

如Magna Cum Laude (優異成績)

et cetera (etc.): 諸如此類。經常聽到老師舉一長串的例子,撓了撓頭做思考狀然後:et cetera...
anno domini (AD) (year of the Lord):主的生年,就是公元後。
vice versa: 反之亦然,寫作里也經常用到。
carpe diem: seize the day,差不多是活在當下,及時行樂。作文可裝文藝。
curriculum vitae(CV): a race course of life 其實就是簡歷。是由「跑」這個動詞來的,可見人生好累...
tabula rasa: 原指乾淨的板子,現在指天真無邪,也指白板。
versus(VS): 對戰,現在很常用。
post scriptum (PS): after the writing,某段文字結尾的附言,寫完信以後經常用。

alumnus(一個男校友)/alumna (一個女校友)/ alumnae (好多女校友) / alumni (泛指校友)
cum laude society: 就是您提到的那個優異成績。基本上是分cum laude (with honor), magna cum laude (with great honor), summa cum laude (with highest honor). 也有少數逆天學生得到egregia cum laude (with outstanding honor), maxima cum laude "with top honor". 我還跟我的拉丁老師打趣說我覺得magna cum laude比後面那幾個聽著都厲害,哈哈。 可參考Latin honors

id est (i.e.): it is,經常在解釋某名詞的時候打括弧寫在裡面。
quod erat demonstrandum (QED):證明完畢,寫在數學題求證結束的後面。(最感動的拉丁語詞啊!)
exempli gratia (e.g.): 舉例
ibidem(ibid): 同上,參考 @思虔 的答案。某一文獻被引用了兩次。
ex libris: from the library of,就是說書是圖書館的。

veni, vidi, vici: (I came, I saw, I conquered): 凱撒大帝獲得勝利以後的名言。有時候大家會用。
et tu, brute!: 又是凱撒... 他看到刺殺他的人中有Brutus故有此感慨。


  • Per se: (就其本身而言)The direct translation of this term is "by itself" and it means just that when used in English as well. You could use it to say that you don"t find chemistry boring per se (by itself, intrinsically), but this professor"s voice puts you to sleep. 例如:就化學本身而言我並不討厭它,可是教授上課的聲音總是讓我想打瞌睡。

  • Vice versa: (反之亦然) From the Latin meaning "to change" or "turn around," this term means to reverse the order of something . This quote from Samuel Butler provides an example, "In the midst of vice we are in virtue, and vice versa."
  • Alma mater: (母校 尤指大學)If you don"t know this term already, you"ll become quite familiar with it once you graduate from college. The literal translation is "dear/bountiful mother" but you"ll find it used in everyday language to denote the college or university from which one has graduated.
  • Magnum opus(大師之作/絕好的藝術作品): Whether it"s in writing, painting, sculpture or music, this Latin term denotes the greatest work done by an artist-- a true masterpiece.
  • Bona fide(在法律術語中指良好的意圖/一般表示真誠的和善意的): While it"s literal translation means "good faith" this term has a few different shades of meaning in modern language. In legal terms, it is used to represent something that is presented without deception or fraud, or literally in good faith, honest, sincere and lawful. It is more commonly used to mean something that"s the real deal or truly authentic.
  • Quasi(類似的,有如): In Latin, this word means as if or as though and in English it is used as both an adjective in its own right and as a part of a compound word. It simply designates something that resembles something else but doesn"t quite have all the same features.
  • Alter ego(密友,或者個性的另一面): Cicero coined this term, most likely taken from the Greek, to mean "a second self" or "another I" and its modern meaning hasn"t changed much today. Many people have an alter ego, or another, perhaps hidden aspect of themselves. One example from popular culture is Beyonce"s alter ego, Sasha Fierce.
  • Verbatim(逐字逐句的/地): If you repeat something verbatim you repeat it in exactly the same words, word for word with no changes and no improvisation.
  • Status quo(現狀): From the Latin meaning "the state in which" this term is used today to designate the existing state or condition of things. For example, if you"re making money off of a high pollution industry it is to your interests to maintain the status quo when it comes to environmental law.

Writing 寫作的時候常用到的拉丁文

Knowing just what these terms and words mean can be a big help in improving your reading comprehension.

