
IMDB TOP250有哪些電影?


排名 評分  片名
1. 9.2  肖申克的救贖(The Shawshank Redemption) (1994)
2. 9.2  教父(The Godfather) (1972)
3. 9.0  教父2(The Godfather: Part II) (1974)
4. 8.9  低俗小說(Pulp Fiction) (1994)
5. 8.9  黃金三鏢客(The Good, the Bad and the Ugly) (1966)
6. 8.9  十二怒漢(12 Angry Men) (1957)
7. 8.9  辛德勒的名單(Schindler"s List) (1993)
8. 8.8   蝙蝠俠前傳2:黑暗騎士(The Dark Knight) (2008)
9. 8.8   魔戒III:王者歸來(The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King) (2003)
10. 8.8  搏擊俱樂部(Fight Club) (1999)
11. 8.8  星球大戰5:帝國反擊戰(Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back) (1980)
12. 8.8  飛越瘋人院(One Flew Over the Cuckoo"s Nest) (1975)
13. 8.8  魔戒I:指環同盟(The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring) (2001)
14. 8.7  盜夢空間 Inception (2010)
15. 8.7  好傢夥(Goodfellas) (1990)
16. 8.7  星球大戰(Star Wars) (1977)
17. 8.7  七武士(Seven Samurai) (1954)
18. 8.7  黑客帝國(The Matrix) (1999)
19. 8.7  阿甘正傳 Forrest Gump (1994)
20. 8.7  上帝之城(City of God) (2002)
21. 8.7  魔戒II:雙塔奇兵(The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers) (2002)
22. 8.7  西部往事(Once Upon a Time in the West) (1968)
23. 8.6  卡薩布蘭卡 Casablanca (1942)
24. 8.6  七宗罪(Se7en) (1995)
25. 8.6  沉默的羔羊(The Silence of the Lambs) (1991)
26. 8.6  奪寶奇兵1:法櫃奇兵(Raiders of the Lost Ark) (1981)
27. 8.6  普通嫌疑犯(The Usual Suspects) (1995)
28. 8.6  後窗(Rear Window) (1954)
29. 8.6  蝙蝠俠前傳3:黑暗騎士崛起 The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
30. 8.6  驚魂記(Psycho) (1960)
31. 8.6  美好人生 It"s a Wonderful Life (1946)
32. 8.6  這個殺手不太冷(Leon) (1994)
33. 8.6  日落大道 Sunset Blvd. (1950)
34. 8.6  記憶碎片 Memento (2000)
35. 8.5  美國X檔案(American History X) (1998)
36. 8.5  現代啟示錄(Apocalypse Now) (1979)
37. 8.5  終結者2:審判日 Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
38. 8.5  奇愛博士(Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb) (1964)
39. 8.5  拯救大兵瑞恩 Saving Private Ryan (1998)
40. 8.5  西北偏北 North by Northwest (1959)
41. 8.5  異形(Alien) (1979)
42. 8.5  城市之光 City Lights (1931)
43. 8.5  千與千尋 Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (2001)
44. 8.5  公民凱恩 Citizen Kane (1941)
45. 8.5  閃靈(The Shining) (1980)
46. 8.5  摩登時代 Modern Times (1936)
47. 8.5  美國麗人(American Beauty) (1999)
48. 8.5  計程車司機(Taxi Driver) (1976)
49. 8.5  迷魂記(Vertigo) (1958)
50. 8.4  回到未來 Back to the Future (1985)
51. 8.4  鋼琴家 The Pianist (2002)
52. 8.4  無間行者 The Departed (2006)
53. 8.4  玩具總動員3 Toy Story 3 (2010)
54. 8.4  M就是兇手 M (1931)
55. 8.4  光榮之路 Paths of Glory (1957)
56. 8.4  雙重賠償 Double Indemnity (1944)
57. 8.4  異形2 Aliens (1986)
58. 8.4  機器人總動員 WALL·E (2008)
59. 8.4  竊聽風暴 Das Leben der Anderen (2006)
60. 8.4  發條橙 A Clockwork Orange (1971)
61. 8.4  天使愛美麗 Le fabuleux destin d"Amélie Poulain (2001)
62. 8.4  阿拉伯的勞倫斯 Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
63. 8.4  殺死一隻知更鳥 To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
64. 8.4  角鬥士 Gladiator (2000)
65. 8.4  綠色奇蹟 The Green Mile (1999)
66. 8.4  致命魔術 The Prestige (2006)
