






























—————— 我就是華麗麗的分割線













首先,美古斷交是1961年而不是1953年。 其次,美古恢復邦交並不突然,這是90年蘇東巨變以後,大小卡長期努力的結果,而且不只是與美國。先寫背景,古共建國後一心一意跟著蘇聯老大哥,蘇聯給古巴提供經濟和軍事援助。所以雖然美國對古巴實行封鎖,古巴人民還是能維持基本的生存。可是古巴瞎了一輩子,連大哥也沒看準,蘇聯解體了。蘇聯解體後古巴沒有了外面的援助,而且只和索馬利亞這等小散遠進行有限的貿易,人民生活在水深火熱之中。 這時大卡菲德爾-卡斯特羅集中生智,計上心頭,大卡採取的最重要的做法就是宗教外交。當時古巴有40%的人民信仰天主教,少數信仰基督新教、古巴非洲教、猶太教等宗教。而建國初期古巴是沒有宗教自由的,這也遭到巴拿馬運河對岸小夥伴的嫌棄。宗教外交第一步:允許宗教信仰自由。大卡翻爛了馬克思和耶穌的書,終於發現馬克思主義和基督教(廣義)都是代表被剝削階級的利益。所以隨後就允許宗教信仰者加入古共,這是一個很大的突破,雖然到目前古巴89萬黨員中只有2000人不信無神論。第二步:循序漸進擴大外交範圍。古巴首先與巴拿馬運河對岸的多數人民信仰天主教的國家加強往來,然後小卡勞爾-卡斯特羅不遠萬里去梵蒂岡拜訪教皇還邀請老頭子到哈瓦那度假。老頭子的號召力不能小覷,有些專家說美古恢復邦交是老頭子從中調停,這個觀點是合理的但沒有確鑿證據,起到一定作用是一定的。美國看到古巴近幾年也風生水起,冷戰結束後也沒多大利害關係,就恢復邦交了。 而且古巴的宗教外交還用在處理其與俄羅斯的事物上。古巴冷戰就欠俄軍事裝備錢,也一直沒還清,俄不想把裝備賣給這個老賴了。小卡聰明,在哈瓦那建了一家東正教教堂,據說是100年來西半球新建的唯一一家看的過去的東正教堂,俄國人民奔走相告,五星好評。也使俄繼續了對古巴武器的貿易。 古巴人民應該歡欣,雖然被動,雖然方式奇葩。但是實實在在的使古巴人民在追求人權的路上走了一步,使古巴在全球化的浪潮中漸漸成為一個正常的玩家。





1898: US declares war on Spain.
1898: US defeats Spain, which gives up all claims to Cuba and cedes it to the US.
1902: Cuba becomes independent with Tomas Estrada Palma as its president. But the Platt Amendment keeps the island under US protection and gives the US the right to intervene in Cuban affairs.
1906-09: Estrada resigns and the US occupies Cuba following a rebellion led by Jose Miguel Gomez.
1909: Jose Miguel Gomez becomes president following elections supervised by the US, but is soon tarred by corruption.
1912: US forces return to Cuba to help put down black protests against discrimination.
1933: Gerardo Machado is overthrown in a coup led by Sergeant Fulgencio Batista.
1934: The US abandons its right to intervene in Cuba"s internal affairs, revises Cuba"s sugar quota and changes tariffs to favour Cuba.
1953: Fidel Castro leads an unsuccessful revolt against the Batista regime.
1956: Castro lands in eastern Cuba from Mexico and takes to the Sierra Maestra mountains where, aided by Ernesto "Che" Guevara, he wages a guerrilla war.
1958: The US withdraws military aid to Batista.
1959: Castro leads a 9,000-strong guerrilla army into Havana, forcing Batista to flee. Castro becomes prime minister.
April 1959: Castro meets US Vice President Richard Nixon on an unofficial visit to Washington. Nixon afterwards wrote that the US had no choice but to try to "orient" the leftist leader in the "right direction".
1960: All US businesses in Cuba are nationalised without compensation; US breaks off diplomatic relations with Havana and imposes a trade embargo in response to Castro"s reforms.
1961: US backs an abortive invasion by Cuban exiles at the Bay of Pigs; Castro proclaims Cuba a communist state and begins to ally it with the USSR.

