Quora 上有哪些值得追隨的大神?


  1. Jimmy Wales 維基百科創始人,他本人也是quora的一個小投資者,非常活躍,遇到與維基百科的問題,可以向他請教。
  2. Rory Young 野生動物專家,在非洲待過很多年,對各種動物都很了解,文筆很好。
  3. Oliver Emberton大神Oliver,多才多藝,集作家,藝術家,程序員,設計師,公司創始人於與一身,非常文藝,截止到目前他是quora贊同數最高答案的作者。
  4. Robert Frost工程師,NASA大牛,有長期負責訓練宇航員的訓練,這還不是重點,而且他還是一位瘋狂的電影,漫畫愛好者,即使這方面在quora上也有很多優秀的答案,真文藝。
  5. Sam Morningstar印第安人,關於文化,種族方面都有不錯的見解,文筆不錯。
  6. Balaji Viswanathan印度大牛,到了quora才知道印度牛人這麼多。在經濟,歷史,文化,都有很多優秀的答案,而且這些分析都不是停留在表面,而是挖掘得很深。看到他的答案,才發現自己看的書實在是太少了,還需努力。對了,他是一位產品經理,在微軟工作。
  7. Marcus Geduld編劇,作家,程序員。在心理,愛情,人生,宗教下面有很多不錯的答案,寫作風格幽默,人生經歷很豐富,是一位正能量大叔。
  8. Yishan Wong 前redditCEO,很熱心,熱衷回答各種問題。
  9. Siri - Quora成人電影明星,她的答案都是關於成人電影,色情演員,成人娛樂產業這一塊的,答案都不是一筆帶過,分析都很透徹。非常佩服她有勇氣,能把自己在色情行業的經歷都寫出來。如果對AV有什麼疑問,我想她會很願意回答的。
  10. Feifei Wang 遊戲設計師。在quora上很多對中國雙重標準的答案,或者歧視性的問題,她總能寫出完美客觀的答案,讓那些人無話可說。
  11. Kaiser Kuo美籍華人,百度國際媒體公關總監。因為同時在中美兩種文化下長大,對中美文化都很了解,關注中國互聯網的發展。他還是曾是唐朝樂隊的成員,現在是春秋樂隊的吉他手。
  12. Stephen Fry 英國演員,編劇,導演。曾為BBCchannel4介紹高科技小產品節目Gadget Man的主持人,擔任製作哈利波特的系列有聲讀物,以他的英式腔調深受聽眾喜愛。代表作《鐵面影子》、《刺殺希特勒》、《弗萊勞瑞秀》、《黑爵士》等。
  13. Emily McManusTED的編輯。每年3月,TED大會在美國召集眾多科學、設計、文學、音樂等領域的傑出人物,分享他們關於技術、社會、人的思考和探索。如果對Ted有什麼疑問,她會很高興作答的。
  14. Phil Darnowsky程序員。我非常喜歡他的回答,他的答案基本上都是很短,但都是一針見血,絕不拖泥帶水,很幽默。
  15. Amit Banerjee程序員,作家。在心理學,社會學,印度宗教話題下都有很多不錯的答案,寫得淺顯易懂,思維嚴謹,值得關注。
  16. Brian Bi 計算機大神,在谷歌工作。如果在寫程序時遇到什麼問題,就問他吧。
  17. Tom Byron可愛的老爺爺,人生經歷豐富,在政治,經濟下有不錯的答案。
  18. Andy Lee Chaisiri美籍華人,遊戲設計師。對歷史,中美文化,動漫很了解,很幽默。(他祖父好像是國民黨將軍,內戰結束後,跑到泰國後繼續抗擊)
  19. James Altucher作家,金融投資家。寫過很多暢銷書,人生大起大落,有從破產的經歷,但牛人還是牛人,很快就恢復了。
  20. Margaret Weiss在心理,約會,愛情,生活等話題下,有不錯的回答,情商比較高吧!
  21. Joseph Wang美籍華人,首席科學家,投資專家。在香港和比特幣等話題下,有很多優秀答案,而且還是quora重度用戶,已經七千多個回答了。
  22. Paul Denlinger華人,投資專家,經濟分析師。在歷史,中國,香港話題下,有不錯的回答。
  23. Adam D#x27;AngeloQuora CEO,前Facebook員工。
  24. Kent Fung不知道是何方神聖,經常能夠看到他的優秀答案,但目前已經暫時離開quora。
  25. Joseph Boyle非常博學,而且認真,在歷史,語言,文化下有不錯的答案。(八卦一下,貌似是吳清源的遠房親戚)
  26. Ashton Kutcher演員,天使投資人。看過電影《喬布斯》的話,都應該知道吧!
  27. Xu Beixi華人,醫生。看她的回答,應該知道她情商很高,而且很會享受生活。
  28. Virali Modi ,她的經歷很勵志,佩服她樂觀的生活態度。Virali Modi#x27;s answer to Near-Death Experiences: What is it like to almost die?
  29. Marc Bodnickquora員工,頭銜很多,經常回答問題,無所不包。
  30. Jon Davis 退伍老兵。有什麼軍事上的問題,就上去邀請回答吧,人家可是上過戰場的。
  31. Thomas Cormen達特茅斯學院大學教授,演算法導論作者。
  32. Garrick Saito興趣廣泛,有智慧,是一個熱愛生活的大叔。
  33. Sanjay Sabnani非常善良熱心,正能量,早年經歷很坎坷,因為這樣的經歷,才讓他特別同情弱者,也願意幫助別人,在他的文字中能看到陽光。
  34. Ryan Chew 東南亞華裔,飯店老闆,會好幾種語言,在育兒方面很有經驗。
  35. John McCain2008參加競選過美國總統,越戰時成為戰俘被拘禁過五年。
  36. Jessica Su 華裔,斯坦福大學計算機科學PhD。
  37. Barry Hampe 作家,退役飛行員。老爺爺是個徹徹底底的無神論者,在quora上與各種宗教人士抗爭,太可愛了。
  38. Hans Zimmer音樂家、電影配樂家、作曲家。
  39. Dan Holliday一個傲嬌的gay
  40. Alexandr Wang 高中剛畢業,就gap year 一年,目前在quora工作。
  41. Eivind Kj?rstad挪威大叔,答案偏向在育兒,女權等方面。
  42. Ellen Vrana 作家,在quora很受歡迎。
  43. Graeme Shimmin小說家。
  44. Ian York病毒學家,生物學家,
  45. Gillian Anderson演員。
  46. Mark Rowswell大山
  47. Jon Mixon在電影,美國政治話題下,有很多不錯的答案。
  48. Becky Lee 大美女,情感專家。

