




感覺自己以後辦了健身卡也不會堅持的....打算買一個 能堅持每天30-60分鐘的話就不錯了(這樣會把腿練粗么=。=)

買家用橢圓機/動感單車的話,是不是得買安靜點的款式,如果太差了會不會鄰居投訴什麼的 會不會吵到樓上樓下的人....

求推薦 謝謝!


  • 如果膝蓋有問題(如之前有受過傷之類),先諮詢醫生
  • 選擇步幅可調的橢圓機,注意調整到合適自己的步幅;Pedals
    with a short stride may cause you to flex your knees and cause knee
    pain and ligament strain. A too-long stride could cause hypertension and
    pain in the backs of your knees
  • 嘗試調整腳跟:腳跟緊貼踏板 vs. 稍微抬起一點腳跟
    Try varying your heel position. If you experience pain when you keep the
    heel fixed to the pedal, raising the heel slightly will cause you to
    pivot on the ball of the foot and may decrease stress on the knee.
    Conversely, if you have knee pain with the heel raised, keeping the heel
    fixed may help by changing body mechanics and knee alignment.
  • 運動過程中避免完全伸直膝蓋: 會鎖住膝關節,增加受傷概率
  • 根據實際情況,可能需要避免連續鍛煉、鍛煉時間過長、強度過大等,尤其當膝蓋有傷、或者膝關節、髖關節有關節炎等容易勞損的疾病時;
  • 注意觀察鍛煉後第二天實際的身體反應,有無癥狀;
  • 調整到合適的鍛煉強度。包括阻力檔位、步幅大小、使用固定扶手還是移動扶手等。尤其是阻力檔位
  • 避免會導致膝關節高壓力的運動鍛煉方法:比如HIIT方法,以 很高的加速度 加速或者減速。
    個人感覺 膝關節所受壓力大小F=ma + R,F, 正相關於質量(取決於 飛輪大小),正相關於加速度a,及設置的額外電磁阻力R.
  • 注意 鍛煉前的熱身 鍛煉後的肌肉拉伸


  1. How to Not Hurt Knees on an Elliptical
    How to Not Hurt Knees on an Elliptical
  2. Knee Pain on the Elliptical Trainer
    Knee Pain on the Elliptical Trainer
  3. The Elliptical Hurts My Knees
    The Elliptical Hurts My Knees
  4. Cycling vs. Elliptical for Damaged Knees
    Cycling vs. Elliptical for Damaged Knees
  5. Why Does My Knee Hurt On An Elliptical Machine?
    Why Does My Knee Hurt On An Elliptical Machine?
    At the time of the test, I weighed 211 lbs. So, for me, this was 66% and
    88% of body weight. The machine』s resistance is a function of your body
    weight. If you weigh 150 lbs and exercise at the same setting and speed
    as I did, the load going into your leg will be a percentage of your
    body weight (probably close to 66% and 88%).




TAG:健身 | 減肥 | 橢圓機 | 健身器材 | 髕骨軟化 |