1961: The CIA begins to make plans to assassinate Castro as part of Operation Mongoose. At least five plans to kill the Cuban leader were drawn up between 1961 and 1963.
1962: Cuban missile crisis ignites when, fearing a US invasion, Castro agrees to allow the USSR to deploy nuclear missiles on the island. The US released photos of Soviet nuclear missile silos in Cuba - triggering a crisis which took the two superpowers to the brink of nuclear war.
It was subsequently resolved when the USSR agreed to remove the missiles in return for the withdrawal of US nuclear missiles from Turkey.
1980: Around 125,000 Cubans, many of them released convicts, flee to the US, when Castro temporarily lifted restrictions.
1993: The US tightens its embargo on Cuba, which introduces some market reforms in order to stem the deterioration of its economy. These include the legalisation of the US dollar, the transformation of many state farms into semi-autonomous co-operatives, and the legalisation of limited individual private enterprise.
1994: Cuba signs an agreement with the US according to which the US agrees to admit 20,000 Cubans a year in return for Cuba halting the exodus of refugees.
1996: US trade embargo made permanent in response to Cuba"s shooting down of two US aircraft operated by Miami-based Cuban exiles.
1998: The US eases restrictions on the sending of money to relatives by Cuban Americans.
Nov 1999: Cuban child Elian Gonzalez is picked up off the Florida coast after the boat in which his mother, stepfather and others had tried to escape to the US capsized. A huge campaign by Miami-based Cuban exiles begins with the aim of preventing Elian from rejoining his father in Cuba and of making him stay with relatives in Miami.
June 2000: Elian allowed to rejoin his father in Cuba after prolonged court battles.
June 2001: Five Cubans convicted in Miami and given long sentences for spying for the Cuban government. The case of the Cuban Five becomes rallying cry for the Havana government.
Nov 2001: US exports food to Cuba for the first time in more than 40 years after a request from the Cuban government to help it cope with the aftermath of Hurricane Michelle.
Jan 2002: Prisoners taken during US-led action in Afghanistan are flown into Guantanamo Bay for interrogation as al-Qaeda suspects.
May 2002: US Under Secretary of State John Bolton accuses Cuba of trying to develop biological weapons, adding the country to Washington"s list of "axis of evil" countries.
May 2002: Former US President Jimmy Carter makes landmark goodwill visit which includes tour of scientific centres, in response to US allegations about biological weapons. Carter is first former or serving US president to visit Cuba since 1959 revolution.
Oct 2003: US President George Bush announces fresh measures designed to hasten the end of communist rule in Cuba, including tightening a travel embargo to the island, cracking down on illegal cash transfers, and a more robust information campaign aimed at Cuba. A new body, the Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba, is created.
Feb 2006: A propaganda war breaks out in Havana as President Castro unveils a monument which blocks the view of illuminated messages - some of them about human rights - displayed on the US mission building.
Aug 2006: US President George W Bush - in his first comments after President Castro undergoes surgery and hands over power to his brother Raul - urges Cubans to work for democratic change.
Dec 2006: The largest delegation from the US Congress to visit Cuba since the 1959 revolution goes to Havana. Jeff Flake, a Republican congressman heading the 10-member bipartisan delegation, said he wanted to launch a "new era in US-Cuba relations", but the group is denied a meeting with Raul Castro.
July 2007: Acting leader Raul Castro again indicates he may be open to a warming of relations with the US. He offers to engage in talks, but only after the 2008 US presidential election.
Feb 2008: Raul Castro officially takes over as president. Washington calls for free and fair elections, and says its trade embargo will remain.
4 Nov 2008: Barack Obama is elected US president.
Dec 2008: New poll suggests a majority of Cuban-Americans living in Miami want an end to the US embargo against Cuba.

