

Author"s Preface
In this book I intended to write about a certain segment of society and a certain kind of people in modern China. In writing about these people, I did not forget they are human beings, still human beings with the basic nature of hairless, two-legged animals. The characters are of course fictitious, so those with a fondness for history need not trouble themselves trying to trace them out.
The writing of this book took two years altogether. It was a time of great grief and disruption, during which I thought several times of giving up. Thanks to Madame Yang Chiang, who continuously urged me on while holding other matters at bay, I was able through the accumulation of many small moments to find the time to finish it. This book should be dedicated to her. But lately it seems to me that dedicating a book is like the fine rhetoric about offering one"s life to one"s country, or handing the reins of the government back to the people. This is but the vain and empty juggling of language. Despite all the talk about handing it over, the book remains like the
flying knife of the magician - released without ever leaving the hand. And when he dedicates his work in whatever manner he chooses, the work is still the author"s own. Since my book is a mere trifle, it does not call for such ingenious disingenuousness. I therefore have not bothered myself about the dedication.
Ch"ien Chung-Shu
December 15, 1946

  My Dear Shu-Wu(1),                 May 14

  Your letter gives me a joyful surprise(2). Your English is astonishingly good. This is not「flannel」nor「butter」(3)but my sincere opinion (my hand upon my heart!). The idea found from your version of Chairman』s statement is, to say the least, quite unjust(4). Perhaps your hand is recovering some of its old cunning momentarily lost through long lack of practice(5). At any rate, it would be a pity-nay, a sin, a crime(6)-to let your(7) English get rusty become finally unserviceable.

  Yours in haste

  By a slip of pen, you wrote「allocation」instead of「Collocation」(.This is a mere peccadillo. Don』t let meticulousness about such trifles cramp your style.

  My Dear Lin(1)                      May

  Excuse this belated reply to your very kind May Day greetings(2). Its almost literally「a day after the fair」. What with fixing the mosquito net, queuing for sweets at the co-op store, fetching distributing letters, the thousand and one odds and ends which eat away ones time, the red letter day was over before I know where I was(3). Well(4), here go my best wishes in which my wife joins. Your letter makes me ashamed. I feel guilty like a swindler who has won your「gratitude」without doing anything to earn it. Your characteristic generosity has led you to overestimate the aids to study I gave. Yes, vocabulary is important. Pedagogues used to distinguish a pupils active or (5) writing speaking vocabulary. As you know, the latter is far more extensive than the former. How to turn the supinely passive into the nimbly active—that』s the big problem(6). However, enough of shop talk. Tomorrow to the battle more power to your elbow!(7)

  Yours Sincerely,
My Dear Lin(1),

  I am deeply grateful, but I have smiting of conscience(2). As you know, I have my own ration of sugar, I must not deprive you of yours(3). As to the dim sum, a healthy young man has more need of them to stay his hunger(4) between the meals--much more that and old man does. So I am returning them with heartfelt thanks--accompanied with a little token of esteem(5). The latest No. of Broadsheet is worth glancing at.(6)

  Your thankfully


先說明一下:我們只評價三封信。不談錢老的翻譯和其他的英文寫作。其實信是比較好的材料,能夠看出作者真實的口水文寫作水平到底是什麼樣的,發表後的作品一般都是有人改過的。(很多人提到,這三封信寫於特殊時期1971-1972。對比了一下錢老其他的英文寫作,這三封信確實是非同尋常地繞,有點故意讓人看不懂的意味。大家自己辨別吧。有三種可能的解釋,1. 這三封信不能代表錢老正常的手筆,是在隱晦地表達他的意思,但能夠寫得掩人耳目卻仍不失文采,是真的厲害。來自 @瑪德萊娜小蛋糕 。 //2. @米花 給出了符合邏輯的一些情境猜測,按照這些猜測的話,錢老的表達完全沒問題,詳情見第四位老師的評價下的補充。// 3. 當然也不排除錢老的英文可能有點銹了,畢竟他是在1935年去的英國。)


第一位,不喜歡錢的文字,認為不太地道:英文系教授,男,美國人英文母語,專長是Old and Middle English, 以及中古時期北歐語言研究,平時改作文對語言使用規範的要求度非常高,平日里對我們的etiquette要求也挺高的。他不喜歡錢先生的文字,覺得只能說是可以理解,但挺蹩腳的,雖然用了很多地道的用法,但還是能看出來是外國人在寫,有一點炫弄的色彩。不是非常差,但只能說是比較「可愛吧cute」,但作者應該是個挺有魅力的外國人。原評價如下:

Well, his letters are understandable in English, but a little unidiomatic. One can tell that a non-native speaker is writing, even though many native expressions are used--like "my hand upon my heart," more power to your elbow," "heartfelt thanks," etc.--almost showing off a bit perhaps.

The first strange sentence is the second one in the letter to Shu-Wu: "This is not "flannel" nor "butter" but my sincere opinion (my hand upon my heart!)." I"ve never seen "flannel" used to mean "soft-stroking," nor "butter" used as a synonym for "flattery," though I know where the writer got the idea--from the expression "to butter someone up," that is, "to flatter," as a verb rather than a noun.

The writing is not terribly awkward, just rather cute--as by a charming foreigner. I"m not sure I would recognize the author as Chinese, except for the reference to dim sum in the third letter.

Nov 18 補充:錢老太厲害了,雖然這位老師說他從來沒見過「flannel」這麼用,但是 @本人已死 提到,字典裡面對這個詞有這麼一條解釋,「British informal indirect or evasive talk; deceiving flattery」,即「英式口語中,用於隱晦地表達奉承」的意思, @本人已死 也找到了flannel作為「奉承」講的例句。也就是說,錢老並沒有用錯,而我的老師從來沒聽說過這個用法。。

第二位:持保留意見,認為語言風格非常優雅、正式,但對他來說有點浮誇:英文系教授,男,英文母語,應該是美國人,本科畢業於牛津,後就讀於耶魯,專長就是英語文學,改作文對語言規範要求也極其高,但個人比較low key。

I don"t know the context of the letters. The style is elegantly formal, perhaps a bit pompous but not unidiomatic, with perhaps the exception of "the idea found from" where one might say "your interpretation of" and "a smiting of conscience" where one might say "an uneasy conscience." And there need to be apostrophes before the possessives in "one"s" and "pupil"s."(這點很有可能不是錢先生的錯,而是typo) Otherwise it"s perfectly good, if not (from my point of view) a little over-elaborate.


The writing samples show a writer with a lively and playful mind, willing to experiment with colloquial expressions. Sometimes, the syntax can be a bit awkward but that can be corrected easily. I like the light humor that comes through.