  • Sic(這個是指原作品中出現了錯誤,編輯在此指出): Found in writing, this Latin word most commonly finds a home in brackets (like this: [sic]) when quoting a statement or writing. It indicates that there is a spelling or grammar error (or just something out of the ordinary) in the original quotation and that the publication has only reproduced it faithfully, not made an error of their own.
  • Id est(縮寫是i.e.,通常在作者想要給出具體的例子和解釋的時候): You"ve likely seen this term in writing before, even if you weren"t aware as it is commonly abbreviated to i.e. In Latin, it means "that is" and is used in English when the speaker or writer wants to give an example or explanation that specifies a statement.
  • Deus ex machina(解圍的人或事件): In direct translation, this term means, "God out of a machine" and it harkens back ancient Greek and Roman plays. When the plot would become too tangled or confusing, the writers would simply bring in God, lowered in via a pulley system (the machine) and he would wrap it all up. Today, it"s still used in literature to describe a plot where an artificial or improbable means of resolving a conflict is used.
  • Exempli gratia(縮寫是e.g.,這通常會用在例子前面,for the sake of example): You"ll often see this term abbreviated to e.g. in writing. It means "for the sake of example" and when it see it in a sentence you can expect that is will be followed by some examples.
  • Et cetera(縮寫是etc. 意思是and the others還有其他的): Few out there aren"t familiar with this term but may not know it as well when it"s spelled out like this and not abbreviated as etc. Meaning "and the others" it is used to denote that a list of things could continue ad infinitum (see below for definition) and that for the sake of brevity it"s better to just wrap things up with a simple etc.
  • Ex libris(專指書籍 從...圖書館來): Back in the days when books were rarer and more expensive commodities than they were today, it was common to mark your books with a label bearing your own name and this phrase which means "from the library of." While not as common today, some true bibliophiles still use the labels.
  • Ibidem(縮寫是ibid,常被用在文獻頁,指同一個資料來源被引用了兩次): Another abbreviated term, this word is more commonly seen in research writing in the form of "ibid." From the Latin for "in the same place" it is found in footnotes and bibliographies to designate that the same source has been cited twice in succession.
  • Et alii(縮寫是et al, 通常用在一本合著的書的某一個作者名字之後以省略羅列其他的作者名字): You"re unlikely to encounter this Latin phrase in its unabbreviated form, and will most likely only ever see it as et al when included. This is also a term that is found in footnotes and bibliographies which allows writers to refer to a large number of authors without having to write each name out (for example, you could say that your source is Dr. Henry Jones et al.)

Everyday Talk 日常生活中常用到的拉丁語

You"ve likely heard these words and phrases on the news or in conversations, and if you didn"t know what they meant then, these definitions will help make it clear now.


  • Ad infinitum(to infinity 無止盡的): You might be able to guess what this phrase means simply through its similarity to the word we use in English. It means "to infinity" and can be used to describe something that goes on, seemingly or actually endlessly, as some students might feel about certain classes.
  • De facto(事實上): In Latin, de facto means "from the fact" and in use in English it is often used to distinguish was is supposed to be the case from what is actually the reality. For example, legally, employers are not allowed to discriminate in hiring because of age, but many still practice de facto (in reality, in fact) discrimination.
  • In toto(in total, 總的來說/整體上): No, this phrase doesn"t mean that the cute little dog from The Wizard of Oz ate something, it means in all or entirely. Think of it as saying "in total" in a really weird voice.
  • Ipso facto(本質上/事實證明): Meaning "by the fact itself" this commonly used and misused term is denotes when something is true by its very nature. For example, if you don"t feed your dog you are ipso facto a bad owner.
  • Tabula rasa(純潔質樸天真的狀態): When you were a child, your mind might have been more of a tabula rasa than it is today. This Latin phrase means "clean slate" and denotes something or someone not affected by experiences and impressions.
  • Terra firma(堅實的陸地): Those who hate to fly or get seriously seasick will be able to put this term to good use. It means firm ground, and you might be thanking your lucky stars to be back on it after a trip through the air or rough waters.
  • Mea culpa(是我的錯): If you want to admit your own guilt or wrongdoing in a situation, use this Latin phrase that translates literally to "my fault." It"s a bit like a fancier, less outdated way of saying "my bad."
  • Persona non grata(不受歡迎的人): From the Latin meaning an "unacceptable person" this term designates someone who"s no longer welcome in a social or business situation.
  • In situ(現場,就地): If something happens in situ it happens in place or on site, though the term often designates something that exists in an original or natural state. Like a rare species sighted in situ or an invaluable artifact found on an archeological site.
  • In vitro(在試管內): Most students will be familiar with this term because of modern fertility treatments, but have you ever considered what the term actually means? In Latin, in vitro means "in glass" and any biological process that occurs in the laboratory rather than in the body or a natural setting can be called in vitro.
  • In vivo(在活體內): While an experiment taking place in a glass test tube might not cause a stir, many are up in arms about this kind of experimentation. In vivo means "within the living" and the two most common examples of this kind of experimentation are animal testing and clinical trials.
  • Ante bellum(戰前,尤指美國南北戰爭): During your history courses, you"re bound to encounter this term. It means in the most basic sense "before the war" and while it can be applied to any war it is most commonly used to refer to the American Civil War and the Antebellum Era the preceded it.

