謝邀 @雨絲兒
貼一個Karen S Kingsbury的譯文,個人覺得還不錯,大家參考吧~
Maybe every man has had two such women - at least two. Marry a red rose and eventually she"ll be a mosquito-blood streak smeared on the wall, while the white one is "moonlight in front of my bed." Marry a white rose, and before long she"ll be a grain of sticky rice that"s gotten stuck to your clothes; the red one, by then, is a scarlet beauty mark just over your heart.
Maybe every gentleman has met two such women, at least two. Having married the red rose, gradually she will turn into the mosquito-bloodstain on the wall while the white remains the moonlight shadow down the floor. Having married the white rose, she will be merely the rice stuck to your shirt while the red forms a scarlet beauty spot over your heart.
※三毛和張愛玲的對比,哪位達人能給談談? 感激不盡?