

Import Alert Name:
Detention Without Physical Examination of Unapproved New Drugs Promoted In The U.S.

Reason for Alert:

Revision to this Import Alert dated 10/19/2010 updates the language to the "Reason for Alert" and "Guidance" sections. Changes are noted and bracketed by three asterisks (***).

*** Unapproved drugs present serious safety and effectiveness concerns.

When evidence exists for the marketing or promotion of unapproved drugs to individuals residing in the United States, the products should be considered for detention without physical examination.

Evidence of marketing or promotion may consist of information contained in: solicitations for mail orders; press releases; internet websites; advertising materials; label indications of US patents or patent applications; or other public announcements directed to persons residing in the U.S. ***
63 - - - -- Human and Animal Drugs
Date Published: 09/30/2009

Notes: Eleotin, (and all products from this firm making #1130-4871 Shell Road GPI = DR). The product label indicates Eleotin is a supplement, but refers customers to the firms website at :: Manufacturer of Eleotin which claims the product can be use to treat diabetes. The product can also be purchased from the firms website. The website claims Eleotin restores the bodys own ability to control blood glucose levels and results in long-term molecular level changes to assist the body to recover glucose normalcy. According to the firms website, Eastwood Bio-Medical Research Inc. is engaged in the development and commercialization of safe and effective treatment for non-insulin dependant diabetes mellitus and cancer. 「

謝邀,在 Pubmed 上搜了一下,一篇相關的學術研究都沒有:



另, @Neil He 的答案很好。這裡我說明一下。

就算是草藥補品,任何健康相關的說法,都是要有點科學證據的,就算是挑的撿的,至少要有,不能信口開河。這是我說的沒有學術研究證明的意思。但是,就算有了,只要 FDA 沒批,你就要有免責聲明,表示這用處是沒有經 FDA 審過的。

但是,如果你說的效用里但凡出現了可以預防(prevent),診斷(diagnosis),治療(cure, treat)這樣的話,那 FDA 就要當葯來看,你就必須拿出臨床實驗來,否則 FDA 可以讓你下架。

「國外」 「效果非常好」 「中藥」 通常組不成一個句子。




這病中後期 除了扎胰島素 或者上胰島素泵沒別的辦法



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