜品。

豌豆加雞肉腸丁加西紅柿丁 比例1比1比1 然後加水放點鹽煮 起鍋

個人覺得最好吃的如果墨西哥也算西餐的話,那就是墨西哥的各種Taco, Burrito之類,做法很簡單,牛肉煎好,一個麵餅上鋪上各種米、豆以及青椒各種醬料等等,捲起來吃,味道好級了,不知道為什麼塔可鍾會在國內開不下去,估計快餐做壞了的



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