還有很多很多,詳情請看這個問題的答案Whom should one follow on Quora and why?以上的牛人都是我關注比較多的,其他的還有很多很多人值得關注,如果對各種國家的文化興趣,就關注他們吧,有問題,就邀請他們回答,他們會很樂意作答的。

新開通的微信公眾號:郁一 ID:yuyi-one ,歡迎大家關注,給我更新的動力。

Quora上牛人很多,Marc Bodnick有一個列表值得一看:
Whom should one follow on Quora and why?

當然還有更多的神人可能只回答過一兩個問題但是答案非常深入,這些人非常容易fly under the radar...

Kaiser Kuo, Joseph Wang, Feifei Wang都是很不錯的答主,尤其推薦Kaiser Kuo (和知乎的那位Kaiser應該不是一個人吧...)。


Kyle Murao: 第三代日裔美國人,共和黨人,姿態比較溫和,對於軍事,美國政治,經濟方面比較了解,而且回答有理有據,非常認真,很值得一讀。

Dan Holliday: 嘲諷技能點滿的無神論Gay一隻,看他的答案經常會笑出聲來。打破了一直以來我對gay的一些stereotyping.

Joshua Engel: 科學,數學,邏輯,哲學,也是個能寫的傢伙。Who is Joshua Engel?

Leonard Kim: ...這人...我也不知道該如何形容。用一個詞來說就是"Fun"。

[添加]Judith Meyer: 會八國語言的德國姑娘,貌似剛發布了一個學中文的網站。





What are some of the best answers on Quora?





Marc Bodnick(糾正一下 @唐元斌 的答案,Marc並不是創始人,而是從Elevation Partners跳過來的,創始人只有Adam和Charlie兩個人)給出的名單Whom should one follow on Quora and why?很全面很詳細,值得參考。但是對於一般人來說,這個名單太長也太寬泛了。對我而言,我更喜歡Follow有專長、有學術背景、不是(喜歡回答關於自己的問題的)名人、不在Quora工作的大牛。原因如下:
1. 有專長:這個很好解釋,就是有自己擅長的領域,不是純靠Google/Wiki/嘴遁來答題,能讓我有「原來如此,受教了」的感受,而不是「嗯,說的沒錯,不過Google一下之後我也能了解這麼多」。
2. 有學術背景:這是我的一點個人偏見,我覺得做過學術研究(包括讀過博,當過大企業研究員,或者本科學術背景非常強)的人胸懷和眼光更開闊,而且直覺更加靈敏,同時如果在Quora上很活躍的話基本可以確定具有把複雜問題讓本科生聽懂的水平。
3. 不是(喜歡回答關於自己的問題的)名人:這條看上去不好理解,但如果你是Quora重度用戶的話你就會知道關注了Jimmy Wales或者新來的 Thomas Cormen (Co-author of Intro to Algorithms) 這些人的痛苦了。自從Jimmy和Thomas註冊Quora之後,每天都會回答諸如 「Jimmy Wales 如何吃喝拉撒」,「Thomas Cormen 喜歡看啥書」之類的問題,一個兩個我還看新鮮,整天被刷屏真的受不了。(見Jimmy Wales"s Answers 和Thomas Cormen"s Answers)有一些名人在這方面要好很多,他們會忽略大部分有明顯指向性的問題而回答一些對大眾有幫助的問題,比如我覺得Yishan Wong就做得很不錯。
4. 不在Quora工作:由於曾在Quora面試並拿到Offer,我與一些Quora員工有雙向關注。一般來說,Quora員工的素質都很高,在Q上也(當然)非常活躍,但是我個人感覺很多時候他們因為肩負著推廣Quora的責任,會很多人同時upvote一些名人/大V寫的其實並不怎麼樣的答案。而且假如你關注的人不夠多的話,很容易被Quora員工刷屏,因為他們上班時間確實在正當地刷Quora。


