


佛手柑屬柑橘類 英文名字buddha"s hand. 我曾在超市見過幾回 聞起來有柑橘類固有的清香 但因價格不低我又不會做所以並未曾買回家一嘗 為這個問題我特地搜索了一些網站 這種水果並不多見 其外表皮如其他柑橘類但並無中心的多汁組織 就像是整個水果就像我們說的橘子皮一樣. 這種水果多為其他(除食用)用處, 但既然你問了怎麼食用 那我就就這一方面談一談


佛手柑的營養價值並不高 不像其他柑橘類水果有著豐富的維他命C 但因其卡路里低 纖維很多 沒有糖分 所以還算健康但也因其決定這並不是一個像我們可以大口大口吃的水果


一. 沙拉

佛手柑的每一根「手指」細細切絲 連皮部分放在沙拉里攪拌 會讓沙拉在不影響其本身的滋味外還帶有一絲柑橘香

以下我附加了一個佛手柑沙拉的食譜 僅供參考

Buddhas Hand Citron Recipes

Buddhas Hand Vinaigrette for Salads 佛手柑法式沙拉

YIELD: 3/4 CUP 180克


This versatile dressing can be used in any of your salads. For this salad, we just tossed together some fresh arugula and proscuitto.

法式沙拉醬可用於多種沙拉 在這道沙拉 我們只需涼拌一些新鮮的芝麻菜與proscuitto火腿(目測薄瓜瓜帶回家的超大隻生肉火腿)


  • 4 Tablespoons olive or grape seed oil 60毫升 橄欖油或葡萄籽油
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt 7.5克 食鹽
  • 2 Tablespoons lemon juice 25毫升鮮檸檬汁
  • 2 Tablespoons Buddahs hand zest 25克 碎佛手柑皮
  • 1 Tablespoon balsamic vinegar 15毫升巴沙米可醋
  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh or dried thyme, minced 7.5克碎百里香葉
  • 1 clove minced garlic 1瓣 蒜末


  1. Combine all vinaigrette together in bowl or jar. Mix or shake well. For best results, allow vinaigrette to marinade overnight.

在碗里或玻璃罐中混合所有調料 調勻 調料可以放置過夜味道更佳
2. Dress vinaigrette over your favorite salad greens.

中國人講究醫藥價值 佛手柑在中醫里有著很高的藥用價值所謂和胃止痛
李時珍在《本草綱目》中記載:「佛手氣味辛,溫無毒;主治下氣,除心頭痰水;煮酒飲,治痰多咳漱;煮湯,治心下氣痛。」佛手全身都是寶,根、莖、葉、花 果均可入葯,性味辛、甘、苦、溫、無毒,入肝、脾、胃、肺經,有疏肝解郁、燥濕化痰、理氣和中的功效,常用於肝鬱氣滯、脾胃氣滯和痰濕壅肺等證。藥理研究表明,佛手主要含檸檬油素等香豆精類,尚含黃酮苷、橙皮苷、有機酸、揮髮油等,對腸道平滑肌有明顯的抑制作用,對乙醯膽鹼引起的十二指腸痙攣有明顯的解痙作用 可擴張冠狀血管,增加冠脈的血流量,減緩心率和降低血壓。(百度百科)


  1. 佛手10g
  2. 大米50g
  3. 冰糖適量
  4. 將佛手洗凈,水煎取汁,加大米、冰糖一起煮粥即可。


三. 糖淹佛手柑
Candied Buddha"s Hand Citron
Ingredients: 食材
1 Buddha"s Hand Citron 一個佛手柑
3 cups sugar 40克糖
3 cups water 40毫升水

Tools: 工具
cutting board 切板
knife 刀
medium saucepot 小燉鍋
soup spoon 湯勺
glass of ice water 一杯冰水
strainer or colander 過濾網
cookie sheet 烤板

Step 1: Chop It Up 切成塊

If you feel like the Buddha"s Hand is looking at you, ignore it. It has no feelings. Put it on the cutting board and slice it in half deftly. Now you may put each half on it"s flat side and slice it into half inch wide strips. 一個小竅門就是你先剁兩半 平放著切比較容易 Then slice the strips into sticks. Now dice them into 1/2 inch cubes.切小塊 大概一厘米多吧 如圖

Step 2: Syrup!

Put the chopped Buddha"s Hand into the saucepot and add the 3 cups of water and 3 cups of sugar.
加上文說的40g水和糖與佛手柑塊一起煮 中火直到水開 然後調文火燉45分鐘 有些地方會發白 是屬於正常現象
Put it on medium heat and wait for it to boil. Immediately adjust the heat to a simmer and allow it to bubble slowly for somewhere near three quarters of an hour. As it reduces, the sugar syrup will become thicker and the fruit will start to become translucent. Don"t be alarmed if some fruit retains whiteness during cooking because it will be transformed as it cools. The cooking is finished when the syrup reaches the thread stage, about 230*F-235*F, but you will not need a thermometer to test for the right consistency! The glass of ice water is the ideal test tube for the stages of cooked sugar syrups. See the next step for more details...

