
You should take it as a compliment
That I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk
*Joe是英國人 說話帶有英國口音

And I got a boyfriend, he"s older than us
He"s in the club doing I don"t know what

其他歌詞表達的就是很常見的fall in love時的情感:
You"ve ruined my life by not being mine

You should take it as a compliment
That I"m talking to everyone here but you
我故意和其他所有人說話除了你 就為了假裝高冷

If you"ve got a girlfriend, I"m jealous of her
But if you"re single that"s honestly worse
如果你有女朋友了 我一定會嫉妒死的 但如果你還沒脫單 那簡直令人難以置信
"Cause you"re so gorgeous it actually hurts
你太好看了 這太傷人了(讓我感到自卑)

You"re so gorgeous
I can"t say anything to your face
"Cause look at your face
And I"m so furious
At you for making me feel this way
But what can I say?
You"re gorgeous
你這麼好看我還能說啥呢 你這麼好看幹啥都對

You make me so happy it turns back to sad,
There"s nothing I hate more than what I can"t have
You are so gorgeous it makes me so mad
你太好看了 這讓我感到懊惱
Guess I"ll just stumble on home to my cats
Alone, unless you wanna come along, oh!

有人覺得這首歌和《Speak Now》中的Enchanted感覺很像,我只想說,Enchanted表達的是青澀少女一見鍾情後徹夜難寐只想衝到他門前確認他是否喜歡我的激動、興奮與甜蜜,這首歌的鼓點、節奏起伏、抑揚頓挫都比Gorgeous來得戲劇性得多,也更加直擊人心。而狗爵士這首歌曲的聽覺衝擊力和爆發力遠遠不如Enchanted這首歌表達的感情:聽起來更加成熟、內斂、平淡,感覺像是經歷了風風雨雨的女人再遇到一個長得帥讓你心動的人,雖然也心動,雖然也感受到甜蜜的懊惱,但再也不會有少女一見鍾情時flawless和sparkling的驚艷感了——你是很好,可我也不差;有你更好,沒你我就回家吸貓。我只會獨自yy暗自傷神,卻再也不會像以前一樣如初生牛犢一般,莽撞又天真可愛地叩開你家的門,告訴你我有多想擁有你了。




根本超甜的好嗎 開頭就很可愛 本來還擔心整張專輯都暗黑 但是!這首真的超好聽!想到1989里的how you get the girl (不管不管 我霉可愛 我霉帥 我霉最棒)

歌詞在這裡哦 (要認真學習哦)
You should take it as a compliment
That I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk
You should think about the consequence
Of your magnetic field being a little too strong
And I got a boyfriend, he"s older than us
He"s in the club doing I don"t know what
You"re so cool it makes me hate you so much

Whiskey on ice, sunset and vine
You"ve ruined my life by not being mine

You"re so gorgeous
I can"t say anything to your face
"Cause look at your face
And I"m so furious
At you for making me feel this way
But what can I say?
You"re gorgeous

You should take it as a compliment
That I"m talking to everyone here but you
And you should think about the consequence
Of you touching my hand in the darkened room
If you"ve got a girlfriend, I"m jealous of her
But if you"re single that"s honestly worse
"Cause you"re so gorgeous it actually hurts
(Honey, it hurts)

Ocean blue eyes looking in mine
I feel like I might sink and drown and die

You"re so gorgeous
I can"t say anything to your face
"Cause look at your face
And I"m so furious
At you for making me feel this way
But what can I say?
You"re gorgeous

You make me so happy it turns back to sad, yeah
There"s nothing I hate more than what I can"t have
You are so gorgeous it makes me so mad
You make me so happy it turns back to sad, yeah
There"s nothing I hate more than what I can"t have
Guess I"ll just stumble on home to my cats
Alone, unless you wanna come along, oh!

You"re so gorgeous
I can"t say anything to your face
"Cause look at your face
And I"m so furious
At you for making me feel this way
But what can I say?
You"re gorgeous

You make me so happy it turns back to sad, yeah
There"s nothing I hate more than what I can"t have
You are so gorgeous it makes me so mad
You"re gorgeous
You make me so happy it turns back to sad, yeah
There"s nothing I hate more than what I can"t have
You are so gorgeous it makes me so mad
You"re gorgeous

單曲循環 循環 循環 循環......




而咪咪兔和魚貝貝顯然與狗爵士有著很多不同。一開始還唱著 瞅你給我整啥樣兒了、你們準備好被slay掉狗頭了嗎?接下來突然畫風一變少女心爆發,難免轉變得有點快(當然也不排除幾首歌之間會有過渡的曲目,畢竟三首歌在專輯中的順序都不相鄰)。



至於怎樣才能知道,當然是Buy Reputation on iTunes or qTunes咯


有沒有一種Old Taylor又回來的感覺?
( "ω" )



沒有ready for it一樣調的尷尬,但沒有look what you made me do一樣單曲循環的動力。



如何客觀地評價Taylor Swift在美國樂壇的影響和地位?
貝多芬說 音樂高於哲學 如何理解?

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