Rob Weir: Rob Weir - Quora

Robert Frost:Robert Frost
推薦理由:一個真正的火箭科學家,在NASA做過10年Flight Operations Director,參與過很多航天項目,在空間站/太空梭/NASA/天體物理/機械工程等話題下都有非常好的答案,而且對於政府科研運作也有很獨到的理解。

Jay Wacker: Jay Wacker - Quora

Inna Vishik: Inna Vishik - Quora

Vladimir Novakovski: Vladimir Novakovski
推薦理由:IOI/IPhO都有獎牌的哈佛大神,在量化交易界工作十餘年,當了9年Portfolio Manager(疑似是在Citadel),08-12年間是某高頻交易團隊的Team Lead(賺翻了吧。。。),之後曾在Quora短暫擔任過Engineering Director,半年後加入了Addepar(另一家Billion級Startup)擔任VP of Engineering。除了夢幻履歷,他懂的東西確實是超乎尋常的多,很多很艱深的應用數學/統計,以及大量關於量化交易/編程的回答都讓我獲益匪淺。

Tikhon Jelvis:Tikhon Jelvis

Yisong Yue: Yisong Yue - Quora
推薦理由:我校(caltech)新聘用的助理教授,之前在Disney Research做機器學習研究員。最近開始在Quora上活躍回答問題,大部分與機器學習或者學術界工作相關,乾貨滿滿,而且非常耐心,人也很nice。



居然沒人說Dushka Zapata!!!


問題是:Is it ok for my girlfriend to sleep in a bed with her male friend?

Dushka 的答案:

Oh boy.

How differently I would have answered this question only a few years ago.

Let me back up.

I come from a conservative country and have a conservative upbringing.

In the very beginning of our relationship my boyfriend told me he was going to take a trip with a friend.

A girl friend.

And that they were staying in the same room.


I told him "if you travel with a woman friend and stay in the same room with her, I"m out".

To which he responded "if you threaten me, I"m out".

I grabbed the handle of the door of my apartment and opened the door really wide.

He walked out.

We later worked out that what people say is not always what they mean.

He was saying: I am going to travel with a woman friend and you can"t stop me.
He meant: please don"t try to control me or my behavior.

I was saying: If you travel with a woman friend and stay in the same room with her I am out.
I meant: please don"t hurt me.

Enough about me.Back to your question.

How do you feel about your girlfriend sleeping in a bed with a guy?

We don"t know if it"s OK for her to do this.
Only you know.

You need to articulate how it makes you feel and then sit down and tell her.

Here is the catch: You can"t expect her to change her behavior because of how you feel.
But you can talk through this matter and work it out together.

It"s her right to do whatever she wants. And you cannot control another person.

Relationships are so hard. You have to accept your feelings and decide what you can live with.

As for my boyfriend, he doesn"t stay in the same room with his female friends when he travels because he knows it would make me uncomfortable.

But he knows that he can.

While this is still difficult for me, I feel better about it now.

I know him and trust him so to me it"s no longer a deal breaker.


Dushka 已經出版的書

我也很喜歡她的簽名,她說「I"ve loved. I"ve lost. I"m still here."



沒人關注Judith Meyer


* German (language) - 0 years old - my native language. Obviously fluent in it now, I have created 500+ language lessons for it as the host of GermanPod101 and I sometimes teach students over Skype.

* English (language) - 10 years old - learned it as my first foreign language at school in grades 5-13. For the first few years I was really bad at it, but then I got English-speaking penpals, I hung out on political discussion forums online and I started voice-chatting, so that it started to feel like another native language around age 17 or so.

* Latin (language) - 12 years old - my second foreign language at school, grades 7-11. Started studying Latin because it was a mandatory choice between either Latin or French and I thought Latin would help me with other languages in the future. After three years, my teachers recommended me as a tutor for weaker students and eventually I started teaching Latin online on Myngle and Edufire. Udemy course to appear soon.

* French (language) - 14 years old - my third foreign language at school, grades 9-10. I really struggled with this language and quit after grade 10, but I had online friends who wouldn"t let me forget it completely. I visited Montréal for a month immediately after graduating from high school and stayed with a French-speaking family, from where I picked up my passion for the Québécois variant. When I needed a linguistic-oriented university major to go with my study of computational linguistics, and I was too late to inscribe for English Studies, it was easy to decide on French Studies instead and my trusty online friends helped me re-activate my French in time for the initial evaluation exam. I speak French fluently now and I enjoy reading some classic French literature.