67. 8.4  大獨裁者 The Great Dictator (1940)
68. 8.4  落水狗 Reservoir Dogs (1992)
69. 8.4  觸不可及 Intouchables (2011)
70. 8.4  從海底出擊 Das Boot (1981)
71. 8.4  夢之安魂曲 Requiem for a Dream (2000)
72. 8.4  第三人 The Third Man (1949)
73. 8.3  暖暖內含光 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
74. 8.4  碧血金沙 The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)
75. 8.3  天堂電影院 Nuovo Cinema Paradiso (1988)
76. 8.3  唐人街 Chinatown (1974)
77. 8.3  美國往事 Once Upon a Time in America (1984)
78. 8.3  洛城機密 L.A. Confidential (1997)
79. 8.3  全金屬外殼 Full Metal Jacket (1987)
80. 8.3  星球大戰VI:絕地武士歸來 Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)
81. 8.3  巨蟒與聖杯 Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
82. 8.3  獅子王 The Lion King (1994)
83. 8.3  勇敢的心 Braveheart (1995)
84. 8.3  雨中曲 Singin" in the Rain (1952)
85. 8.3  熱情似火 Some Like It Hot (1959)
86. 8.3  老男孩 Oldeuboi (2003)
87. 8.3  莫扎特 Amadeus (1984)
88. 8.3  大都會 Metropolis (1927)
89. 8.3  羅生門 Rash?mon (1950)
90. 8.3  偷自行車的人 Ladri di biciclette (1948)
91. 8.3  不可饒恕 Unforgiven (1992)
92. 8.3  彗星美人 All About Eve (1950)
93. 8.3  2001:太空漫遊 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
94. 8.3  桃色公寓 The Apartment (1960)
95. 8.3  憤怒的公牛 Raging Bull (1980)
96. 8.3  奪寶奇兵3:聖戰奇兵 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
97. 8.3  桂河大橋 The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
98. 8.3  騙中騙 The Sting (1973)
99. 8.3  幽靈公主 Mononoke-hime (1997)
100. 8.3  納德和西敏:一次別離 Jodaeiye Nader az Simin (2011)
101. 8.2  美國往事(Once Upon a Time in America) (1984) 39,762
102. 8.2  銀翼殺手(Blade Runner) (1982) 116,663
103. 8.2  天堂電影院(Cinema Paradiso) (1988) 26,162
104. 8.2  史密斯先生到華盛頓(Mr. Smith Goes to Washington) (1939) 20,396
105. 8.2  綠野仙蹤(The Wizard of Oz) (1939) 64,236
106. 8.2  美人計(Notorious) (1946) 18,713
107. 8.2  星球大戰6:絕地大反擊(Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi) (1983) 138,486
108. 8.2  正午(High Noon) (1952) 20,890
109. 8.2  百萬寶貝(Million Dollar Baby) (2004) 74,671
110. 8.2  冰血暴(Fargo) (1996) 102,560
111. 8.2  殺死比爾(Kill Bill: Vol. 1) (2003) 134,641
112. 8.2  死亡幻覺(Donnie Darko) (2001) 119,371
113. 8.2  亂(Ran) (1985) 21,438
114. 8.2  恐懼的代價(The Wages of Fear) (1953) 7,166
115. 8.2  不可饒恕(Unforgiven) (1992) 55,064
116. 8.2  回到未來(Back to the Future) (1985) 118,842
117. 8.2  逃獄金剛(Cool Hand Luke) (1967) 25,629
118. 8.2  老男孩(Oldboy) (2003) 45,010
119. 8.2  奪寶奇兵3:聖戰奇兵(Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade) (1989) 102,168
120. 8.1  幽靈公主(Princess Mononoke) (1997) 38,099
121. 8.1  安妮·霍爾(Annie Hall) (1977) 38,482
122. 8.1  綠里(The Green Mile) (1999) 112,046
123. 8.1  黃昏雙鏢客(For Some Dollars More) (1965) 21,332
124. 8.1  靈異第六感(The Sixth Sense) (1999) 156,256
125. 8.1  大鏢客(The Bodyguard) (1961) 17,305
126. 8.1  角鬥士(Gladiator) (2000) 164,907
127. 8.1  偷自行車的人(Bicycle Thieves) (1948) 14,337
128. 8.1  超人特工隊(The Incredibles) (2004) 83,710
129. 8.1  賓虛(Ben-Hur) (1959) 35,640