第四位:中立,能看出來有英國腔:歷史系教授,男,英聯邦國家出生和接受教育,後來美國任教,英語母語,堅守英式英語書寫風格。他改學生作文,對語言書寫規範非常嚴格,連標點符號、用詞、冠詞、大錯小錯等等,所有的都會改,但是不會拿這些扣分。他說錢的文字非常sophisticated,然後指出了三處錯,最後說的這一句我服了,他說這個人看起來就像是一個熟悉 telegraphic style、上世紀二三十年代大英帝國的人。telegraphic style 就是為了文法的精巧,故意刪除一些語法上必要的詞,但是總體上句義是清晰的。不愧是歷史系教授,連時間地點都能說出來。。難不成錢先生對英文的使用習慣,是在牛津那兩年固定下來的?


My first reaction is mixed. Some of the writing is quite sophisticated and solid familiar communication, but three phrases ("The idea found from," "here go my wishes," and "smiting of conscience") ring false. Others sound like a Briton of the 1920s or 1930s writing familiar notes in telegraphic style.

補充:對「the idea found from」 的一點討論:無論是老師的回復,還是其他知友的討論,都很多次提到了這個表達,我最初的評價是這樣的,【別再浪費時間爭「the idea found from」這個表達的用法了!!重點不在於idea可以怎麼用,可以表達哪些詞義,而在於這個說法是不是符合語言習慣。舉個例子,有個外國人這麼說中文,「聽到了這個消息,我樹在原地,動彈不得」。「樹」用在這裡不是完全錯的,只不過母語者可能不那麼講的啦。。the idea found from根本就是不地道的!!】 但永遠都有討論的空間, @米花 在評論里提了一個我覺得比較符合邏輯的說法:【關於「the idea found from」,我有一個猜測,林書武當時可能因為翻譯毛的文章,用詞發生歧義或者誤讀,被理解成抹黑領袖之類,而受到了批評。錢鍾書在此的意思是,你的翻譯讀是不出那層意思的,他們硬要讀出那層意思,是不對的。】按照這個邏輯的話,錢老在這裡的遣詞造句,又沒有什麼問題了。有人或許會說,從語言層面上來講,沒表達清楚意思就是語言不好,但在書信寫作的時候,雙方認為彼此on the same page,是完全合情合理的。

補充:第五位:非常厲害的英文。終於等到這位教授的評價了,這位教授是五位中對語言鑒賞最權威的,也最客觀的,他終於給出回復了!!他的專長就是英語語言研究,是學校writing center裡面最權威的advisor,也是最負盛名的英文寫作老師。他給出的評價很全面,說這些文字看起來有點太正式了,而且現代人可能聽不習慣(即便是英語母語者也會有相同的感覺)。但寫信人對英文的掌握讓人印象深刻。有些不影響理解的小錯,寫信人能非常嫻熟地使用英語習語,行文的節奏聲韻很自然,能夠運用比喻,而且對辭彙的掌握水平很高。這個老師說他個人認為,寫信的人應該是一位很有才華的人。

A very interesting question you pose and it is difficult to evaluate texts such as these with out some sense of the context, but although the writing may seem a bit formal and perhaps stilted to our modern ears (as much English, even of native speakers would I think), I think the control of English language itself is very impressive here. There are, of course, a few spelling errors and a couple missing articles (答主注: 前面幾位老師也有提及這點,這些是因為我直接copy了網站的原文,很難考證這些是錢先生犯的錯還是typo,但我傾向於相信是typo), but those are merely surface level errors that do not interfere with meaning in any significant way. What is impressive is how well the writer grasps English idiom and is able to reproduce a natural sounding cadence of the English sentence and use figurative language (metaphors and similes e.g. "I feel like a swindler . . "). Also the writing demonstrates a very high level of vocabulary.

So I personally would judge this writing to be of a very caliber, and well, you know my reputation.

所以綜合來看,五位教授對錢先生書信中的英文,評價不太一致(第一位教授感覺非常一般,後幾位評價較高)。就從錢先生這三封信來看,錢老的英文寫作流暢度偶有不足,但行文優雅,辭藻華麗,文學修養深厚。(至於讀者喜不喜歡辭藻華麗的文字,仁者見仁智者見智。但用得出用不出,是水平問題。)不能與英文權威相媲美,不太可能不經過外文編輯,出版英文作品。不過,有些人行文規矩不犯錯,或許可以成為學術作文的範本,美國校園這些人不是一抓一大把嘛,但是,沒有深厚的經典熏陶和長年的書寫積累,卻難以做到語出驚人。(就像Amherst @先鋒谷 說的,普通人就不要嘗試錢先生這種風格了,錢鍾書的英語到底什麼水平? - 先鋒谷的回答 - 知乎)



應該是可信的。畢竟寫作對語言規範度的要求更高,但口語就沒有那麼嚴苛。以他這幾封信表現出來的英文儲備之深,以他對西學的稔熟,以他一貫喜歡多少有點pompous的風格來看,講學中有人這樣評價錢老的口語,或許有誇張成分,但應該是有可能的。//Nov 18 補充:經後續考證,有人這麼誇錢老,一點不誇張,而且是完全可信的。




想笑。就 @Burris Ewell 的標準,莎士比亞應該是最臭名昭著、虛有其名的作家了吧:各種inversion、用詞不當、high style、普通人看不懂,哈哈

 「當然是陳散原第一。這五六百念年,算他最高。我常說唐以後的大詩人可以把地理名字來概括,叫『陵谷山原』。三陵:杜少陵,王廣陵——知道這個人么?——梅宛陵;二谷:李昌谷,黃山谷;四山:王半山,陳後山,元遺山;可是只有一原,陳散原。」說時,翹著左手大拇指。鴻漸懦怯地問道:「 不能添個『坡』字么?」
 鴻漸咋舌不下,想蘇東坡的詩還不入他法眼,這人做的詩不知怎樣好法,便問他要剛才寫的詩來看。蘇小姐知道斜川寫了詩,也向他討,因為只有做舊詩的人敢說不看新詩,做新詩的人從不肯說不懂舊詩的。斜川把四五張紙,分發同席,傲然靠在椅背上,但覺得這些人都不懂詩,決不能領略他句法的妙處,就是讚美也不會親切中肯。這時候,他等待他們的恭維,同時知道這恭維不會滿足自己,彷彿鴉片癮發的時候只找到一包香煙的心理。紙上寫著七八首近體詩,格調很老成。辭軍事參贊回國那首詩有:「好賦歸來看婦靨,大慚名字止兒啼」 ;憤慨中日戰事的詩有:「直疑天似醉,欲與日偕亡」;此外還有:「清風不必一錢買,快雨瑞宜萬戶封」;「石齒漱寒瀨,松濤瀉夕風」;「未許避人思避世,獨扶淺醉賞殘花」。可是有幾句像:「潑眼空明供睡鴨,蟠胸秘怪媚潛虯」; 「數子提攜尋舊跡,哀蘆苦竹照凄悲」;「秋氣身輕一身過,鬢絲搖影萬鴉窺」 ;意思非常晦澀。鴻漸沒讀過《散原精舍詩》,還竭力思索這些字句的來源。他想蘆竹並沒起火,照東西不甚可能,何況「凄悲」是探海燈都照不見的。「 數子」明明指朋友並非小孩子,朋友怎可以「提攜」?一萬隻烏鴉看中詩人幾根白頭髮,難道「亂髮如鴉窠」,要宿在他頭上?