* Esperanto (language) - 14 years old - the first language I studied outside school. I had read a popular science book about linguistics, which dedicated a few pages to Esperanto and mentioned that it was the most successful of all constructed languages, and designed to be super-simple. I thought to myself "If it"s so simple, I should be able to pick it up without effort, as another notch in the belt. If it gets too hard or annoying, I"ll just drop it, no regrets". So I signed up for the German Esperanto Youth"s free e-mail-based course and got a mentor who was a student at Berlin Technical University. Learning Esperanto was exhilarating, the only language before or after that was intrinsically motivating to study. I finished the course in 5 months, then attended a weekend course for intermediate students in Berlin that my tutor invited me to, and by the end I was comfortable in Esperanto. Read also how Esperanto changed my life: http://www.quora.com/esperanto-best-of/How-Esperanto-changed-my-life

* Italian (language) - 16 years old - my fourth foreign language at school, grades 11-13. Started studying this because of the vacuum left by quitting French class. By the end of grade 13, when I chose Italian for my oral baccalaureate exam, I was able to talk fluently about technical matters I had studied before, for example the causes of Venice"s frequent flooding problem. Then I didn"t use Italian at all for the next 5 years or so and I"m afraid it"s not as fluent as it used to be, though I have started to use it a bit more regularly. I still regularly read books in Italian.

* Modern Greek (language)- not sure exactly when I started studying it, because a Greek friend kept teaching me a few things here and there and eventually I decided to pursue it more seriously. I learned the basics in self-study and from my friend, then to reach intermediate level I used the Assimil method Greek course and an online tutor. Right now I"m conversational but not fluent and I have read four non-simplified books in Greek without the help of a dictionary.

* Mandarin Chinese (language) - 18 years old - I"ve always been fascinated by Chinese characters, so when I heard about a federal competition for high schoolers starting to learn Chinese, and I was in my last year of high school, that was all the motivation to start it then. I studied it by myself for half a year, then won the competition (prize: scholarship for 6 weeks language school in Beijing), sat in 1 1/2 semesters of Chinese at my university, then those 6 weeks in China (2004), then some more self-study, which tapered off... in 2009 I decided to get serious about it, studied 2500 characters in that one year, then have been steadily improving since. Last week I had a 2 1/2 hour conversation all in Mandarin about all kinds of topics, but I still search for words occasionally. I have also read almost a dozen books in Chinese by now.

Thai - 19 years old - learned maybe 100 words and phrases just for fun. Been re-discovering it recently, but still not sure where I want to go with it.

Czech (language) - 22 years old - I got the opportunity to attend a seminar in the Czech Republic, so I studied some Czech, maybe 500 words, even though the seminar itself would be in Esperanto. I haven"t done anything about Czech since this trip, so I forgot it all.

Swedish (language) - 24 years old - exact same as for Czech

Lithuanian (language) - 24 years old - exact same as for Czech. I"m happy I learned it, because otherwise I would have missed my flight back. After the seminar, the bus stop to get to the airport had changed and none of the passer-bys were able to speak English or another of my languages.

* Kiswahili (Swahili) - 26 years old - I want to study some languages that are truly different from the ones I studied so far, and Swahili sounds really cool. I learned it from the Assimil course. I haven"t had a chance to speak it much, but I can read and write it well enough to keep a diary in it for example.

* Dutch (language) - 27 years old - As Dutch is so similar to German, low-hanging fruit so to speak, it would be stupid not to pick it. Some language geek friends and I made a challenge to learn Dutch in 6 weeks of self-study. For proper motivation, I signed up to give a 45-minute presentation of the German language, in Dutch, at a language festival in Leeuwen exactly 7 weeks after we started. I managed, though only a Dutch attendee could tell you how many mistakes I made. These days I"m keeping my Dutch active by reading books and listening to the political radio program "Met de oog op morgen".

* Spanish (language) - 27 years old - Spanish is similar to Italian. I wanted to study it but found the course too boring, so I jumped straight into reading "A Space Odyssey" in Spanish. Spanish and Italian keep conflicting in my mind though, whenever I want to speak one, I keep thinking of words in the other language, so it requires concentration. Reading Spanish or understanding TV is no problem at all.

Arabic (language) - 28 years old - I studied it non-seriously before but always got discouraged quickly. In 2011, I finally managed to bring Arabic up to A2 level, but then I lost interest because the people I was planning to talk Arabic to moved and there"s not much to read in Arabic even if my level was better.

Finnish (Language) - 28 years old - This language never really interested me, but some language geeks made it a challenge to spend 35 hours on Finnish in one month and see how far we"d get. I used Assimil, Teach Yourself and a word frequency list supplemented by sound files from Forvo. At the end, my level was evaluated as A2, but I didn"t continue to study Finnish. The challenge thread: http://how-to-learn-any-language...

Japanese (language)- 29 years old - I spent 50 hours on it for the August/September 6 Week Challenges in 2012 (those challenges occur 4x a year now). My main goal is to understand the anime series "Hikaru no Go" and Japanese Go (board game) lectures and I don"t care about much else for now, so I tried a new method that involved flashcards made from Hikaru no Go episodes (try Subs2Srs, it"s awesome). After just 50 hours in this challenge, I was able to understand two thirds of a new Hikaru no Go episode without subtitles, and my Japanese was useless for anything else. I have started to take conversational classes. EDIT: I just posted a description of how I reached this level so quickly as a step-by-step guide on my blog: http://temp.learnlangs.com/step-...

