

Ancient Greeks and Romans paid vast attention to beauty, hygiene, and body appearance, believing smooth (like marble) bodies was a civilized practice.

Still modeled by ancient Greek and Roman sculptures, hair removal played an important role for both women and men. The Greek sculptures of women are polished, shiny and all, and there is no pubic hair at all, whereas the sculptures of men do show pubic hair. The Greeks thought pubic hair on women was ugly and upper class ladies removed it. The Romans did not like pubic hair either and young girls began removing it as soon as it first appeared. They used tweezers, which they called the 「volsella」 and had a kind of depilatory cream, the 「philotrum」 or 「dropax」, the forerunner of the current depilatory creams! Waxing was also a way of depilating and this was done with resin or pitch.

In Greece, it was popular for men to crop hair very short and remove facial hair. Romans believed the first hair removal of a masculine youth was the arrival of adulthood. It』s known that Julius Caesar practiced hair removal by having his facial hairs plucked.




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