Arguments and Logic 做邏輯和爭論
Representing arguments as old as philosophy itself and the terms associated with them, these terms are good to know for a well-rounded education.

  • A priori: You might come across this term in classes about logic or reasoning. It means taking a general law or idea and applying it to a particular instance without needing experimentation or observation. An example of an a priori statement that is used is, "all bachelors are single." You do not need to observe this to see that it is true because, by definition, bachelors must be single.
  • A posteriori: A posteriori arguments are different than a priori because they are based on actual observation or experimentation. Continuing on the previous example, an a posteriori example of reasoning might be that "some bachelors are happy." This can be based on real life observation isn"t a given based on what a bachelor is.
  • Ad nauseam: This Latin term is used to describe an argument that has been taking place to the point of nausea, often with the same arguments being rehashed over and over for years until everyone, except a select few, are simply sick to death of the whole thing.
  • Ergo: Simply put, ergo means therefore and you can exchange it with therefore or hence in any sentence and maintain the same meaning. For example, you could say, "I think, ergo I am" without changing the meaning of the original.

Legal Language
One place where Latin words are very commonly used is in the courtroom. Learn some of these basic legal words to help you better understand Law and Order and how the legal process works.

  • Compis mentis: Meaning "in command of one"s mind" this term is used in the legal field to denote someone who is competent to stand trial and not encumbered by mental illness or handicap.
  • Subpoena: If you"ve ever watched a legal drama on TV, you"ve more than likely heard this term thrown around but perhaps haven"t given much thought as to what it really means. The word subpoena comes from the Latin meaning "under penalty" and if someone delivers a subpoena to you have to respond or they"ll be some big penalties under the law.
  • Ad hominem: In court, or outside of it for that matter, this term is used to designate an argument that attacks someone"s character rather than addressing a question or issue at hand. By attacking character, these arguments appeal to emotions and prejudices rather than reason or logic.
  • Habeas corpus: A writ of habeas corpus (literally, have the body) requires a person to appear before the court in person, generally to ascertain whether or not the detention of that person is lawful. Habeas corpus cannot be suspended unless there is reason to believe that a person could pose a danger to the public.
  • Pro bono: Pro bono means "for the good" and it"s a term used to designate when something is done free of charge. While the term can be applied in any field, it is most commonly used to describe legal services.
  • Mens rea: There is a big difference between murder and manslaughter, and mens rea is what separates the two. Mens rea means "guilty mind," and those who go into a crime intending to commit it have it, differing from those who commit a crime accidentally or without advance planning.

It"s always good to know the language of business, especially in such a competitive market. No matter what field you enter, you"re bound to hear these words at some point in your career.

  • Ad hoc: From the Latin meaning "to this," this term gained popularity in the mid-1600s and it still used today. It refers to something that is formed or done quickly to meets the needs of a particular problem or issue without regard to a more general application and generally lacking advance planning.
  • Per diem: Meaning "by the day" a per diem in most uses today designates a daily allowance used in traveling for work. It can also mean a per-day rate or that someone is paid on a daily basis. Other common similar terms are per annum (by the year) and per capita (by the person.)
  • Curriculum vitae: A curriculum vitae is basically a fancy way to describe a resume. While it means literally "the course of one"s life" the terms is applied to mean a short list of your accomplishments and training-- something any grad will need to think about putting together soon.
  • Pro rata: This Latin phrase is something you"re likely familiar with in everyday life. It means to charge at a proportional rate. So if a service is $100 for 10 hours, then one would cost $10 pro rata.
  • Quid pro quo: While Anthony Hopkins so sinisterly used this phrase in The Silence of the Lambs, in everyday life it"s often used to describe an exchange of value necessary for a contract to take place. From the Latin meaning "this for that," it gets used in everywhere from the courtroom to the bedroom in modern English.