* Indonesian - 29 years old - My most recent addition. I started to learn Indonesian because the Indonesian embassy in Berlin offered a free beginner"s course in April 2013. Then they announced a speaking competition for June 2013 and I challenged myself to participate in it, so that I suddenly had to learn Indonesian quite quickly during the May 6 Week Challenge. You learn more about my method and results here. I"m happy to say that I"m currently almost B2 in Indonesian.

好吧,舔著臉說下,還有我 http://www.quora.com/Hao-Peiqiang

哈哈,推薦個我同事吧:David Greenspan

程序員,EtherPad 的作者(第一個在 web 上實現實時多人編輯同一個文檔的應用,後被 Google 收購),現在是 Meteor 的核心開發。

但他在 Quora 上回答的主要是語言學 (Linguistics) 方面的問題,最經典的的一個回答是一篇文章的每一段都是用同一個字母開頭的片語成:Are there any grammatically sound sentences in English, where every word starts with the same letter?

演算法導論作者之一,Thomas Cormen

強烈推薦Richard Muller加州大學伯克利分校物理學教授。




He"s gonna advertise his Obama care whenever possible...



Jixin Huang - Quora

Brian Zhang - Quora

Adam D"Angelo Quora CEO

Barack Obama

Sheryl Sandberg


Alex Song - Quora Stanford "09, Morgan Stanley "09-"11, Bain Capital "12-"13, Harvard Business School "15.

Jack Wei - Quora UC Berkeley Alum; SF Hedge Fund

Henry Wong - QuoraHarvard College 答了很多 wall street 相關問題

Margarita Constantinides Consultant@McKinsey

Larry Summers 不用介紹了,不過Summers 不太活躍

Garry Tan - Quora Partner, Y Combinator

Raj Bhuptani Harvard "13 (Statistics), Two Sigma Investments

Vladimir Novakovski Harvard undergrad 2001-04, PhD student 2004-05 8.5 years in hedge funds

John Hwang - Quora Stanford CS "07, Morgan Stanley "07 - "13 Head VIX Trader

David S. RoseYale University serial entrepreneur and active angel investor


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大名鼎鼎的hans zimmer算不算?

昨天剛剛發現 Bjarne Stroustrup, C++的發明者在 Quora 上有動態。



我是可恥的搬運工………─━ _ ─━?

