本人大四 馬上就要實習找工作了 大學的專業是影視配音本科 想找一份配音相關的工作 最好是在哈爾濱 可是這樣的公司好少 怎麼樣才能從事配音相關的工作呢
Finding a voice dubbing job isn"t very difficult... but finding a voice dubbing job that pays enough to support yourself is a challenge!
Be careful with companies that promise "long-term cooperation" and also brag about famous brand partnerships. Or they claim to build a "family" that "struggles together." In fact, they will probably just expect you to do a lot of work for very little money.
My advice is to calculate how much money you want to make every month, and then divide that by the time you want to spend working. That way, you will know how much your time is worth. Then you can negotiate a price according to your actual value.
I hope this helps!敢問您是哪所高校的配音專業?尊師是?在校期間是否實踐過什麼樣的配音工作?可有作品能供觀摩一下?