處女答得了這麼多贊有點嚇到了= =


另外看到 @周思勤 的評論——







我平時讀美國小說和新聞比較多,像一些北歐移民寫的東西和母語者的寫作差異有時候都能感覺出來。但是當我去讀 60 年代英國人寫的圖靈傳記的時候,我覺得自己根本讀的不是英語(當然其實我熟悉的是現代美語)。後來我接觸到《福爾摩斯傳記》的英文版,裡面模仿倫敦報紙語氣的口氣也是我幾乎理解不了的(所以中文版用文言口氣翻譯確實傳神)。

被動語態的優劣我不是專業不好具體評價。而且我也經常用被動語態。但是我對「被動語態」最深刻的印象是美國政評家說從小布希開始政客開始越來越愛用被動語態,最經典的就是「mistake has been made」。給被動語態披上了一層「正確的廢話」的色彩。

我覺得英語作為一個拼寫只統一了 400 年的語言,用我們的感覺去評判 60 年前的作家是否準確。如果考慮到我們連民國白話都感覺不舒服的話。

While English is my native language, I』m hardly a literary academic. But if asked for my thoughts on how good Qian Zhongshu』s English writing is, here』s what I』ll say. It』s pretty damn impressive.

My first impression is that his writing is incredibly articulate, scholarly, and gentlemanly. Like the other person, Mr. Lin, says, his English is astonishingly good. Astounding, stunning, and unbelievable are also words that come to mind to describe his level of English writing, especially for someone whose English is his second language.

I』ll put it this way. You could put Mr. Qian』s passage side by side with nine other passages written by well-recognized, native English writers. Then ask highly educated, native English speakers to identify the one written by a non-native English speaker. I』m certain they couldn』t do it.

His writing style and quality definitely comes from another era. Overall, you just don』t see writing so articulate and words expressed so poetically anymore. I believe the writing style of most people these days (mine included) who claim or pretend to be writers is straightforward and colloquial, with an emphasis on simplicity and being down-to-earth. Bottom-line to me is, Mr. Qian』s quality of writing is as good as it gets, even if you』re using native English writers as a benchmark for comparison.


那些喜歡我關於英語方面回答的朋友們,你該看看我下周四 (12月15號)晚上8點的知乎Live,我會談到如何更自信更有效的與外國人用英語交流。我還會從一個外國人,CEO,及老闆的角度,分享一些見解及實用的小貼士。歡迎加入!

For those of you who like my posts to English-related, Zhihu questions, you should join my upcoming Zhihu Live broadcast (Thurs, 12/15) on How To Communicate More Confidently And Effectively To Foreigners In English. I』ll be sharing a lot of insights and practical tips from the perspective of a foreigner, CEO, and boss. Hope you』ll join me!




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歪個樓,針對 @Burris Ewell的回答說幾點









"Yes, my clairvoyant Stuart, I have been working entirely on my own."





被動語態:Mary was frightened---被誰和什麼frightened?不知道。

主動語態:Jacob"s unrefined manner frightened Mary---比上一句好得多。

英語是不是強調準確性語言我不知道,畢竟這句話太籠統;但例子里的第一句話「Mary was frightened」並沒有什麼錯誤的地方,甚至是十分地道的說法,這點無論在日常對話還是書寫都能看出,就好比「I was scared" 一樣都成固定句式了,例子也是一搜一堆,就不放上來了;至於被誰和什麼frightened,我實在是懶得反駁這點。還有說第二句比第一句好的,第二句確實能告訴人更多的信息,但信息多並不一定好,有點寫作常識的都知道這點,所以兩句話沒有優劣之分;還是那句話,脫離文本對句子進行比較就是耍流氓。




The idea found from your version of Chairman"s statement is, to say the least, quite unjust.


My opinion on your translation of the chairman』s statement was quite unfair.

但別忘了,這是兩人之間的來信,如果像Burris所說:「The idea」不知道是誰的idea,那隻能推測兩人曾經就已經就這個idea討論過了,所以這裡用的是「THE」,而不用「my」,因為收信人知道錢鍾書的意思。錢本來就不是寫給外人看的,如今公布出來我們發現了歧義太正常了。你能完全聽得懂兩個陌生人之間的談話嗎?逗





同樣剛才那個句子---The idea found from your version of Chairman"s statement, to say the least, is quite unjust。此句中,"to say the best"這個插入語幾乎完全沒有必要,因為後面的」quite unjust」—「非常不正義」是一個在英文語境下非常嚴重的指控,可錢卻說「有些人對你的評論,往好了說,是非常不正義的。」往好了說都非常不正義,那還能怎麼往壞了說?

@Burris Ewell 你知道你在說什麼嗎?再好好看看你自己寫的。

還有關於副詞的用法...唉,槽點實在太多,不想寫了。唯一沒有毛病的就是關於Chairman"s statement前定冠詞的爭議,我認為是應該加上THE。至於錢為什麼沒有加,可能的原因有很多,但不能因為這一點就全盤否認了錢的水平對嗎?



Your letter makes me ashamed. I feel guilty like as swindler who has won your "gratitude" without doing anything to earn it. Your characteristic generosity has led you to overestimate the aids to study I gave. Yes, vocabulary is important. Pedagogues used to distinguish a pupil"s active... or writing and speaking vocabulary.

Verdict: 中式英語




@Burris Ewell 針對評論回復:

1、關於clairvoyant的用法,我舉得例句已經說得很清楚了,比如引用Log Angels Times其中一句:

It initially felt like Rivers was just being nice; now it feels like he was clairvoyant.

這個詞在這裡並沒有像你原先答案里說的運用在「高魔」的設定下,和只用於形容真正有「千里眼」的人對吧?這個詞更多的用法像是用於比喻,形容一個人有眼力見,腦子很聰明,而不是真的說這個人能看清未來。它之所以給人感覺彆扭,無非就是見得少,不知道具體在什麼情境下用。而回到錢鍾書的原話,他更像是在形容Stuart十分聰明,前面那個Yes,就像是承認了自己被Stuart看穿了,翻譯一下就像,「Stuart先生,您真是有預見的能力!沒錯,我就是一直在自學法語。」畢竟沒有文本,你單單拿這句子去問native speaker,人家肯定會覺得怪。




Synonyms are words that mean the same thing.