Academia: Marcia J. Bates, Seb Paquet, Jay Wacker
Accounting: Wray Rives, Peter Baskerville, Garrick Saito
Advertising: Tom Goodwin, Peter Corbett
Air Travel: Rakesh Agrawal, Mike Holovacs, Michael McGraw-Herdeg, Raj Misra, Michael Molesky, Alex Stoll, Dan Zeehandelaar
Angel Investing: Sae Min Ahn, Tim Berry, Antone Johnson, David S. Rose, Gil Silberman, Scott Edward Walker, Michael Wolfe, Terrence Yang,
Animals and Pets: Eunji Choi, John Duncan, Shannon Larson, Melinda T. Owens, Marc Srour, Samantha Wolov, Scott Danzig
Animation: Craig Good, Anderson Moorer, Shobhit Khinvasara
Astrobiology: Bulat Bochkariov
Astronomy: Edwin Kite, Leo C. Stein, Robert Frost
Atheism: Barry Hampe, Dan Holliday, Ariel Williams
Australia: Carl Logan, Thomas Foster, David Stewart, Tracey Bryan, Travis Croft
Biology: Julie Desjardins, Charlie Feigin, Shan Kothari, Jae Won Joh, Melinda T. Owens, Alex Pollen, Alex Siegel, Marc Srour, Ian York
Bioengineering: Blake Byers, Jon Rodriguez,Kush Tripathi
Blindness: Janice Strange
Books: Marc Bodnick, Mark Evans, Jessica Hui, Steven Levy, Danielle Maurer, David S. Rose, Graeme Shimmin, Cristina Hartmann, Katie Hoban, Stephanie Vardavas
Botany: Tamara Troup
Brands and Branding: Navin Gupta, Venkatesh Rao, Lawrence Tran,Tom Goodwin
China and Internet in China: Bill Bishop, Paul Denlinger, Kaiser Kuo, Shannon Larson, Ashton Lee, Jon Russell, Daniel Shi
Civil Engineering: Mark Weaver, Isaac Gaetz
Crafts (Practical Arts), Gifts, Jewelry: Jay Gurewitsch, Cinders Holmes, User
Cricket: Thomas Foster
Coffee: Peter Baskerville, Blake McKinney
Cooking: Alexandra Goldman, Jim Gordon, Jonas M Luster, Marco North
The College and University Experience: Tracy Chou, Andy Huston
Comics (narrative art form): Mark Hughes, Elliot S Maggin, Ariel Williams, Sunil Kumar Gopal
Community Management: Richard Barley, Seamus Condron,Erica Friedman Katie Gray, Evan Hamilton, Greg Meyer, David S. Rose, Jessamyn West
Computer Programming, Programming Languages, Software Engineering: Keith Adams, Kartik Ayyar, Bulat Bochkariov, Charlie Cheever, Tracy Chou, Adam D"Angelo, Brendan Eich, Jeff Hammerbacher, Todd Lipcon, Cosmin Negruseri, Leo Polovets, Bob Ippolito, Dan Robinson, Eric Sammer, Mark Slee, Jack Lion Heart, Yishan Wong, Robert Love, Amir Khan, Eric Bowersox, Scott Danzig
Construction and Engineering: Isaac Gaetz, Jack Dahlgren, Michael Hass, Aaron Mark, David S. Rose, Jacob VanWagoner, Achilleas Vortselas
Dating and Relationships: Xu Beixi, Kai Peter Chang, Eunji Choi, Laurie Davis, Marcus Geduld, Leonard Kim, June Lin, Michelle Roses, Yishan Wong, Claire J. Vannette, Ellen Vrana, Carl Logan
Design, Product Design (physical goods), Web Design: David Cole, Rebekah Cox, Kelly Erickson, Kevin Fox, Anne K. Halsall, Cinders Holmes, Laura Keller, Joel Lewenstein, Jason Putorti, Corey Recvlohe, Dan Saffer, Colm Tuite, Xianhang Zhang
Dogs (pets): John Duncan, Tod Knudsen, Shannon Larson, Diane Meriwether
Economic Development: Ariana Hajmiragha, David S. Rose
Economics: Jeremy Bulow, Erik Fair, Ben Golub, John-Charles Hewitt, Jeremy Karmel, Jon Levin, Yair Livne, Jeffrey Miron, Krijn Poppe, David S. Rose, Larry Summers, Alex Tabarrok, Jinghao Yan. See also: economics professors and graduate student on Quora.
Education: Richard Katzman, Jean Marion, Michelle Rhee
Entomology: Matan Shelomi, Marc Srour
Environment and Nature Conservation: Dheera Venkatraman, Justine Kimball
Etsy: Chris Maguire
Europe: Jens Wuerfel, Martin Strohmeier, Julien Vaché
Facebook (product): Andrew "Boz" Bosworth, Ezra Callahan, Adam D"Angelo, Chris Putnam, Dustin Moskovitz, Tom Whitnah, Yishan Wong
Fantasy Books and Major Creative Franchises: Angel Beroin, Marc Bodnick, Neville Fogarty, Steve Jones, Danielle Maurer, Jennifer Pritchett, Ariel Williams, Sandhya Ramesh, Sunil Kumar Gopal
Fashion and Style: Matthew Carroll, Eunji Choi, Seung-Hyo Choi, Kathleen Fasanella, Julie Fredrickson, Cinders Holmes, Serene Lee, Namrata Patel, Ani Ravi, Heidi Strom Moon, Samantha Wolov. See also: Quora users interested in fashion.
Finance: Gus Fuldner, John-Charles Hewitt, Andy Rachleff, Alex Song, Nick White, Brian Roemmele, David S. Rose, Burton Malkiel
Fine Art: Cinders Holmes, Pepe Karmel, Kristen Windmuller, Samantha Wolov
Fitness: Darren Beattie, Jae Won Joh, Nate Miyaki
Flying and Aircraft: Mark Conway, James K. Durden, John Fiscus, Raj Misra
Food and Restaurants: Alyssa Christianson, Joshua Engel, Jessica Hui, Makiko Itoh, Andy Katzman, Neil Russo, Norm Soley, Jeffrey Summers, Kristen Windmuller, Yishan Wong, Garrick Saito, Julien Vaché, Andrew Roberts
Foursquare: Dennis Crowley, Harry Heymann, Morgan Missen, Akshay Patil, Naveen Selvadurai, Tristan Walker
Friendship: Josh Jacobson, Purwa Rojindar, Virali Modi,
Future: Rose Washington
Golf: Richard Fellner
Google: Prabhu Balasubramanian, Adam D"Angelo, Dan Fingal-Surma, Kevin Lacker, Edmond Lau, Piaw Na, Yishan Wong, Robert Love
Google+: Dan Leveille
Graduate School: Melinda W Hohler, Jay Wacker
Grammar and Words: John Bagnall, Jessica Hui , Mohan S Nayaka, Marc Ettlinger
Guns and Firearms: Ryan Lackey, Jon Davis, Daniel Kearns, Jon Mixon, John Fogh
Hardware and Semis: Jonathan Kang
History: Balaji Viswanathan, Marc Bodnick, Andy Lee Chaisiri, Samuel Gilleran, Jon Mixon, Craig Montuori, John Morrow, Javed Qadrud-Din, Kim Raymoure, Achilleas Vortselas, Tim O"Neill, Andrew Warinner, Yishan Wong, Katie Hoban
Homes and Houses and Home Repair: James Mcfeley
Hotels: Miles Dolphin, Michael Hraba, Mike Holovacs, Steve Hurst, Michael Forrest Jones, Heej Jones
Hypothetical Battles: Jon Davis, Kavinay Kishor
Ideas: Rose Washington
Interior Design/Home Decor: Cinders Holmes
Immunology: Ian York
India: Andy Lee Chaisiri, Som Bhatta, Aditya Sengupta, Joydeep Sen Sarma,Ningsang Jamir, Balaji Viswanathan, Amar Prabhu, Navin Kabra, Carl Logan, Sumit Chaudhary, Thomas Wier , Virali Modi, Vinati Singh, Mohan S Nayaka, Jai Parimi, Priyanka Peeramsetty, Akand Sitra, Harshit Ladva,Varsha Singh, Roman Saini, Niharika Banerjee, Saiprasad Bejgam

