Hans Bethe(諾貝爾獎物理學獲得者):I have sometimes wondered whether abrainlike von Neumann"s does not indicate a species superior to that of man.[5] (我有時在思考馮諾伊曼這樣的大腦是否暗示著存在比人類更高級的生物物種。)
Herman Goldstine:[9] 他的一個非凡的能力就是絕對精準的記憶力,據我所知,馮諾依曼有能力看過一本書或者一篇文章後一字不錯地背誦出來,更甚,他同樣能夠在多年以後不帶絲毫猶豫地做到。他還可以將其實時翻譯成英文背誦出來,而且速度絲毫不減。有一次我為了測試他的能力,問他《雙城記》是怎麼開頭的,片刻,他開始背誦第一章節,直到可能10或者15分鐘後我讓他停下來。
George Pólya:The only student of mine I was ever intimidated by. He was so quick.There was a seminar for advanced students in Zürich that I was teaching and von Neumann was in the class. I came to a certain theorem, and I said it is not proved and it may be difficult. Von Neumann didn"t say anything but after five minutes he raised his hand. When I called on him he went to the blackboard and proceeded to write down the proof.After that I was afraid of von Neumann.[7] (他是唯一的令我感到自己的教師地位受到威脅的學生,他實在是太敏銳了.有一次我在蘇黎世為研究生們作演講,當時馮諾依曼也在聽課,我提出了一個懸而未決的問題,過了5分鐘馮諾依曼舉起了手,當我叫他的時候他徑直走到了講台前,寫下了此問題的證明,自此之後我對馮諾依曼感到畏懼。)
Glimm:he is regarded as one of the giants of modern mathematics.[3](他被普遍認為是現代數學的一位巨人。)
Jean Dieudonné:the last of the great mathematician.[3](最後一位傑出數學家。)