3、關於主動被動語氣,本身就看你寫的是什麼類型的文章,嚴肅的non-fiction如論文就該多用主動,但fiction novel之類的就沒有這種規則。「多用主動」這種說法,說白了,就是說給那些英文駕馭能力不高的人聽的,不僅不限於中國人,就是native speaker也不是人人都有很高的英文水平,就像很多中國人的中文寫作水平很糟糕一樣,模板也就運應而生了。借用Verbal advantage里的一句話:

...It"s a mistake to assume that every rule about language is a good rule, and the best writers know that it"s sometimes necessary to break a rule to achieve a desired effect.

4、錢鍾書那句話的插入語是to say the least,你寫成了to say the best. 原句除了定冠詞外,沒有任何問題。關於副詞的用法,還是要看文章,不是像你原話所說

什麼quite, rather, probably, seriously, basically, as far as I can tell 亂七八糟的,寫出來的句子往往是一種「低級的冗長」,真正好的英文寫作很少濫用這些副詞。








My Dear Stuart,

We are overjoyed at your generously long letter. We have been rather worried about you since your reticent Xmas card from Spain. We thought that your indignation at the Fascist terrors might have made you join the Spanish Republican army on leaving Oxford. In that case, the world would certainly gain a hero, but we might (O horrible thought!) lose a friend. You can imagine our relief to hear from you again.

We are very, very sorry indeed to hear about your viva. we do hope that it will not be prejudicial to your chances of getting a job. As your favorite Walter Raleigh used to say, Oxford final schools and the Last Judgement are two examinations, not one. You are quite right to take the whole thing lightly.

We shall be here for another four or five months yet. My scholarship expires this August, and we shall sail home in September. Not that we have homes to return to! Our houses, spared by the shell-fire, have been looted and gutted of all their valuable contents. Our respective families have taken refuge in mountains honeycombed with bandits. My wife lost her mother, and I myself have no prospect whatsoever of getting decent jobs in China. Still, one"s lot is with one"s own people; I don"t mind roughing it a bit. The revolution of the Fortune"s wheel might bring us up, and, as Goethe was fond of saying, abwarten Sie. You see, I spare my own patriotic heroics.

Yes, my clairvoyant Stuart, I have been working entirely on my own. I have tried to read French literature systematically downwards, beginning with Villon, and already got as far as the mid-nineteenth century. I have also laboriously tackled the German romantics. I am reading Taine"s novel Graindorge and Novalis"s Fragmente. Besides, I have not neglected my English and Chinese studies. I am reading——no, I am not going to tell you my reading debauches. This paragraph reads already like a snippet from that model letter of a schoolboy to his parents (" or parent according to circumstances") in Anstey"s Vice Versa.

The baby is burstingly fat. She already boasts of six teeth (each tooth meaing a week or so of worries and sleeplessness on her part as well our own). She is very naughty and mutinous and self-willed, altogether an ugly customer to deal with. She will be able to walk a little next month.

You are a disquieting feller, my dear Stuart. You always give me the impression of some impending catastrophe. Why this sudden "treachery" to your "former interests"? You seem to have a gout trop facilement degoute. Your mind seems to slough its idea as frequently as the snakes their skins. No doubt you will call me smug and incorrigible. Do keep me abreast of your lastest developments.

My wife sends you her best wishes, to which I say ditto. Write to me at your earliest convenience.

Yours ever,
Chung-shu Tchi"ien

P.S. My wife wants me to tell you that the baby is really "her father"s daughter". She loves nothing so much as books——to tear and nibble at, certainly not to read. She has already destroyed a German primer, not to mention innumerable tradesmen"s circulars and booklets. She throws away her toys to grab at the books we happen to be reading.



  • Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print.
  • Never use a long word where a short one will do.
  • If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out.
  • Never use the passive where you can use the active.
  • Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon word if you can think of
    an everyday English equivalent.
  • Break any of these rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous.


I have not here been considering the literary use of language, but merely language as
an instrument for expressing and not for concealing or preventing thought.




  • 做個有素質的人,不要像噴子一樣留下個「呵呵」就走
  • 解釋一下我哪裡Chinglish了,為什麼呢?



5、各位如果真想了解錢英文的水平,請移步:amazon.cn 的頁面。


At meeting of our sort, perfect agreement is not so essential, nor perhaps is it desirable...

Unison, after all, may very well be not only a synonym of, but also a euphemism for, monotony.


P.S. 覺得挺可悲的。這個問題下有多少人真的看過錢老的牛津畢業論文,又有多少人看得懂。洋洋洒洒百頁的英文可以當作範本供我們學習,乃至作為標準去批判,可我們卻以他的私人信件去指手畫腳,藉此來掩蓋自己的心虛,還不忘沾沾自喜以為看得懂就可以隨意批評。把我噁心壞了。

只說乾貨吧, @Burris Ewell 先說結論:說錢鍾書英文差的@Burris Ewell才是英文很差。原因如下:

(附上@Burris Ewell說錢鍾書英文差的貼子地址:錢鍾書的英語到底什麼水平? - Burris Ewell 的回答 我下面說的是該帖中的錯誤)



所以他說的 「idea沒有「他人評價,看法,意見」的意思,應該用opinion。」 的言論是錯的。



【總結2】所以version本來就有translation和譯本的意思,@Burris Ewell的意思是必須把version換成translation或者變成your version of the translation。那豈不成了:your translation of the translation了嗎?他說錢想到版本才用version說明錢是中式思維,然而真正以為version是版本的意思的是他,真正中式思維的是他 ---- @Burris Ewell。所以他這又錯了啊。整個貼子都是這樣的你們自己挑,我是截圖標註的都累了,下面說結論吧。

【結論】@Burris Ewell英語很差。我很喜歡挑錯的行為,也從來不是錢粉,但他挑的錯很多都不是錯誤,而是正確的,反倒暴露出了他英語的不足。但是這也是一個好消息:如果你英語特別差的話,不用擔心,起碼你還能找到一份英語編輯的工作。


這個問題有什麼好吵的。。。高票答案的外國人說的基本是正確的。當代的英語母語寫作者,即使是媒體人(the Vox generation)已經沒人會這樣寫英文了。這不僅僅是因為這樣的行文風格對對辭彙和技法有很高的要求,也是書面英語本身演化的結果。如果你現在拿著這樣的prose去投稿,多半會被編輯退回來,被懷疑是在炫技。


The characters are of course fictitious, so those with a fondness for
history need not trouble themselves trying to trace them out.


What with fixing the mosquito net, queuing for sweets at the co-op
store, fetching distributing letters, the thousand and one
odds and ends which eat away one"s time, the red letter day was over
before I know where I was


At any rate, it would be a pity--nay, a sin, a crime--to let your English get rusty become finally unserviceable.

