Republic of Ireland: Domhnall O"Huigin
Japan: Makiko Itoh
JavaScript (programming language): Bulat Bochkariov, Allen Cheung, Rick Waldron
Law and Attorneys: Lisa Borodkin, Cliff Gilley, Antone Johnson, Kevin Moore, Keith Rabois, Ani Ravi, Vanessa Schoenthaler, Ari Shahdadi, Gil Silberman, Stephanie Vardavas, Stephen Venuto, Adam Nyhan. See also: Quora"s list of attorneys and law school students on Quora.
Police and Law Enforcement and Crime: Tim Dees, Justin Freeman, Antone Johnson, Carl Logan
LEGO: David Eaton, Larry Pieniazek
LGBTQ: Erica Friedman, Dan Holliday, Arkadia Getheren Moon, Tamara Wiens, Ariel Williams
Life Advice: Carl Logan,Kelly La Rue, Julie Prentice, Purwa Rojindar
Linguistics and Specific Languages: John Bagnall, Antariksh Bothale, Joshua Engel, Marc Ettlinger, Jesse Farmer, Orin Hargraves, Kat Li, Orion Montoya, Kim Raymoure, http://www.quora.com/Thomas-Wier, http://www.quora.com/Judith-Meyer
Literature: Renee Porter, Stephanie Vardavas, Ellen Vrana,Katie Hoban
Management Consulting: Badreddin Edris, Ellen Vrana
Mathematics: Tarun Chitra, Tracy Chou, Steve Denton, Alon Amit, Ben Golub, Jack Huizenga, Anders Kaseorg, Daniel McLaury, Sridhar Ramesh, Brandon Smietana, Leo Stein. See also: list of Quora users with expertise in mathematics
Mechanical Engineering: Betsy Megas, Gurvinder Arora, Achilleas Vortselas, Ryan Carlyle
Medicine and Healthcare: Linda Bahnson Avey, David Chan, Jae Won Joh, Withold For Now, Michelle Sandberg, Liang-Hai Sie, Laszlo B. Tamas, Ian York, Prarthana Bhat K, Xu Beixi. See also: list of doctors and medical school students on Quora.
Military: Jon Davis, Trace Evans, Phoebe Gavin, Jon Mixon, Mike Criner, Tracey Bryan
Military History: Andrew Warinner, Andy Warwick, Jon Davis, Gary Stein, Jon Mixon, Bevan Audstone
Military Life: Phoebe Gavin, Jon Davis, Trace Evans
Military Strategy and Battle Tactics:Andy Lee Chaisiri, Jon Davis, Jon Mixon, Gary Stein, Kim Guldberg, User
Mobile Applications: Rakesh Agrawal, Colin Barrett, Ish Harshawat, Pat Roberts
Movies and Movie Production/Screenwriting: Kartik Ayyar, Marc Bodnick, Andreea Diana, Karen Eaton, Craig Good, Dan Goodswen, James Hilton, Sean Hood, Mark Hughes, George Hupka, Audrey Kelly, James H. Kelly, Ashton Kutcher, Christopher Lin, Danielle Maurer, Jon Mixon, Ken Miyamoto, Jennifer Pritchett, Javed Qadrud-Din, Nick Rheinwald-Jones, Danny Rubin, Allie Wang, Craig Weiland, Jens Wuerfel, Julie Prentice, Scott Danzig, Robert Frost
Music: Marc Bodnick, Yvonne Caruthers, Peter Clark, Billy Chasen, Daniel Ek, Erik Frey, Cortney Harding, Ethan Hein, Curtis Lindsay, Hongwan Liu, Andrew McCluskey, Mitch Rotter, Mark Slee, Jeanie Straub, Tim Westergren, Julie Prentice, Purwa Rojindar, Cláudia Anjos Lopes, Chrys Jordan, Eric Bowersox, Aaron Ellis
Neuroscience: Julie Desjardins, Colin Gerber, Paul King, Dan Lurie, Melinda T. Owens, Laszlo B. Tamas, Bradley Voytek
New York City and NYC Startups: Eunji Choi, John-Charles Hewitt, Kate Huyett, Jon Mixon, Ani Ravi, David S. Rose, Jonathan Weinberg, Kristen Windmuller, Andy Cheung. See also: list of notable startups in New York.
Nightlife: Andrew Brin, Kai Peter Chang, Eunji Choi, Shawn Kolodny
Nutrition: Darren Beattie, Ming Law, Jessica Moy, Gary Wu
Online Marketing: Alex Grechanowski
Parenting: Jane Chin, Marc Bodnick, Sandra Liu Huang, Mike Leary, David S. Rose, Nan Waldman, Alecia Li Morgan
Philosophy: Chris Blakley, Marcus Geduld, Joshua Engel, Kelly La Rue, Sotonye Anga, Achintya Paradkar
Physics: Jesse Berezovsky, Steve Denton, Paul Eccles, Joshua Engel, Frank Heile, Hongwan Liu, Debo Olaosebikan, Leo Stein, Matyas Tamas, John Terning, Jay Wacker, Anthony Yeh, Robert Frost, Achintya Paradkar