April 2009: President Obama lifts restrictions on family travel and remittances to Cuba.
Dec 2009: US citizen Alan Gross detained in Cuba accused of spying for Washington.
Nov 2010: American Ballet Theater visits Cuba for first time in 50 years, the latest in number of cultural exchanges.
Oct 2011: Convicted Cuban agent Rene Gonzalez is freed as scheduled from a Florida jail. Gonzalez is part of a group known as the Cuban Five, who were given long terms in 2001 in the US after being convicted of spying. Havana has repeatedly called for the men to be freed.
Dec 2011: The US again calls for the release of Alan Gross, an American who is serving 15 years in a Cuban jail for taking internet equipment into the country. Cuba"s refusal to free him has frozen relations for months.
Sep 2012: Cuba suggests it is ready to negotiate with Washington on finding a solution to the Gross case.

在古巴革命之前,和其他所謂的香蕉共和國一樣, 古巴的經濟利益被美國資本家所壟斷和榨取,而大量古巴人民生活在失業和貧困中。古巴名義上是個主權獨立的國家, 事實上卻處處被美國操控。(咦, 怎麼感覺有點像解放前的中國?)其實古巴的獨裁者巴蒂斯塔也很有意思,他生於貧苦家庭,發動中士政變後在幕後操縱政權,發布過資產階級進步性質的憲法,最終卻因為獨裁統治被卡斯特羅領導的古巴革命趕到了美國。而古巴革命,如Bejarano所說

The Cuban revolution, led by Fidel Castro, was directed not
only against Fulgencio Batista, but also against the old regime, in which
American influence was dominant.




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是去年三月吧,經濟學諾獎得主Gary Becker和美國聯邦上訴法官兼芝加哥大學法學院教授的Richard Posner,在其網站上各自掛出一篇關於質疑並呼籲解除對古巴貿易管制的文章。裡面說的很清楚了,有心人可以看看。
The Becker-Posner Blog

The Embargo of Cuba: Time to Go- Becker

The US embargo of Cuba began in 1960, a year after Fidel Castro turned this island toward communism. It was extended to food and medicines in 1962, the same year as the showdown with Russia over the installation of missiles there. The embargo has prevented American companies from doing business with Cuba, and discouraged tourism to Cuba. The American government also tried with quite limited success to prevent other countries from trading with Cuba.

In general economic embargoes are undesirable because they interfere with free trade among countries. Yet a case could be made for an embargo against Cuba. Castro not only allowed Russian missiles to be installed in Cuba, just 90 miles from Florida, but was also actively trying to interfere in other countries by sending troops and so-called advisers. The aim of the embargo was to impose economic hardship on Cuba that would force Castro to drop these international actions, and possibly even lead to the toppling of his government and the end of communism in Cuba. Castro did stop his international adventurism, but he and communism remained firmly entrenched for decades.

The Cuban economy has done badly, and has fallen behind the economies of many comparable countries. For example, in 1959, Cuban per capita income was above that of Taiwan, another island close by a hostile super power. Cuba』s two main exports were sugar and tobacco, while Taiwan』s were sugar and rice. At that time, Taiwan began its transition toward a private market system and globally oriented economy, whereas Cuba abolished private property and the government took charge of the economy with central planning and central organization. Since then Cuba』s economy has fallen far behind Taiwan』s as Taiwan has taken advantage of world markets to grow at a remarkable rate while Cuba has chugged along with very slow growth. Cuba』s per capital income is a fifth or less of that of Taiwan. Sugar and tobacco remain important exports of Cuba, while Taiwan has shifted toward complex electronic and industrial goods. Fidel Castro was a charismatic leader who mesmerized audiences with his oratory, but he utterly failed to deliver the goods to the Cuban people.

Cuba』s weak economic performance is in small part due to the embargo since the US would be a natural important trading partner for Cuba, as it is for other nearby Caribbean countries, and for Mexico and other Central American countries. Yet communism itself is the main cause of its poor economic performance. One can say this with complete confidence since communism has utterly failed as an economic system in every country where it has been tried.

