
美國的vassar college的藝術史專業絕對沒的說。
vassar 瓦薩,今年us news 文理學院排名11。美國文理學院在中國的認識度還比較低,但這不妨礙文理學院的優勢。文理學院比較專業的定義就是:沒有研究生的大學。它們更加專註於本科教育。最主要的就是人少啊!老師多啊!班小啊!互相全認識啊!教授上趕著找你啊!教學質量杠杠的!

我大瓦村可以說藝術史專業全美數一數二,也是學校里的熱門專業,並自備美術館。教授們都超nice+流弊,且都是愛這個學科愛學生的。很多vassar的學生都說,不管你major不major in 藝術史,藝術史的課是無論如何都要上的。最著名的art history 105/106,大概是一個講通史的課。屬於lecture大課,人很多。但是每周都會有討論小課,一個教授帶10幾個學生。據說有學姐聽著聽著課能激動滴落淚。

vassar本身是一個非常非常文藝的學校,強勢專業是藝術史、戲劇、英語和各種社科。秉承liberal arts的傳統,又是open curriculum(非專業必修課炒雞少)。於是學生可以隨便選擇自己喜歡的課程,double major也非常普遍。我個人認為,要是major in藝術史(或者文科),都要見識廣懂得多,最好再雙修一個相輔相成的學科(這個就因人而異了,輔修什麼econ、education、media、CS)。vassar在這方面簡直是最佳選擇!

我是懷著滿滿的school pride來回答的,如果有偏見還請見諒hhhh


三個最好的學校大概是Vassar, Williams, 和Yale

來源:2017 Best Colleges Offering Art History, Criticism and Conservation Degrees

#1 哈佛大學 Harvard University

#2 普林斯頓大學 Princeton University

#3 斯坦福大學 Stanford University

#4 耶魯大學 yale university

#5 威廉姆斯學院 Williams college (排名第一的文理(liberal arts)學院)

#6 哥倫比亞大學紐約分校 Columbia University in the City of New York

#7 賓夕法尼亞大學 University of Pennsylvania

#8 杜克大學 Duke University

#9 波莫納學院 Pomona College (剛來美國那會家住的離這個學校很近,經常開車經過,校園很漂亮,學校不大,人數也很少,小班制。)

#10 達特茅斯學院 Dartmouth College

#11 華盛頓和李大學 Washington and Lee University



以2016 U.S. News (Graduate School)Fine Arts專業大類排名為序,依次介紹。

1. Yale University 耶魯大學

(1) 排名:1

(2) 專業名稱:Ph.D. in Art History

(3) 隸屬學院:Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Department of the History of Art

(4) 網站:Department of the History of Art

(5) 介紹:研究領域包括African Art and Architecture, African American and Caribbean Art, Pre-Columbian Art, Chinese Art, Japanese Art and Architecture, Greek Art and Architecture, Roman Art and Architecture, Islamic Art and Architecture, South Asian Art and Architecture, Medieval and Byzantine Art, Italian Renaissance Art, Northern Renaissance and Baroque Art; Art History Theory and Methodology; Historiography of Art History, America Art and Visual Culture, American Decorative Arts and Material Culture, Nineteenth-Century Art; British Art; Museum Studies, Nineteenth-Century European Art, Twentieth-Century Art, Modern and Contemporary Architecture, Film

2. Virginia Commonwealth University 弗吉尼亞聯邦大學

(1) 排名:2

(2) 專業名稱:M.A. (terminal ); M.A. and Ph.D. (will complete both degrees at VCU)/Ph.D. (has already completed an MA at VCU or elsewhere)

(3) 隸屬學院:School of the Arts

(4) 網站: http://arts.vcu.edu/arthistory/programs/graduate/ma-phd-programs-of-study-2/

(5) 介紹:研究領域包括Modern and Contemporary Art; Nineteenth-century European and British Art; German Art and Historiography; African, African American, and African Diasporic Art; Museum Studies。

3. School of the Art Institute of Chicago 芝加哥藝術學院

(1) 排名:4

(2) 專業名稱:M.A. in Modern and Contemporary Art History/3-year Dual Degree: M.A. in Arts Administration Policy MA in Modern and Contemporary Art History

(3) 隸屬學院:The Department of Art History, Theory, and Criticism + The Department of Arts Administration and Policy

(4) 網站:Master of Arts in Modern and Contemporary Art HIstory

(5) 介紹:研究方向著重在現當代藝術;雙學位項目除了理論研究外,還提供商科類課程,如:市場運作,博物館管理,文化政策分析等。作為藝術專業院校,芝加哥藝術學院在藝術屆享有盛名。其專業教育水平可以與名牌綜合大學的藝術管理專業相提並論,甚至更有專業性和藝術研究性。適合明確專業方向和職業規劃,且不追求學校綜合排名的申請者。

4. Columbia University 哥倫比亞大學

(1) 排名:6

(2) 專業名稱:M.A. in Art History/M.A. in Modern Art/Ph.D.