這種求知慾造就了錢鍾書的自學本領(當然,他也有極高的天賦),因此個人覺得,錢鍾書的英語主要是靠自學的,因為他沒事就讀字典,這種堅持,今天又有幾個人能做到呢?(兩三年前回答過類似的問題:錢鍾書是如何學習外語的?他是通過什麼方法達到了精通N門外語的水平? - 語言),畢竟師父領進門,修行在個人。





瑞恰慈(Ivor Armstrong Richards)(Orz···),新批評派創始人。
溫德(Robert Winter),來清華前在芝加哥大學教書,瓦巴什學院畢業。

(其他大學)只念一本King Lear就算是莎士比亞的課程,清華一月內念完the return of the native。

















最後再插句嘴:錢鍾書其實也做過英文刊物的編輯的(編輯錢鍾書),他編輯過《清華周刊》(英文部主編),《天下月刊》(The T"ien Hsia Monthly),《圖書季刊》(Quarterly Bulletin of Chinese Bibliography),《書林季刊》(Philobiblon.A Quarterly Review of Chinese Publicatins),他在牛津大學讀書期間,還擔任了牛津大學出版的「東方哲學、宗教、藝術叢書」的特邀編輯;而在抗戰勝利以後,他還在中央圖書館擔任英文總纂。






—— 上海譯文出版社 bbs.yiwen.com.cn 譯文論壇交流區 [外國文學 BBS]








【The idea found from your version of Chairman』s statement is, to say the least, quite unjust.】

我認為之前有個答主( @Burris Ewell )把這個句子改成

My opinion on your translation of the chairman』s statement was quite unfair.




主語是the idea
怎麼?is quite unjust,這個idea有點失公允。
怎麼失公允?to say the least,都算是客氣的沒有在罵你。

to say the least
phrase of least

  1. 1.
    used as an understatement (implying the reality is more extreme, usually worse).
    "his performance was disappointing to say the least"
    synonyms:to put it mildly, putting it mildly, without any exaggeration, at the very least
    "his performance was disappointing to say the least"



比如Queen Of England就是正確語法,奧斯卡得獎電影King"s Speech,跟Chairman"s Statement是一樣的語法結構,沒有加the,等等。







英語算是半個母語,十歲移民新加坡(說新加坡只用singlish的我可以保證初中生辭彙量都能虐哭你),小學開始就是英文教學環境,我整個班都是學霸,出了小升初全國狀元。小學開始參加creative writing competition,commonwealth的,得獎。初中愛上English literature,於是高中主修,天天用英文分析文學作品,包括Shakespeare, Sylvia Plath, Hemingway, Coleridge, Edgar Allan Poe, Toni Morrison, Zola, 等,考試就是寫鑒賞。基本一直在與文學類打交道,一直都是文科生英文是生命(跟很多把英文當工具的理科生不太一樣),寫作的話英文比中文好很多。本科來到美帝,大學專業之一是西洋美術史就是因為寫作是強項不拿它來boost GPA有點蠢。因為懶和拖延症,寫文章特別快,4、50分鐘1000字的速度(嗯當代寫肯定賺翻了)。托福裸考滿分,一個半小時交卷。考托福純粹是為了應付FIT的入學要求,好像8、90分就可以了所以沒準備,並不是為了裝逼。



  My Dear Shu-Wu(1),                 May 14

  Your letter gives me a joyful surprise(2). Your English is astonishingly good. This is not 「flannel」 nor 「butter」(3)but my sincere opinion (my hand upon my heart!). The idea found from your version of Chairman』s statement is, to say the least, quite unjust(4). Perhaps your hand is recovering some of its old cunning momentarily lost through long lack of practice(5). At any rate, it would be a pity-nay, a sin, a crime(6)-to let your(7) English get rusty become finally unserviceable.

  Yours in haste

  By a slip of pen, you wrote 「allocation」 instead of 「Collocation」. This is a mere peccadillo. Don』t let meticulousness about such trifles cramp your style.

【Your letter gives me a joyful surprise. Your English is astonishingly good.】

主語為your letter而非「我」,讓句子簡練了很多,也拿掉了不必要的被動語態。相信很多人更傾向於說【I am joyfully surprised by your letter.】這種級別的語法,其實是沒有美感的。

Surprising和Astonishing是近義詞,但astonishing比surprising更多了一層impressive的意思,也就是說不只是驚訝,而是有點令人驚喜。這句話給出了joyful surprise的原因,English,同時也讓your english而非我作主語,再次避免了被動語態

【The idea found from your version of Chairman』s statement is, to say the least, quite unjust.】

我認為之前有個答主( @Burris Ewell )把這個句子改成

My opinion on your translation of the chairman』s statement was quite unfair.



主語是the idea
怎麼?is quite unjust,這個idea有點失公允。
怎麼失公允?to say the least,都算是客氣的沒有在罵你。

to say the least
phrase of least

  1. 1.
    used as an understatement (implying the reality is more extreme, usually worse).
    "his performance was disappointing to say the least"
    synonyms:to put it mildly, putting it mildly, without any exaggeration, at the very least
    "his performance was disappointing to say the least"





【Perhaps your hand is recovering some of its old cunning momentarily lost through long lack of practice.】

這句簡直不要太好。有誰能想「old cunning」也是可以「recover」的?整句話連個逗號都沒有,一氣呵成毫不費力。

【get rusty become finally unserviceable. 】


【By a slip of pen, you wrote 「allocation」 instead of 「Collocation」. This is a mere peccadillo. Don』t let meticulousness about such trifles cramp your style. 】

說他寫得不好的,不查字典告訴我peccadillo是啥行不?這個詞真的比什麼「small mistake」之流有美感多了好么?而「cramp」這個動詞比「restrict」來得生動許多。


文學是the economy of language。能用主動語態就不要用被動語態,能用一個動詞表達某個副詞+be動詞就用一個動詞,能用簡單動詞(非be have get等)不要用複雜辭彙,能用一個名詞表達形容詞+名詞就用一個名詞。如果認為錢老句子結構簡單,就覺得他英文不好,你要是去看海明威,還不得覺得他是小學生文筆?