130. 8.1  仁心與冠冕(Kind Hearts and Coronets) (1949) 7,104
131. 8.1  海底總動員(Finding Nemo) (2003) 88,659
132. 8.1  布萊恩的一生(Life of Brian) (1979) 57,806
133. 8.1  獵鹿人(The Deer Hunter) (1978) 51,897
134. 8.1  殺手(The Killing) (1956) 13,614
135. 8.1  人類之子(Children of Men) (2006) 73,444
136. 8.1  V字仇殺隊(V for Vendetta) (2005) 114,157
137. 8.1  虎膽龍威(Die Hard) (1988) 106,863
138. 8.1  浴室情殺案(Diabolique) (1955) 7,253
139. 8.1  刑房(Grindhouse) (2007) 42,427
140. 8.1  一夜風流(It Happened One Night) (1934) 14,165
141. 8.1  野戰排(Platoon) (1986) 64,623
142. 8.1  卡比利亞之夜(Nights of Cabiria) (1957) 5,564
143. 8.1  撞車(Crash) (2004/I) 98,845
144. 8.1  將軍號(The General) (1927) 11,613
145. 8.1  阿爾及爾之戰(The Battle of Algiers) (1966) 6,623
146. 8.1  公主新娘(The Princess Bride) (1987) 84,993
147. 8.1  畢業生(The Graduate) (1967) 48,016
148. 8.1  相見恨晚(Brief Encounter) (1945) 6,559
149. 8.1  野草莓(Wild Strawberries) (1957) 11,256
150. 8.1  愛情是狗娘(Love"s a Bitch) (2000) 33,840
151. 8.1  硫磺島來信(Letters from Iwo Jima) (2006) 21,771
152. 8.1  流寇志(The Wild Bunch) (1969) 18,727
153. 8.1  甘地傳(Gandhi) (1982) 28,732
154. 8.1  虎豹小霸王(Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid) (1969) 34,572
155. 8.0  紐倫堡審判(Judgment at Nuremberg) (1961) 7,447
156. 8.0  疑影(Shadow of a Doubt) (1943) 11,368
157. 8.0  炎熱的下午(Dog Day Afternoon) (1975) 31,113
158. 8.0  殺死比爾2(Kill Bill: Vol. 2) (2004) 102,546
159. 8.0  盜火線(Heat) (1995) 83,560
160. 8.0  非洲皇后(The African Queen) (1951) 22,196
161. 8.0  俠盜羅賓漢(The Adventures of Robin Hood) (1938) 13,562
162. 8.0  伴我同行(Stand by Me) (1986) 54,090
163. 8.0  八部半(8 1/2) (1963) 15,799
164. 8.0  陽光小美女(Little Miss Sunshine) (2006) 71,627
165. 8.0  決戰3:10(3:10 to Yuma) (2007) 14,171
166. 8.0  迷離世界(Harvey) (1950) 13,725
167. 8.0  卧虎藏龍(Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) (2000) 77,081
168. 8.0  獵人的夜晚(The Night of the Hunter) (1955) 13,888
169. 8.0  對話(The Conversation) (1974) 18,865
170. 8.0  謀殺綠腳趾(The Big Lebowski) (1998) 96,984
171. 8.0  鴨羹(Duck Soup) (1933) 16,535
172. 8.0  熱血警探(Hot Fuzz) (2007) 59,390
173. 8.0  亂世佳人(Gone with the Wind) (1939) 48,569
174. 8.0  憤怒的葡萄(The Grapes of Wrath) (1940) 13,698
175. 8.0  淘金記(The Gold Rush) (1925) 11,614
176. 8.0  控方證人(Witness for the Prosecution) (1957) 9,491
177. 8.0  吸血殭屍(Nosferatu the Vampire) (1922) 16,271
178. 8.0  猜火車(Trainspotting) (1996) 90,237
179. 8.0  超級壞(Superbad) (2007) 38,624
180. 8.0  偷天情緣(Groundhog Day) (1993) 78,963
181. 8.0  卡里加利博士的小屋(The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari) (1920) 8,908
182. 8.0  巴頓將軍(Patton) (1970) 24,646
183. 8.0  掠奪(Snatch.) (2000) 91,214
184. 8.0  怪形(The Thing) (1982) 39,388
185. 8.0  玩具總動員(Toy Story) (1995) 79,429
186. 8.0  光榮(Glory) (1989) 36,466
187. 8.0  地球停轉日(The Day the Earth Stood Still) (1951) 17,571
188. 8.0  科學怪人的新娘(Bride of Frankenstein) (1935) 9,471
189. 8.0  斯巴達克斯Spartacus (1960) 30,145
190. 8.0  疤面煞星(Scarface) (1983) 77,504
191. 8.0  12猴子(Twelve Monkeys) (1995) 103,289