Politics and U.S. Politics: Jamie Beckland, Marc Bodnick, Phil DiNuzzo, Erik Fair, Samuel Gilleran, Ezra Klein, Tony Fratto, Michael Lee, Craig Montuori, John Morrow, Patrick Ruffini, John Sheridan, Gary Teal, Jimmy Wales. See also: Quora users that are involved and/or interested in politics.
Product Management and Product Development: Rebekah Cox, Christopher Lin, Avichal Garg, Ian McAllister, Michael Wolfe.
Product Marketing: Andrew Chen, Ilana Grossman, Richard Ludlow
Programming Languages: Xuan Luo
Psychology: Emily Breder, Venkatesh Rao
Public Policy: Michael Lee
Public Relations (PR): Brian Cohen, Trace Cohen, Ian Edwards
Public Speaking: Edmond Lau, Bill McGowan, David S. Rose
Quora (product): Marc Bodnick, Matthew Hill
Quora Admins: Quora admins and Quora reviewers
reddit (website): Alexis Ohanian, Yishan Wong
Religion: Colin Jensen, Marcus Geduld, Eric Stoltz, Gil Yehuda
San Francisco Bay Area: Sarah K. Cowan, Phil DiNuzzo, Justine Kimball, Shannon Larson
Scientific Research: Jay Wacker, Ian York (links to: /Ian-York)
Search Engine Optimization: Rand Fishkin, Boaz Sasson
Skype: Phil Wolff
Social Entrepreneurship: Leila Janah, David S. Rose
Social Games and Game Design: Kartik Ayyar, Tom Cadwell, Siqi Chen, Jon-Paul Dumont, Leon Kitain, Seth Sivak, Sizhao Zao Yang. See also: Quora users knowledgeable about Social Games
Social Media and Technology Trends: Marc Andreessen, James Hritz, Mona Nomura, David S. Rose, Robert Scoble, Semil Shah, Michael Wolfe
Space Exploration: Robert Frost, Lawrence D. Roberts, Marco Witzmann
Sports (National Football League (NFL), National Basketball Association (NBA), Premier League): Jonathan Brill, John DeMarchi, Pat Gallagher, Richard Ludlow, Annie Lausier, Jason McDonald, Shreyes Seshasai, Stephanie Vardavas. See also: sports business people on Quora.
Startups and Startup Advice: Brendan Baker, Steve Case, Leonard Kim, Jason M. Lemkin, Jason Putorti, Keith Rabois, Adam Rifkin, David S. Rose, David O Sacks, Semil Shah, Tristan Walker, Michael Wolfe, Yishan Wong, Jimmy Wales. See also: founders and entrepreneurs who have written answers on Quora.
Startups and Sales: Sean Black, Jonathan Brill, Jason M. Lemkin, David Skok, Steve Smith.
Statistics: Jeremy Miles, Michael Hochster, Stormy Shippy
StumbleUpon: Katie Gray. See also: Who are the StumbleUpon employees on Quora?
Square: Tristan O"Tierney, Keith Rabois, Brian Roemmele
Tasmania: Thomas Foster
Television: Rob Long, Jon Mixon
Theatre: Joshua Engel, Marcus Geduld, Lauren Gunderson, Howard Sherman, Zachary Davidson
Travel: Steven Grimm, Kate Huyett, Steven Soneff, Dheera Venkatraman, Andy Cheung, Julien Vaché, Carl Logan
Twitter: Ben Cherry, Evan Henshaw-Plath, Liz Pullen, Adam Rifkin, Aditya Sengupta, Semil Shah, Albert Sheu. See also: notable Twitter employees that are on Quora.
Venture Capital and Angel Investing: Marc Andreessen, Fred Destin, Roger Ehrenberg, Seth Goldstein, Dave McClure, Keith Rabois, David S. Rose, Semil Shah, Mark Suster, Harjeet Taggar, Michael Wolfe, Terrence Yang
Video Games: Kartik Ayyar, Charlie Cheever, David Cole, John-Charles Hewitt, Andy Lee Chaisiri, Feifei Wang, Glyn Williams
Web Search: Greg Lindahl
Weight Loss: Eric Lauritzen (see also Nutrition)
Wine: Andy Anderson, Chris Knox, Lucas J Meeker, Julien Vaché
Writing: Carolyn Abram, Candace Dempsey, Aman Anand, Cristina Hartmann, Graeme Shimmin, Marcus Geduld, Gayle Laakmann McDowell, Ellen Vrana

Updated 2 Nov.


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