求樂隊The Lumineers的Charlie Boy的背景和意義?

Charlie Boy很有鄉村音樂的味道,但是歌詞不太能理解,其中(我覺得)關鍵詞Charlie boy,Kennedy,Lillian感覺應該是有一些背景知識的,無奈見識太少看不懂,感覺應該是英美民謠故事

考試前複習時聽到榜單中Ophelia這首歌,回去把所有lumineers的歌又重新聽了一遍。除了Ho,hey,Ophelia之外最有感覺的就是這首Charlie Boy了。終於考完試,也有時間寫點自己的看法了。BTW,知乎首答~





Kennedy,個人感覺應該指的是John Kennedy,上個世紀美國總統,在職期間有越南戰爭。他在就職演說時鼓勵大家為國家多做事,而不是國家為個人能夠做什麼。Ask not what your country can do for you,ask what you can do for your country(一度贏得大眾的認可,以至於現在在很多場合和文章中都會引用)所以大概感覺,歌詞中寫的Kennedy made him believe we could do much more,應該就是他了。而Charlie征戰的,目測應該是越南戰爭,或者Kennedy在職時的其他戰爭(理科狗,歷史一塌糊塗)。

接下來是Lillian,據說在其他語言中有百合花的意思,在這裡個人感覺是指年輕女性。Lillian,don"t hang your head,love should make you feel good,可以猜測她應該是Charlie的戀人。自從她知道Charlie要外出征戰離開她時,每日鬱鬱寡歡,垂頭喪氣。愛本應讓你感到幸福,但如今卻成為你的牽掛。
In uniform,本意為穿著軍裝,可以體會到他在軍隊中的成長,也可以理解為Charlie 穿著一身帥氣軍裝時,頓時間風華正茂的氣質。試想一下一個20多歲的小伙,穿著挺拔的軍裝,那種撲面而來的青春氣息和家國情懷。後來Charlie參軍了,至於是不是自願地就可能又是另一回事了(此處省略一部分偏激言論)。
簡簡單單,輕描淡寫,play the bugle ,play the taps。號角聲響,其實也是喪葬號聲的吹響,「卧醉沙場君莫笑,古來爭戰幾人回」,就是這個感覺,號角聲響的另一方面也是自己生命的終結。而為了讓他們不懼怕,歌詞寫下的卻是make your mothers proud,真真切切感受到mothers!!生母加祖國,也可以理解成Charlie是一類人,是他們的母親。

Raise your rifles to the sky boys,fire that volley loud.看似描寫的是戰場上激烈的交鋒,但我更喜歡解讀成這時的傷亡。打敵人為何要朝著天打?這裡是鳴槍禮,是全世界大部分軍隊對犧牲戰友一個最高的禮儀,部隊以鳴槍禮向天告慰亡靈,表明內心的悲憤、敬仰、祝福,對犧牲者一生的肯定。在這裡,應該Charlie這樣的男孩陸陸續續地犧牲了。






自己的解讀,得出的結論是反戰,不希望像Charlie一樣的花季少年爭戰,而帶來各種家庭的悲劇。這或許是為什麼一開始說的「Charlie boy,don"t go to war」



Charlie boy 傻孩子
Kennedy 肯尼迪
Lillian (也許是 麗蓮·吉許)美國傳統女性代表

The song 「Charlie Boy」 written by The Lumineers references the Vietnam War multiple times throughout the song. The first piece of language that stands out to me that is used in the lyrics of the song is the phrase: 「Kennedy made him believe we could do much more.」 This is referencing President Kennedy and the way he urged U.S. men and women to enlist ad fight against the spread of communism in Indochina specifically in Vietnam but over the course of the war many soldiers did not know what they were there for and had loss their sense of purpose. I think that the way it is phrased in the song is also blaming President Kennedy for fooling them into going to war. The song also references the reaction at home when a soldier died through the verse, 「Sons rebelled, while fathers yelled, and mothers clutched the cross.」 This also has a deeper message of the American public』s widespread disapproval of the war. This song is quite clearly anti-war. The first words you hear when listening to the song are words urging a young boy not to enlist in the Vietnam War: 「Charlie boy, don"t go to war.」 The song also uses very sarcastic language when talking about the fighting that takes place in war which seems to mean that the song is against the war and fighting that takes place due to war. The song seems to be critical of the foreign policy used in Vietnam War, which was Internationalism. The song places most of the blame of Kennedy for going into Vietnam and then making thousands of United States young men and women fight for his cause. This song answers the driving question of how war effects society, specifically the American society at home when a soldier dies and a mother/father loses a son or daughter they mourn the loss. But the song also mentions the way many families who were negatively affected by the war then began to rebel and protest against the war and U.S. involvement in the war. I do agree with the message of the song because from what I have gathered about the Vietnam war and conflict it seems as though it was unnecessary. However I do not agree with the way soldiers from Vietnam were treated when they came home because I believe if you have an issue with a war you should protest the war not the soldier.



Charlie boy, don""t go to war, first born in forty–four


Kennedy made him believe we could do much more


Lillian, don""t hang your head, love should make you feel good

In uniform you raised a man, who volunteered to stand


Play the bugle, play the taps and

Make your mothers proud

(bugle:號角,喇叭 taps:熄燈號音,喪葬號音; 似乎是在訓練或者衝鋒?)

Raise your rifles to the sky boys

Fire that volley loud


News was bad on upland ave., metuchen mourn our loss

(傳來訃告, 節哀順變)

Sons rebelled, while fathers yelled, and mothers clutched the cross






TAG:音樂 | 格萊美獎GrammyAward | 鄉村音樂countrymusic |