Quotes and Sayings
These quotes and sayings in Latin get tossed around, put on bumper stickers and repeated in conversations so they"re well-worth knowing.

  • Carpe diem: This well-known phrase comes from a poem by Horace. While there have been arguments about the exact translation, it is most commonly held to mean "seize the day" encouraging individuals to live life to the fullest today without expectation of a tomorrow.
  • Cogito ergo sum: Translated from the Latin, the quote means "I think, therefore I am" and comes from the writing of philosopher Rene Descartes.
  • Veni, vidi, vici: These famous words were purported uttered by Roman emperor Julius Caesar after a short war with Pharnaces II of Pontus. Translated, it means "I came, I saw, I conquered" an adage you can hopefully keep in mind come finals time.
  • In vino veritas: If you"re old enough to drink or have been around others who have imbibed, you"re more than likely already familiar with the wisdom behind this quote from Pliny the Elder meaning, "in wine there is the truth." It is often followed up with "in aqua sanitas" or "in water there is health"-- something all college students should remember.
  • E pluribus unum: Simply take a look at American currency to see this Latin phrase in use. It means "out of many, one" and is found on anything bearing the seal of the United States.
  • Et tu, Brute?: These are the famous last words of Julius Caesar after he is murdered by his friend Marcus Brutus in Shakespeare"s Julius Caesar. They mean "Even you, Brutus?" and are used poetically today to designate any form of the utmost betrayal.


carpe diem=sieze the day,英語文學中常用的術語,相當於「享受當下,活在當下,不強調未來「。可以是詩歌的一種體裁?文體?
curriculum vitae (CV): 簡歷,相當於résumé,法語中也用CV,反而不是résumé
status quo: 現狀
et cetera (etc.): (列舉一系列事物後省略更多事物時說的)等等,諸如此類
exempli gratia (e.g.): 例如
id est (i.e.): that is,即,也就是說
quod erat demonstrandum (QED): 證畢,用於數學證明題最後
alumnus(陽單)/alumna(陰單)/alumni(陽復)/alumnae(陰復) (alum): 校友
anno Domini (AD): in the year of our lord,公元後xx年,現在很多學者用CE (current era) 代替AD,消除AD的宗教、文化相關性
ibidem (ibid.): in the same place,即「同上」,用於腳註中,表示出處與上一個腳註一致。



人死了說R.I.P.實際上是拉丁語Requiescat in pace的縮寫而並不是很多人理解的Rest in peace

de jure
agnatic cognatic

ante meridiem (a.m.)上午
post meridiem (p.m.)下午
casus belli 交戰理由
experto crede 請相信我的話

驗光單上的 O.D. 為右眼,來自 oculus dexter;而 O.S. 為左眼,來自 oculus sinister

1. Quid pro quo
InfluenceAB. A pun on the Latin expression quid pro quo, meaning an equal exchange (this for that), and the British word quid, meaning a pound sterling. —Ambrose Bierce, The Unabridged Devil"s Dictionary

2. Tempus fugit

3. i.e.

4. Magna carta

5. Habeas corpus

6. Per se

7. De facto

8. De jure

9. Ipso facto

10. Mens rea

11. Actus reus

12. De minimis

13. Ad hoc
等同於 for this

14. Ab initio

15. Consensus ad idem

"Et tu, Brutus?"
『『Ate two, Brutus?』』(吃了兩個嗎,布魯圖斯?『』)

還有一個"Semper ubi sub ubi"
翻譯為『』Always where under where"
意思是"Always wear underwear "(記得穿內衣)


正在溫習《荊棘鳥》作者考琳·麥卡洛(Colleen McCullough)羅馬主人系列的第一本 The First Man in Rome, 一本主要講述蓋烏斯·馬略(Gaius Marius)的傳奇崛起,先後出任七次執政官的歷史小說。先不論是否對史實有完全到位的闡述,這書在美國廣受歡迎,其中不少拉丁語源的風味GRE詞和直引的拉丁文短語。有些地方沒有直引,但表達了某些名句的思想。

