Netflix 用戶數超過 HBO 是不是意味著在線平台已經取代傳統平台?有什麼可以值得國內視頻網站借鑒的?
國內付費用戶量增加了 130 萬,美國區用戶量總計達 3110 萬,這已經超過了其競爭對手 HBO 的成績。
Netflix Q3財報正式發布,國內用戶高達3110萬確定超HBO,每股利潤同比增3倍
是Encore!到2013年6月30日,Encore用戶數3510萬(Encore (TV channel))。如果我們再加上encore的姊妹頻道Starz用戶數。所以Netflix作為一家付費視頻提供商來說,還不是最大的。
我們先看看Netflix 2012年年報中的競爭對手的說明:
The market for entertainment video is intensely competitive and subject to rapid change. Many consumers maintain simultaneous relationships with multiple entertainment video providers and can easily shift spending from one provider to another. Our principal competitors vary by geographic region and include:
? Multichannel video programming distributors ("MVPDs") with free TV Everywhere applications such as HBO GO or Showtime Anytime in the U.S. and SkyGo or BBC iPlayer in theU.K., and other on demand content from cable providers, such as Time Warner and Comcast; direct broadcast satellite providers, such as DIRECTV and Echostar; and telecommunicationproviders such as ATT and Verizon
? 「Over-the-top」 Internet movie and TV content providers, such as,"s Prime Video, Hulu.comand Hulu Plus, LOVEFiLM, Clarovideo, Viaplay, and Google"s YouTube
? Transactional content providers, such as Apple"s iTunes, Amazon"s Instant Video, GooglePlay, and Vudu
? DVD rental outlets and kiosk services, such as Blockbuster and Redbox
? Entertainment video retailers, such as Best Buy,Wal-Mart and
這裡只提到了HBO Go(的免費流服務。
實際上HBO作為全美第二大的付費頻道(第一就是上面所說的Encore)也經常組合銷售旗下的頻道,如「HBO? on XFINITY? TV from Comcast | On Demand | TV Schedule」。具體的HBO介紹直接看維基介紹。
這時候,我們發現,原來HBO就類似於中央電視台,有新聞頻道、有體育頻道等。不過是付費的。HBO GO就類似於CNTV。因為國情不同,所以是類似。
Domestic Streaming
The Domestic streaming segment provides our more than 27 million members with access to a broad range of exclusive, non-exclusive and original content delivered over the Internet toa host of connected devices - including PCs and Macs, game consoles such as PlayStations, smart TVs, Blu-ray players, home theater systems, Internet video players such as Apple TV and Roku, digital video recorders, and mobile devices.
簡單說,Netflix主要利用互聯網寬頻網路分發自己購買各類付費頻道節目內容到各種終端,可以簡單理解為Pay TV over Internet。
當然不僅僅Netflix看到了Internet Streaming的好處,實際上美國傳統的有線服務提供商由於也是寬頻服務提供商,所謂的Triple Play幾年前就已經推出來了,如Comcast的Xfinity服務(Watch TV Online, Stream Full Episodes and Watch Movies at XFINITY TV)。
那麼Netflx作為一個付費視頻服務提供商,是不是跟傳統的有線網路付費視頻服務提供商就是格格不入呢?大家看看這篇新聞:Netflix meets with Time Warner Cable, Comcast on possible partnership -
3、從趨勢來說,在線傳輸方式應該會成為主流,因為電視網路都會提供Triple Play或TV Anywhere的服務。國內短期不好說。
Growth Drivers:
Our core strategy is to grow our streaming subscription business domestically and internationally, andis built upon the following drivers:
Investment in Streaming Content - We believe that our investments in streaming content lead to more subscriber viewing, delight, and positive consumer word-of-mouth. This, in turn, leads to subscriber acquisition and revenue growth, which allows us to invest in more streaming content, which enables the growth cycle to continue. With more than 33 million global subscribers and our increasingly exclusive and original programming that differentiates us from competitors, we believe we are well positioned to capitalize upon this virtuous cycle.
Continuous Service Improvements - We"ve found that incremental improvements in our service and quality enhance our member satisfaction and retention. We continue to refine our technology, user interfaces, and delivery infrastructure to improve the customer experience. For example, using our 「adaptive streaming」 technology we automatically and constantly optimize the streaming bit-rate to each user"s Internet speed. This minimizes loading and buffering times, delivering the best click-and-watch experience. We have added programs in Super HD and with Dolby Digital Plus 5.1 surround sound for a high quality, immersive entertainment experience. We believe that improvements such as these will help us build a great streaming service.
Overall Adoption and Growth of Internet TV - Domestically, cable and satellite pay TV subscriber numbers have stagnated, while DVR penetration has continued to climb. We see this asindicative of consumers desiring more control and freedom in their ability to watch what they want, when they want, where they want, and how theywant. We are leading this wave of consumer change and growth of Internet TV by providing broad, click-and-watch video entertainment video.
Future of the Consumer Electronic Ecosystem: 「Internet on Every Screen」 - We intend to broaden our already expansive partner relationships over time so that even more devices are capable of streaming content from Netflix. By making Netflix accessible on a broad array of devices, we believe that we enhance the value ofour service to subscribers as well as position ourselves for continued growth as Internet and mobile delivery of content becomes more popular. We are pioneering the use of tablets and smartphonesas second-screen choosing devices for TV viewing, and are actively engaged with all of our device partners in evaluating how Netflix can enhance and improve the user experience in conjunction with their product innovations.
International Market Expansion - The international streaming segment represents a significant long-term growth opportunity as people around the world discover the benefits of Netflix. We plan to continue our international investment strategy of upfront investment in content and marketing to build out scale required for profitability. We believe that scale advantages increase barriers to entry for our competitors. Today, 18% of all of Netflix"s global streaming subscribers are outside of the US.--------------------------------------------
1 體制不同,我大天朝不會出現民辦電視台。既然不是市場化操作,也就不會有市場行為,而這種官辦的平台和民辦的在線視頻之間的對抗,或者影響,不具備借鑒意義
2 國內在線視頻網站發展,百花齊放,但是都在內容、平台的選擇之間徘徊。自己的問題還都沒有解決:目前國內沒有哪個網站敢說自己找到了收費的模式,國人是不會付費看東西的。付費模式的單一決定盈利模式只有靠廣告
3 倒是推薦大家關注下9158或者六間房,美女主播付費。呵呵你們懂得
Netflix11刀一個月的賬號,同時兩台設備看高清電影,這在北美也就一頓普通午餐的價格。其他很多訂閱模式的服務,Adobe,Apple Music,Spotify,Office 365都是這個價格。所以一頓飯的價格是最合適的。
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