
My uncle is my dad.

My dad is my uncle.


Fuck the King

Valar Morghulis.
Ser Ilyn,bring me his head.
The Lannisters send their regards.
Winter is coming.
You know nothing,Jon Snow.
A Lannister always pays his debts.
The north remembers.
Tonight we fight!And Castle Black shall stand!
Every man"s heart lives a boy. Kill the boy and let the man be born.
In the name of Robert/Renly/Stannis of the House Baratheon, the First of his name, King of Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, I sentence you to death.
He is my king from this day until his last day.
You rape her. You murder her. You kill her children!
Say her name!Say it!Elia Martell!
Hold the door!Hold door!Hodor!
I swear by the old gods and the new.
For the night is dark,and full of terrors.
Fuck the king!
Cunt. Dumb cunt.
Not today.
Would you please shut up?
Who give you the order?Who give you the order!
The king in the north!
What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger.

You raped her!
You mudered her!
You killed her children!




And who are you, the proud lord said,
that I must bow so low?
Only a cat of a different coat,
that』s all the truth I know
In a coat of gold or a coat of red,
a lion still has claws,
And mine are long and sharp, my lord,
as long and sharp as yours.
And so he spoke, and so he spoke,
that lord of Castamere,
But now the rains weep o』er his hall,
with no one there to hear.
Yes now the rains weep o』er his hall,
and not a soul to hear.


說簡短點:winter is coming,wolves are dying.(長冬至,狼族逝)

姑娘們可以說多點:我是風暴降生之某某人,不焚者, 彌林的女王, 安達爾人 、洛伊拿人以及先民的女王,七國統治者暨全境守護者,多斯拉克草海上的卡麗熙,奴隸解放者,三龍之母,長白毛的碗豆射手,一言不合就脫衣之女神,喊麥的龍騎士 。


大腦受創傷者說:hold the door

被閹割的胖子:That"s my littile bird.

女強人:power is power




"Finally a girl is no one."
"A girl is Arya Stark of Wintefell,and i"m going home. "

power is the power.

婚禮上向新郎新娘祝賀 "The Lannisters send their regards."


you know nothing


You know nothing Jon Snow.


為什麼小說《冰與火之歌》里Stark 家族的人死得那麼屈辱?
如何評價《權力的遊戲》第七季第七集 S07E07「The Dragon and the Wolf」?

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