1. primus inter pares /first among equals




The First Man in Rome was not the best man; he was the first among other men who were his equals in rank and opportunity. And to be the First Man in Rome was something far better than kingship, autocracy, despotism, call it what you would. The First Man in Rome held on to that title by sheer pre-eminence, perpetually aware that his world was stuffed with others eager to supplant him—others who could supplant him, legally and bloodlessly, by producing a superior brand of pre-eminence. To be the First Man in Rome was more than being consul; consuls came and went at the rate of two a year. Where as the centuries of the Roman Republic passed, only the smallest handful of men would come to be hailed as the First Man in Rome.

2. filius est pars patris / a son is part of the father


Lucius Equitius does, by the way, bear a most remarkable resemblance to Tiberius Gracchus—quite uncanny, as a matter of fact. He speaks like him, walks like him, grimaces like him, even picks his nose the same way. I think the thing that puts me off Lucius Equitius the most is that the likeness is too perfect. A twin, not a son. Sons don"t resemble their fathers in every detail,

試譯:Lucius Equitius,順便一提,的確與 Tiberius Gracchus 有著最為注目的相似外表--事實上達到了毛骨悚然的程度。他說話像他,走路像他,做鬼臉像他,甚至摳起鼻子都一模一樣。我認為令我無法置信於 Lucius Equitius 的是,那份相似過於完美了。一個孿生兄弟,而非子息。兒子並不和父親在每個細節上相似,

Lucius Equitius 是下面 Lucius Appuleius Saturnius 付錢扮演很得民心的 Tiberius Gracchus 私生子的自由人。

3. argumentum ad populum / argument appealing to the popular crowd

估計可以翻譯為迎合民眾的意見。小說里 Lucius Appuleius Saturninus (據維基,他屬於 Populares ("favoring the people", singular popularis),共和國末期通過取悅民眾獲得權力的政治勢力。),趁羅馬糧食匱乏煽動民眾競選平民保民官。Marius 警告他不要利用民眾:

It is our duty to look after them, not to use them to further our own political ends.


4. flamma fumo est proxima / fire is very close to smoke 或 where there is smoke, there is fire


Gaius 大敗日耳曼人並擬分地給義大利士兵,遭到元老院的強烈反對。他將獨裁的傳言驟起。這裡有句:

"There can"t be so much smoke without at least some fire," they began to say, between themselves and to those who listened to them because they were policy makers.


ab initio




Alea iacta est

對應英語是The die is cast.中文意思可以理解成木已成舟,無路可退。英文里cross the Rubicon也差不多是這個意思。

vice versa 反之亦然

NB:Nota Bene=需要特別注意

terra firma 堅實的大地


Lorem ipsum --- 有沒有很眼熟_(:3」∠)_!就是word模板各種標題啊內容啊都會寫lorem ipsum。嚴格來講這句其實不是拉丁,原文為dolorem ipsum(「疼痛本身」),和排版經常使用的lorem ipsum其實內容上沒有太大關係。lorem ipsum在中文裡也被稱為亂數假文,主要是在排版的時候測試不同字體和版型的效果。

Alea iacta est --- "骰子已被擲下",大意為做出沒有退路的決定。因法國知名漫畫《阿斯泰利克斯歷險記》被大眾熟知。

Divide et impera --- "分而治之",把民心分散會更加容易統治他們/擊敗他們。【170320經指正修改了一下答案】

Homo Sapiens --- 現代人類的學名。

Perpetuum mobile --- 永動機。英語一般不會這麼說,但是德語裡面永動機的拉丁文被廣泛使用

Incognito --- 匿名的

ceteris paribus,「其他條件不變」。

caveat emptor 貨物出門概不退換,買主須自行當心(貨物的品質);買主當心

Caveat emptor is Latin for "Let the purchaser beware." That means if you buy something, it』s yours. No returns, no take backs. No need to save that receipt.

難道沒人回答carpe diem(seize the day)嗎?《死亡詩社》里滿滿的雞血啊!

prima facie : 乍一看 , at first sight

In vitro= in glass



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