192. 8.0  足跡(Sleuth) (1972) 8,643
193. 8.0  美女與野獸(Beauty and the Beast) (1946) 5,415
194. 8.0  愛在好萊塢的日子(Ed Wood) (1994) 42,918
195. 8.0  黃金時代(The Best Years of Our Lives) (1946) 10,491
196. 8.0  金剛(King Kong) (1933) 22,903
197. 8.0  羅拉快跑(Run, Lola, Run) (1998) 54,464
198. 8.0  貴婦失蹤案(The Lady Vanishes) (1938) 9,190
199. 8.0  終結者(The Terminator) (1984) 101,748
200. 8.0  漩渦之外(Out of the Past) (1947) 5,836
201. 8.0  炎熱的夜晚(In the Heat of the Night) (1967) 12,885
202. 8.0  玩具總動員2(Toy Story 2) (1999) 70,068
203. 8.0  驅魔人(The Exorcist) (1973) 60,766
204. 8.0  龍城風雲(The Ox-Bow Incident) (1943) 4,442
205. 8.0  科學怪人(Frankenstein) (1931) 13,106
206. 7.9  大魚(Big Fish) (2003) 74,713
207. 7.9  費城故事(The Philadelphia Story) (1940) 17,610
208. 7.9  桃色血案(Anatomy of a Murder) (1959) 8,102
209. 7.9  江湖浪子(The Hustler) (1961) 14,697
210. 7.9  神秘之河(Mystic River) (2003) 63,557
211. 7.9  獅子王(The Lion King) (1994) 67,349
212. 7.9  潛行者(Stalker) (1979) 9,884
213. 7.9  木蘭花(Magnolia) (1999) 77,671
214. 7.9  邦妮和克萊德(Bonnie and Clyde) (1967) 22,721
215. 7.9  兩桿大煙槍(Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels) (1998) 67,166
216. 7.9  新科學怪人(Young Frankenstein) (1974) 37,972
217. 7.9  [007之21]皇家賭場(Casino Royale) (2006) 92,695
218. 7.9  英雄(Ying xiong) (2002) 51,161
219. 7.9  聖誕故事(A Christmas Story) (1983) 34,226
220. 7.9  加勒比海盜:黑珍珠的詛咒(Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl) (2003) 143,403
221. 7.9  冷血(In Cold Blood) (1967) 5,996
222. 7.9  慾望號街車(A Streetcar Named Desire) (1951) 18,989
223. 7.9  螢火蟲之墓(Grave of the Fireflies) (1988) 17,308
224. 7.9  賭場風雲(Casino) (1995) 56,537
225. 7.9  魔鬼聖嬰(Rosemary"s Baby) (1968) 25,779
226. 7.9  羅馬假日(Roman Holiday) (1953) 17,673
227. 7.9  電話情殺案(Dial M for Murder) (1954) 15,574
228. 7.9  尋找夢幻島(Finding Neverland) (2004) 54,332
229. 7.9  戰地軍魂(Stalag 17) (1953) 12,489
230. 7.9  殭屍肖恩(Shaun of the Dead) (2004) 64,851
231. 7.9  曼哈頓(Manhattan) (1979) 22,205
232. 7.9  奪魂索(Rope) (1948) 15,681
233. 7.9  無間道(Infernal Affairs) (2002) 18,974
234. 7.9  怪物史萊克(Shrek) (2001) 115,827
235. 7.9  鐵拳男人(Cinderella Man) (2005) 37,456
236. 7.9  男人的爭鬥(Rififi) (1955) 4,373
237. 7.9  西線無戰事(All Quiet on the Western Front) (1930) 12,781
238. 7.9  失去的周末(The Lost Weekend) (1945) 6,456
239. 7.9  日月精忠(A Man for All Seasons) (1966) 7,924
240. 7.9  日瓦戈醫生(Doctor Zhivago) (1965) 18,814
241. 7.9  風燭淚(Umberto D.) (1952) 4,072
242. 7.9  毒藥與老婦(Arsenic and Old Lace) (1944) 18,906
243. 7.9  假面(Persona) (1966) 8,229
244. 7.9  日落之前(Before Sunset) (2004) 27,405
245. 7.9  泯滅天使(The Exterminating Angel) (1962) 4,051
246. 7.9  哈爾的移動城堡(Howl"s Moving Castle) (2004) 20,287
247. 7.9  日落狂沙(The Searchers) (1956) 18,031
248. 7.9  逃亡(To Have and Have Not) (1944) 7,611
249. 7.9  生之欲(Living) (1952) 9,406
250. 7.9  巴西(Brazil) (1985) 51,529


想把IMDB TOP250看完,但是不敢看異形和異形2,很糾結,怎麼辦?
電影《葉問》是怎麼排到 IMDb TOP 250 的?

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