  My Dear Lin(1)                      May

  Excuse this belated reply to your very kind May Day greetings(2). Its almost literally「a day after the fair」. What with fixing the mosquito net, queuing for sweets at the co-op store, fetching distributing letters, the thousand and one odds and ends which eat away ones time, the red letter day was over before I know where I was(3). Well(4), here go my best wishes in which my wife joins. Your letter makes me ashamed. I feel guilty like a swindler who has won your「gratitude」without doing anything to earn it. Your characteristic generosity has led you to overestimate the aids to study I gave. Yes, vocabulary is important. Pedagogues used to distinguish a pupils active or (5) writing speaking vocabulary. As you know, the latter is far more extensive than the former. How to turn the supinely passive into the nimbly active—that』s the big problem(6). However, enough of shop talk. Tomorrow to the battle more power to your elbow!(7)

  Yours Sincerely,

【Excuse this belated reply to your very kind May Day greetings(2).】

Again, the use of "this belated reply" to take the author out of the picture. 沒有「我」。

【What with fixing the mosquito net, queuing for sweets at the co-op store, fetching distributing letters, the thousand and one odds and ends which eat away one』s time, the red letter day was over before I know where I was.】

來,那個說錢老語言結構簡單的站出來,我保證不打死你。我覺得語法上好像有點問題,比如說「fixing the mosquito net, queuing for sweets at the co-op store, fetching distributing letters, the thousand and one odds and ends」這幾個並列,我認為parallel structure可以更乾淨。但是我認為這種行雲流水式很隨性的寫作方式,反而很適合他想表現的情緒——他的時間被生活中的太多瑣碎一點點蠶食,導致他都忘記要寫信了。

【Your characteristic generosity has led you to overestimate the aids to study I gave.】

之前錢老說了,他覺得自己是個swindler,一點小把戲而已沒有實質幫助,是學生的「characteristic generosity」導致錢老的幫助被高估。我覺得characteristic這個形容詞,簡直太棒了,形容詞+名詞一塊兒夸人,情商高得不要不要的。

之所以用characteristic不用typical是因為typical有貶義。一句that"s so typical of you. 就能表現出嫌棄,一般搭配翻白眼表情。

【How to turn the supinely passive into the nimbly active—that』s the big problem.】

這句話太牛逼!那些說錢老英文不咋地的孩子們,你們真的應該好好讀一讀這封信,因為這封信教給了你們一個道理,那就是writing vocabulary牛逼沒啥用的,要能信手拈來才是自己的。能不能將「supinely passive」變成「nimbly active」才是關鍵所在。

我個人從來沒有見過有人,把能懂不能嫻熟使用的辭彙形容成「supinely passive」。Supinely的意思: (adv.)仰臥地;懶散地;怠慢地,用這個副詞來修飾「被動的」,簡直太有畫面感了。同樣的,nimbly一般也是用來形容身手和動作上的輕巧敏捷。這麼形容,一個「辭彙忍者」的形象躍然紙上。




如果你的世界裡文字只是工具不說,連其可以承載的美感都不能體會,還認為是文人的酸腐(要知道錢老本人是最反感酸腐類文人的,比如曹元朗蘇文紈之流),那該多無趣啊。Not everyone is a bore like you, you know that?

評論區裡面,我就不指名道姓了,有幾個人一直在試圖「修改」錢老的文字,我認為極其不禮貌。如果揪著小錯就要修改,對於文學類作者的創意妄加揣測而不是試圖理解,你去讀《A Clockwork Orange》的時候難道不會崩潰么?通篇都是作者自創的辭彙和表達方式啊。


狹隘而不自知最可怕。科技需要創新來推動,文學藝術難道就不需要嗎?如果沒有創新和改變,你信不信你我現在都還在學莎翁時期的英文,thee thou thy滿天飛。






英文不僅僅有語法,還有語感。捧著字典學英文,不如從英文文學作品中學習來得有用。背例句永遠比背單詞高效:如何學好英語法語德語西班牙語? - 水氷曱的回答 將單詞拼湊成句,不管看起來多牛逼,讀起來還是會拗口,讓人覺得是中式英文。

最後,聽說用英文回答會漲贊?Well, here it goes.

Judging by Zhihu users" current average level of "mastery" of the English language, I doubt anyone would be proficient enough to correct Mr. Qian"s writings; I doubt they even possess the ability to understand what he"s writing about.

Whoever posted this question apparently thinks lowly of Mr. Qian. He was hoping that this question could attract other people with similar sentiments. I don"t think he is truly interested in knowing about Mr. Qian. Therefore, our futile efforts in showing him the beauty of Mr. Qian"s language are bound to be dismissed with a grain of salt.

有關Henri Matisse畢業論文,節選了一段。

However, the general comfort and luxury enjoyed by most upper-middle class Parisians that shaped Matisse』s early styles soon proved to be short-lived, for World War I broke out not long after he published his first essay. He expressed an interest in military service, but was refused because of his age. This is evidence that even though he had only been an observer receiving signals from the society and translating them in his own artistic language, he still wanted to be an active part of the society, impacting the world in more ways than he used to. This helps to explain his sudden transformation to a less free-flowing and more structural style during the war years. For example, if we look at his Bathers by a River, we can see evidences of him trying to grapple with new ideals and styles not stated in his 「Notes of a Painter.」 He has also turned to darker and more somber palettes, unlike the bright primary colors of his earlier artworks. He himself talked about the painful struggle he underwent when he was trying to finish the piece, which helps to explain the deconstruction and simplification not seen in his earlier works and a style that is not quite consistent with his own statement. In fact, Matisse』s stylistic changes throughout his artistic career are usually attributed to the changes in environment at different stages of his life.10 Which is why to fully understand his Red Interior, it is important for us to look at socio-cultural changes before and after the Second World War.

Peter Halley, in 「Abstraction and Culture,」 talks about abstraction in art as 「one manifestation of a universal impulse towards the concept of abstraction that has dominated twentieth century thought.」11 To him, abstraction is an ideal that has restructured twentieth century lifestyle and mindsets; it is a general tendency towards pattern making and reduction of the specific into symbols and signs.12 If nineteenth century advances in machinery led to an increase in output and a general improvement in living standards, the twentieth century saw a boom in social sciences, such as psychology and economics, invented to give insights on how society behaves. On a macro level, individual behaviors are abstracted into observable patterns and analyzed. On a micro level, people are gaining more perspective about the order that governs the world, especially with modern physics and biology.13 Artists during this period did not necessarily understand all the new ideas and concepts, but society as a whole was very much influenced by these new ways of thinking. Matisse himself was no exception. His abstract and expressive artworks, initially more popular in the United States, where there were much more progressive and novel ideas, gained popularity among Parisians in 1945, because people started viewing them as symbols for 「a new independent France.」14 At the same time, his style also transitioned into one that was more flattened and geometric. He started to delineate objects using thick, defined outlines, delimiting the colors. In the Red Interior especially, the table is a flat, blue oval demarcated by dark blue contour. The table, instead of bearing any specific characteristic, is reduced to a blue, round shape devoid of ornamentation or details. Instead of a realistic representation, it has been distilled into an idea, a notion, and a concept, perhaps consistent with the post-war interest in signs and information theory.