Step 3: Testing for the "Thread Stage" 檢測果醬是否成型

Those are the "threads"If you are unfamiliar with the stages of cooking sugar syrups here is the simple explanation. As sugar syrup is boiled, the water in it is slowly evaporated, allowing the syrup to become hotter and hotter. The names of the stages correspond to how the syrup behaves when a spoonful is dropped into ice water. The more concentrated the sugar solution is, the firmer it becomes upon cooling. The thread stage is on the very low end of the spectrum, followed by soft ball, firm ball, and other stages that are not of concern to this instructable. The stages terminate in caramel, which terminates in carbon if you cook it long enough, but I digress.

Candied citrus peel requires the thread stage. At this point when the syrup is dripped into ice water it will form visible "threads" as it falls to the bottom of the glass, but these threads are actually still liquid and cannot be smooshed together into a ball. If you can make a ball of the cooled syrup, you have reached the soft ball stage or perhaps even worse. Candied peel cooked to soft ball or beyond will become super chewy or even hard, which is undesirable. If it happens to you, try to save the mistake by adding a little water back to the pot and cooking it down to the thread stage again. I encourage attentiveness to the process to prevent over cooked syrup.

Conversely, undercooked syrup results in candied peel that won"t dry properly and will remain syrupy. Not a bad way to go for an ice cream topping, so stop cooking earlier if that sounds good to you! Undercooked syrup will make swirling clouds when you drip it in the ice water, but no threads.
這一步是檢查做的果醬有沒有到可以拔出來絲的地步 我們都吃過拔絲地瓜 把占著糖漿的佛手柑塊放入冷水會出現一條絲 這就是你想要達到的那一步

Step 4: Strain and Dry 風乾

Once the Buddha"s Hand has been cooked to the thread stage, turn off the heat and cool it in the pot for half an hour or so. The resting period helps the syrup to fully penetrate the fruit.
如果已經到了拔絲的那一階段 就可以關火了 放置鍋中等待大約半小時 讓糖漿充分浸入佛手柑
Now strain the fruit from the syrup, allowing it to sit again to ensure as much syrup as possible is removed. The syrup is truly delicious and should be saved. If you add it to a cup of black tea it is remarkably similar to Earl Grey (which incidentally is flavored with bergamot, a relative of citron.)
糖漿也是好東西 如果配合一點唐家加入紅茶就很像earl grey(伯爵茶)
我曾嘗過twinning的伯爵茶 也就是earl grey 尤為是配上溫牛奶 十分香醇

Spread the strained Buddha"s Hand over a cookie sheet and allow it to dry. You may accelerate the process with a fan, if you are impatient like me :) Allow it to cure overnight. A very fine crystallized coating may form on the outside, which is a great sign. The candy may now be stored in an airtight container and used however you see fit!
放置在烤盤上可以加速風乾 待過夜後 我們的糖淹佛手柑就做好了

四, 泡酒
Buddha"s Hand Citron Infused Vodka
Buddha Hand Citron Infused Vodka 佛手柑泡伏特加

Author: Brandon Matzek
Recipe type: Infusion
Serves: 750 ml Vodka


  • 1 Buddha』s Hand Citron 1個佛手柑
  • 750 ml vodka 750毫升伏特加


  • Be sure to give the citron a good rinse, wiping away any grit between the fingers (these guys can be quite dirty). Cut the fingers from the core of the hand and carve away any excess white pith. No need to get all crazy cutting away the pith – it』s not really bitter like regular lemon pith, so it』s fine if you have some remaining.

洗凈 切開每根「手指」 儘可能的剔除中間的白色部分

  • Slice each finger in half lengthwise and place in a large, airtight jar. Fill the jar with vodka, seal, and store in a cool, dark spot. Steeping time will depend on how big your citron is. The more sliced fingers you have in the jar, the shorter the infusion time. My batch was fragrant and delicious after 7 days. Shake the jar every so often and taste frequently.

佛手柑切絲 放在玻璃罐中 倒入伏特加密封 保存在陰冷角落 越多佛手柑就需要越少的時間浸泡
個人來看 7天就差不多了

  • Strain the vodka into a clean jar or bottle through a fine mesh basket strainer lined with a layer of cheesecloth.** Discard solids.

過濾 剩下的伏特加就很好喝
終於答完了 希望對你能有所幫助

切片,泡水。 有需要可以和我聯繫,貨好價低



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