One only need look at the difference between the economies of South and North Korea for a clear natural experiment on the disadvantages of an economic system with no private property and central direction of the economy. Prior to the Korean War, the backward part of the Korean economy was in the south and the advanced industrial part was in the north. The roles are now radically reversed since the South and its private enterprise system is far ahead economically (and in other dimensions as well) of the North.

In the last decade, with Fidel Castro ailing and his brother Raul taking over leadership, the Cuban government has begun to realize what the Cuban people long ago learned, that communism is responsible for the vast majority of its economic weakness. Despite the opposition of hardliners, Cuba is allowing very small-scale private firms in retailing and other sectors, and houses can be bought and sold to a limited extent. These are only baby steps away from communism, but they put Cuba on a slippery slope toward a more market-based economy that will be hard to reverse.

Free trade is a principle that the United States should follow except in extraordinary circumstances. Cuba under Fidel, especially in his early days, may have provided enough of these circumstances to justify the embargo. Since Cuba no longer provides any significant threat to American interests, there is no sense in continuing to punish the Cuban people with an embargo on trade, nor to provide excuses to its leaders for the poor performance of the Cuban economy.

It is time to end the embargo on the export and import of goods and services between the United States and Cuba The Cuban people will benefit almost immediately. This may just be the time when such a move puts added pressure on the Cuban government to end its failed experiment with communism.

End the Cuban Embargo—Posner

I agree with Becker that we should end the embargo. It was first imposed in 1960, two years after Castro took power, and strengthened after the Cuban missile crisis in 1962, and thereafter modified from time to time—and recently somewhat relaxed, so that today in fact we have several billions of dollars in trade with Cuba each year.

Communist Cuba in Castro』s heyday, before the collapse of the Soviet Union followed by the rapid collapse of communism in all countries except North Korea—and Cuba—was, even apart from the missile crisis, an active although not dangerous enemy of the United States, supporting and fomenting communist subversion against a variety of nations some of them allies of the United States. But the embargo was never much more than an annoyance to Cuba, because the embargo was not joined by other nations. And it is not as if the United States were the only source of a raw material or manufactured good essential to the Cuban economy. Or that the United States were the sole destination for goods produced by Cuba that Cuba had to export in order to obtain foreign currency. Cuba』s principal exports were and are sugar and tobacco. When the United States as part of the embargo stopped importing these products from Cuba, it increased its imports of them from elsewhere, which meant that other nations that produced those goods diverted some of their output to the United States. The countries they had been buying sugar and tobacco from these other exporting countries had either to pay a higher price to them so that they would not divert output to the United States—or buy from Cuba. So the embargo closed one destination for Cuban exports, the United States, but opened up others.

Apparently the embargo had some small negative effects on the Cuban economy, but one imagines that its major effect was actually to bolster Castro by giving him an excuse for the awful performance of the Cuban economy—the U.S. embargo. The true cause of that awful performance was communism; for we know from the economic performance of the other communist countries, before communism collapsed almost everywhere, that communist economies, by suppressing the operation of free markets in goods and services, are grossly inefficient. Castro hurt Cuba with his policies, but actually helped the United States by impelling the emigration of many of Cuba』s ablest, most energetic citizens to the United States.

But to all this the embargo was and continues to be almost completely irrelevant. Its persistence is probably owed largely to the political influence of Cuban-Americans, who will do anything to hurt Castro』s regime and whoe live (and vote) mainly in Florida, where they form a significant electoral bloc. The nation』s fourth largest state by population, Florida is the most important swing state in the American electoral system.


當然 說的難聽點是擠走 說的好聽點就是戰略防禦
說白了 中東點了一把火 沒能力去滅了 乾脆你們玩吧我回我後花園了
而且南美清一色天主教 比穆斯林容易交流







奧觀海想 自己總得在歷史上留一筆吧 不然8年總統白乾了






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