點進題目,看到你們都在批評那個什麼英文編輯 @Burris Ewell,可是拉到最後也沒看到 @Burris Ewell 的答案









我就想說,unjust 和 idea 搭配,特指的是該觀點沒有足夠客觀證據支撐。和片語 do justice to someone/something, also do someone/something justice 同理to be accurate or fair by representing someone or something as that person or thing truly is.

Burris 小姐誤讀成道德譴責,根本沒把 just 的意思吃透。

幹嘛還要死磕是不是同義詞,當然不是。和表示觀點的詞搭配,unfair 沒有這層意思。指出某觀點站不住腳,和譴責作者意圖之間沒有等號。


「徐老夫子知我心儀錢師之誠,某日召去,從櫥中取出兩本書,一本題為Americanisms Briticisms with Other Essays on Other ISMs (Brander Matthews著,1892年);另一本Essays about Men, Women, and Books  (Augustine Birrell著,1894年),說是兩書原為錢楊所藏,「文革」中不知怎的,流失滬上,他見了忙不迭「搶救」買回,囑我:「拿回去好好讀讀,特別注意頁邊旁註。」應當說,這是我由衷欽羨錢、楊二位先生的開始:只見頁邊以飄逸的筆跡,用漢、英、西、德、意、法(還有拉丁)文批註連連,很多是我看不懂的,對於能看懂的那部分,不是翕然景從,就是為注家的閎大廣博心折。」

這相當於什麼概念呢?陸老在英語學界差不多相當於中神通王重陽的角色。然後王重陽跟你說「我年輕時心儀某某某」…… 那這個某某某的武功得高到什麼程度? 順便說一件逸事:陸老其實原本是打算拜在錢師門下學習的,後來錢師認為當時的陸老「資質尚淺」,此事才未成。






P.S. 我寫答案時候壓根沒看那什麼英文編輯的回答,然後就看見公子小白的答案。。。哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈就知道。一篇英文寫作里如果到處是冠詞使用不當,可以說是最容易暴露其來自非母語作者了。另外大家不用看到什麼英語編輯就忙著膜拜,我們當時專業里只有一個吊車尾的同學去當了福州路某外文出版社的編輯,大家可想而知。

真讓我大(da) 開(die) 眼(yan) 界(jing)!

某些知乎er在一些英文考試中取得了高分 或者在國外接受過幾年教育 就開始自我膨脹了,就敢誇海口評價錢老這樣的名師大家。 簡直可笑!醒醒吧!


總結一下吧:@Burris Ewell BE大漢真是愈挫愈勇啊!臉都打出血了。還在這裡垂死掙扎 (手動把黑錢老的助攻回答全都贊了一遍) 唉。。。 知乎讓我發現了更大的世界!






......I must stick to leaving N.C.F. Committee. I can"t be just a perfunctory member; I know they will do things I shall disagree with, and I would rather resign without disagreement. If I stay on, I shall not be able to get absorbed in philosophy. If Salter writes to suggest reconsidering, I will write him a long letter. How amusing to think of old Volatire so bacchanalian! When those things come from Marlow, you can put the Persian bowl on its ebony stand in the place where Voltaire is now. ......


We have a very happy existence, reading, writing, and talking endlessly. Lady Clifton lent us In the Mountains which we read with great delight - she wasn"t sure who it was by, but I was. I gave her a rude message to you, because you hadn"t written to me, and when I got home, there was your letter.
We shall be home the end of September, unless war between Japan and U.S. delays us. Best of love, dear XXX, and thanks for all the lovely things you say -
Yours affectionately,


......I do not know what the salary would be if I got the job. Do you? I do not want people to get the impression that I am mercenary. But as you know the first many hundred pounds of what I earn have to be paid to others, so that at present I have to live on my capital, which is not large enough to last long. When it is finished, there will not only be nothing for me and Peter to live on, but no means of educating the coming child. This prospect is unbearable. I would rather people know me poor than thought me mercenary. ......


本人不才,也沒時間細讀,但看到@Burris Ewell的答案里寫到"英語中名詞前必須加冠詞"一句,我驚呆了,感覺整個人都不好了,也沒有膽量再讀下去了。

敢問@Burris Ewell女士,您是如何看待下述英文表述的?

... in July
... by bus
... play football

不知道您參與編輯的The Beijinger水準如何,讀者都是些什麼人,但聽聞不止一位英美朋友提到國內的英文報刊大多各種錯誤百出,簡直沒法讀。想必其中定有您的一份功勞。