(3) 隸屬學院:Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Department of Art History and Archaeology

(4) 網站:http://gsas.columbia.edu/content/academic-programs/art-history-and-archaeology

(5) 介紹:研究領域包括Arts of Africa, Ancient Art and Archaeology, Near Eastern, Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean, Greek and Roman, East Asian Art and Archaeology, History and Theory of Architecture, Ancient, Early Christian, Byzantine, Western Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque, History of Western Art, Early Christian, Byzantine, Western Medieval Art, Renaissance and Baroque Art, American Art (pre-1914), 19th-Century European Art, History of Photography, Pre-Columbian Art and Archaeology, South Asian Art and Archaeology

5. Washington University in St. Louis 華盛頓大學聖路易斯分校

(1) 排名:12

(2) 專業名稱:M.A./Ph.D. in Art History

(3) 隸屬學院:School of Arts Sciences, Department of Art History and Archaeology

(4) 網站: https://arthistory.artsci.wustl.edu/graduate-study

(5) 介紹:研究領域包括Asian art, Classical art, American and Modern Art。

6. Stanford University 斯坦福大學

(1) 排名:15

(2) 專業名稱:Ph.D. in Art History

(3) 隸屬學院:School of Humanities Sciences

(4) 網站: Graduate Programs

(5) 介紹:研究領域包括Pre-Modern (Ancient Medieval), Early Modern (Renaissance/Baroque), 18th Century 19th Century, Modern/Contemporary, Film, Non-Western: Asia, Africa Oceana, Architectural History。

7. University of Wisconsin, Madison威斯康星大學麥迪遜分校

(1) 排名:15

(2) 專業名稱:M.A./Ph.D. in Art History

(3) 隸屬學院:Department of Art History

(4) 網站:http://arthistory.wisc.edu/graduate-program-paths-and-options-masters.htm

(5) 介紹:研究方向包括American art, architecture, and decorative arts; African and African diaspora art; aesthetics; ancient art and archaeology; Chinese art; contemporary art; critical theory; curatorial and museum studies; Cuban art and architecture; Renaissance and baroque Dutch, Flemish, and German painting and graphic art; Greek and Roman art and architecture; history of museums and collecting; Italian Renaissance and baroque art and architecture; nineteenth-century European art and architecture; photography, film and media studies; South Asian art and architecture; twentieth-century European art and architecture; visual culture studies; and vernacular architecture.

8. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey New Brunswick 羅格斯大學

(1) 排名:20

(2) 專業名稱:M.A./Ph.D. in Art History

(3) 隸屬學院:School of Arts and Sciences, Department of Art History

(4) 網站:Graduate

(5) 介紹:研究方向包括American and European, Contemporary, Latin American, Russian, Soviet and Eastern European art, architecture and visual culture, the History of Photography。

9. Arizona State University亞利桑那州立大學

(1) 排名:20

(2) 專業名稱:M.A. in Art History/ Ph.D. in Design, Environment and the Arts (Art History Concentration)

(3) 隸屬學院:School of Art

(4) 網站: Art History / Museum Studies

(5) 介紹:研究方向包括Across time periods (from ancient to contemporary culture) and geographies around the world (Asian, European, the Americas),Ph.D. 側重學習History, Theory and Criticism。

10. New School, Parsons School of Design 帕森斯設計學院

(1) 排名:27

(2) 專業名稱:M.A. in History of Design and Curatorial Studies

(3) 隸屬學院:The School of Art and History Design and Theory

(4) 網站: History of Design amp; Curatorial Studies: Research and Interpret Objects

(5) 介紹:研究方向側重設計發展史,以及博物館的研究。

11. University of Chicago 芝加哥大學

(1) 排名:33

(2) 專業名稱:Ph.D. in Art History

(3) 隸屬學院:Divisions of the Humanities, the Department of Art History

(4) 網站:Graduate Program

(5) 介紹:研究方向包括African Art, Ancient Art, Asian Art, Islamic Art, Latin American Art, Medieval and Early Modern Art, Modern and Contemporary Art。

12. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校

(1) 排名:69

(2) 專業名稱:M.A./Ph.D./ 3-year Dual Degree: MSISMA or MSLSMA

(3) 隸屬學院:Art Department+ School of Information and Library Science

(4) 網站:Graduate Programs in Art History

(5) 介紹:研究方向包括Arts of Asia, Africa, and the Americas from the medieval period to the present day. 除了藝術史的知識以外,雙學位項目還包括content management systems, indexing and abstracting, classification schemes, and controlled vocabularies的學習。

其實想說UChi的也還可以啦~有幸上過幾節ART HISTORY部門的課感覺水平真心挺高、各種深度research寫論文寫報告教授領著參觀博物館

Columbia university college of art.
To study the history of art at Columbia University and Barnard College is to join an enterprise that extends far beyond Morningside Heights. Art history is deeply tied to the cultural life of New York City, where more people are engaged in making, writing about, exhibiting, and collecting art than any place else in the world. Whether it is devoted to Roman sculpture, Japanese ceramics, or French painting, classes in art history at Columbia and Barnard bring students into direct contact with works of art in the city"s museums and galleries, while classes in architectural history introduce students to the staggering diversity of its buildings and public monuments.
but 一般本科不看專業排名,美國開設art history的綜合性大學有80所左右,選校還是要看自己的成績和作品集,其次還有很多藝術類的college 可以考慮。




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