


雖然是純英文, 莫慌,相信我,肯定看得懂的!

I am not a natural scientist. When it comes to mathematics, physics, chemistry and other important branches of natural science, my knowledge is perhaps only of middle schoole level. So why would I write this History of Sugar?

This involves a long process, which I will lay out here.

Most people think that sugar is a highly significant substance. Though we are inseparable from our sugar, using it every day to make our lives sweeter, and perhaps cannot imagine life without it, it would seem that few people ever stop to think about the long and complex history of cultural exchange behind many of the everyday things in our lives. Sugar is one such substance, and is perhaps the most important of them. When and where did I first notice the very special history behind sugar? It becomes clear if we take a look at the word for sugar within the most spoken languages of the West:
English: sugar
German: Zucker
French: sucre
Russian: caxap
Italian: zucchero
Spanish: azúcar

And here are the terms for what the Chinese call "ice sugar":
English: candy
German: Kandis-Zucker (there is also a verb: kandieren)
French: candi, sucre candi
Russian: 跪了,小的不會打。。。
Italian: candito
Spanish: candi

This is not a complete list, but there is no need for that. From these few languages, we can see that the Western terms for sugar and candy share the same source, a foreign one. The fact that the terms have foreign origins shows us that "sugar" and "candy" did not arise in these countries.

These foreign terms originated in the Vedic and ancient Sanskrit terms sarkara and khandaka, as well as the Pali term sakkhara. This demonstrates that the "sugar" and "candy"of Europe came from India. The spread of these two things from India to Europe was not direct. Instead, it passed through intermediaries in Persia and Arabia. I will discuss this further below.

What about China? The situation in China differs from that in Europe. We knew about sugar cane very early on, and later were able to refine it into sugar. Europe did not have this. But, in the process of producing sugar, China learned certain things from Arabia and Persia.

In the New Book of Tang, we find a passage describing emissaries sent by Tang emperor Taizong to Magadha to learn the methods of producing sugar from cane. These methods were brought back to Yangzhou and were a success.

Also, in Further Biographies of Eminent Monks, the biography of Xuan Zang recounts a mission to the Bodhi Monastery, which provided them with makers of sugar to bring back to China, where they successfully made sugar.

These two passages seem to be describing the same event. This demonstrates that China did learn the technology to make sugar from India. Furthermore, a page has been found among the various manuscripts uncover at Dunhuang that writes, in crude handwriting, about the process for producing sugar, with the term written as a transliteration of sarkara and being identified as "rock honey". The handwriting shows that this was not written by some scholar or high monk. It appears that a worker wrote down this passage, uncovered at Dunhuang, on the edge of the desert and far from the region of cane cultivation. This tells us that the technology for producing "rock honey" had already spread to common people. The fact that the text used a transliteration of the Sanskrit term sarkara further bolsters the theory that this technology came from India.

Meanwhile, Hindi also contains the term cini (meaning "from China"), used to discribe "white sugar". This demonstrates with certainty that India learned the method for producing white granular sugar from China, or it imported white sugar from China.

Does this not reveal a relationship of mutural learning between China and India?

I became intensely interested in this fact. In my work on India studies, I focused on Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit during my time om Germany. When I first returned to China, I lacked access to some of the basic texts and publications, and so I was forced to shift my focus to the history of Chinese and Indian cultural relations. It was natural that I would become interested in this mutual learning. Consequently, I began to take notice of related texts, and in Europe, I found two massive tomes on the matter, Geschichte des Zuckers by Edmund Oscar von Lippmann, and The History of Sugar by Noel Deerr. I also came across various essays on the matter. To date, I have not found other books like the two above-mentioned histories of sugar, but in the acient literature, notably Buddhist and Hindu, there are many records concerned with cane and sugar with immense historical value. There are also two very important books, the Susruta Samhita and the Caraka Samhita, as well as passage in other books. All of these texts greatly expanded my knowledge on cane and sugar while heightening my interest in the subject.

糖史:英文/季羨林著;(美)克羅斯比(Crosby, J.)譯.




在上一代人眼裡,糖還是奢侈品! 雖然糖不像鹽那樣是必需品,但在古代也是一種很重要的貿易商品,因為優良的提純技術,明朝時候就大量出口蔗糖

古希臘人認為 糖消磨了人的意志,使食用者犯困,是「甜蜜的惡魔」。

甜與權力 (豆瓣)。







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