以你連Author"s Preface是從中文翻譯過來的都看不出來的水平,




Pragmatism and Potterism

Pragmatism has met with much hostile criticism. James himself has replied to some of the critics like Russell, Pratt and Bradley in "The Meaning of Truth" . The rest like Taylor, Lovejoy, Gardiner, Bakewell, Creighton, Hibben, Parodi, Salter, Carus, Laland, Mentre, McTaggart, G. E. Moore, Schintz, etc., he does not " pretend to consider." Since not only James, but almost all Pragmatists don"t "pretend to consider" their critics, no doubt Pragmatism has profited little by criticism,1 e.g., as late as 1929, Professor Dewey, the most profound and logical of Pragmatists, in his Gifford Lectures "The Quest for Certainty", still uses the word "practice" as ambiguously as of yore to denote at one time activity in general and at other times blind in contradistinction to intelligent action. The purpose of this paper, however, is not to pass any serious criticism upon Pragmatism, which indeed is superfluous, but to point out the resemblance which has struck upon me between this popular philosophy and a sort of mentality satirised in a popular novel.
  As a philosophy, Pragmatism bears the stamp of American nationality throughout. It is a philosophy par excellence of capitalism and democracy, two formative agencies of modern age in general and modern America in particular.2 There is as much " egotism" in Pragmatism as Santayana finds in German philosophy. But the relation between this " American philosophy" and "American politics" is not my concern here. What is noteworthy is the Pragmatist"s emphasis on activity and utility. This is quite in the line of the Baconian tradition. Ever since Cowley, critics have regarded Bacon as the prophet of the coming of the modern age. But Bacon is no mere seer of the promised Land , nay, he discovers it. The problem of philosophy in the classical antiquity and the middle ages is whether man with his natural faculties can have a true (in the Non-pragmatic sense)knowledge of the reality (whatever it may mean ). Any attempt on those old philosophers" part to solve this problem is confronted with the same difficulties as the modern theory of correspondence. Thus Plato, with his NOUS to save knowledge from the Heraclitean flux, sees no way out as to the problem of error in "Thaetetus". Then Bacon comes with his dictum "Scientia est potentia". The old knot is not untied, but simply cut. Hereafter we need not ask whether our natural faculties can truly grasp the reality, but whether we can make use of such knowledge as acquired through our natural faculties, no matter it is true ( in the Non-pragmatic sense) or not. Knowledge is instrumental, it is simply a means to an end. There is perhaps more insight in Macaulay"s estimate of Bacon than has been generally admitted. No doubt Professor Dewey would trace pragmatism to Bacon in "Reconstruction in philosophy" rather than to Protagoras. The ethics of such a philosophy is of course naturalistic. Since every idea is a means to an end, there can be no autonomy of values. Dr. G. E. Moore, in a fashion of giving a dog bad name and then hanging him, has called this heteronomy a naturalistic fallacy in "Principia Ethica" .3
  Anxious to do justice to the " alogical "4 element in consciousness, Pragmatists have a rooted antipathy towards logic; and by beautiful ironies of logic, they are often committed to self-contradiction. But then, what do Pragmatists care? They can "reform" logic to suit their book. James, Dr. Schiller tells us, "avowedly entertained too low an opinion of (intellectualist) logic5 to trouble to correct it"6 . It is therefore left to Professor Dewey and Dr. Schiller to carry out the " reformation". Of these two philosophers" works on logic, Dr. Schiller"s "Formal Logic " seems to me the most convincing and amusing. In that book, he has tried to beat, so to speak, formal logic with its own staff, and to show that formal logic is, if a little play on words after Dr. Schiller"s fashion be allowed, formally logical without being logically formal. Dr. Schiller tells us that he is showing up the Aristotelian logic, " the most profitable of Greek Speculations only next to Euclid". Curiously enough, those doctrines stated as Aristotelian and then furiously taken to task by Dr. Schiller can be found not in the Stagirite"s "Organon", but in the works of Dr. Schiller"s fellow countrymen who, like Dr. Schiller, are critics of Aristotle; e.g. Sir W. Hamilton"s "Lectures". How far this confusion arises from Dr. Schiller"s patriotic fallacy, I do not know. As we are not to "follow reason wherever it leads us", we are told to follow volition and interest wherever they lead us. Here the Pragmatist plays himself into his enemy"s hands; for I think the will-to-believe theory does best to bring to light the latent ambiguity in the Pragmatist"s use of the word "work". A belief is true because it "works"; but the "working" of a belief which is the outcome of our will-to-believe, does not mean its verification or verifiability, but means the satisfaction or the encouragement derived from that belief. Dr. Schiller in his "Humanism" illustrates the working of the will-to-believe in our choosing between the two following arguments:
  1. The world is so bad that there must be a better.
  2. The world is so bad that there can not be a better. According to Dr. Schiller, the second argument alone is strictly logical, yet we prefer the first because it is more desirable. Whether we actually choose like this, I doubt; some people would surely think with Bradley that "when all is bad it must be good to know the worst". But, you see, Pragmatists can not look brute facts fairly in the face!
  Pragmatism is a philosophy soi-disant scientific. Like Science it lays stress upon experiment and utility. This affinity is but skin-deep . Science, though not strictly logical,7 is ethically neutral: it can be used as well as abused. Besides its necessary assumptions, science (as well as the law of Parcimony in logic) forbids us will to believe anything on trust.8 Even Professor Dewey admits that the " Character or personal equation is negligible in scientific judgments. Thus to believe an idea scientifically is not necessarily to believe it pragmatically; nor is scientific utility always equivalent to pragmatic desirability. For a truly scientific philosophy one must go to such "philosophical Puritanism"9 as advocated by Russell and not to the tender-hearted philosophy of James, Dewey, and Schiller.10 Perhaps James is aware of this fact; and Professor Schintz"s discovery of the substitution of Bergson for Poincare in "The Pluralistic Universe" is as interesting as Butler"s discovery of "the excised "my" s"" in "The Origin of Species .
  Now Pragmatism with its American stamp, its instrumentalism, its tender-heartedness and its unscientific character, bears a striking resemblance to what Miss Rose Macaulay describes as "Potterism". A few quotations from that brilliant satire will suffice to prove my point: "Potterism was mainly an Anglo-Saxon disease. Worst of all in America, the great home of commerce, success, and the booming of the second-rate. ... No good scientist can conceivably be a Potterite, because he is concerned with truth. Potterism is all for short and easy cuts and showy results. . . . The very essence of Potterism is going for things for what they"ll bring you, what they lead to, instead of for the thing in itself. . . . Their attitude towards truth was typical: Clare wouldn"t see it; Jane saw it perfectly clearly and would reject it without hesitation if it suited her book , etc. , etc. All these can be said with equal appropriateness of Pragmatism: and Pragmatism smells strongly of Potterism. Is the Pragmatic theory of knowledge au fond a philosophical expression and justification of the Potterite Mentality? Answer the question who list, I"ll not venture to do it.
  Far be it from me to disparage either Pragmatism or Potterism. After all, to call Pragmatism Potterite or Potterism Pragmatic is not criticism—it is mere description.
  1. with the exception of A. W. Moore, but Moore himself does not make any positive contribution to Pragmatism.
  2. Cf. especially G. P. Adams" "Idealism and the Modern Age", and A. Schintz"s "Anti-pragmatism", Vol II.
  3. It must not be supposed that the naturalistic ethics deserves this bad name" . For a luminous criticism of the "hypostatic ethics" of Moore and Russel, see Santayana"s "The Winds of Doctrine", IV. For recent discussions, see D. C. Williams" "The Definition of Yellow and of Good" (Journal of Philosophy, Vol. XXVII, pp. 515-527) and A. Edel"s "Further on Good and Its Structure" (Ibid. pp. 701-708).
  4. See E. B. Bax"s "The real, the rational, and the alogical" Chap. VII. But the attempt to reduce logic of Psychologic can be found as early as in Mill"s "Logic .
  5. What Dr. Schiller means exactly by "intellectualist logic" is not quite clear. Dr. Schiller has "troubled" himself to "correct" the Aristotelian logic. And nowhere is the criticism of Aristotelian logic so sagacious as in the "intellectualist logic" of Bosanquet. Indeed Dr. Schiller owes a good deal of his criticism to Bosanquet, though he does not care to acknowledge it.
  6. "Journal of Philosophical Studies", Vol. VI, No. 21, p.21.
  7. See especially Earl Balfour"s "The defense of philosophic doubt" Chap. XII, and the first part of his essay on Bergson"s Creative Evolution in
  Essays Speculative and Political .
  8. Cf. Laplace"s famous retort to Napoleon in the formal presentation of his "Mechanique Celeste".
  9. The term is Muirhead"s. See "what is philosophy, anyway?" in "The Use of Philosophy".
  10. For the sharp antithesis between the scientific philosophy of Russell and
  the scientific philosophy of Dewey, see R. F. A. Hoernle"s "The idol of
  Scientific Method in Philosophy " in " Studies in Contemporary Metaphysics".


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