
「在巴黎,60 萬人經過雨果的窗前」到底是因為他過生日還是因為他的去世?有哪些佐證?


謝鐵肩匡老師邀。真實情況基本就是慶祝他的 79 歲生日——如果按法國人的說法,就是「慶祝維克多?雨果進入他生命中的第八十個年頭」。「60 萬人」的說法基本靠譜。


  • http://en.wikipedia.org

In February 1881 Hugo celebrated his 79th birthday. To honor the fact that he was entering his eightieth year, one of the greatest tributes to a living writer was held. The celebrations began on the 25th when Hugo was presented with a Sèvres vase, the traditional gift for sovereigns. On the 27th one of the largest parades in French history was held. Marchers stretched from Avenue d"Eylau, down the Champs-élysées, and all the way to the center of Paris. The paraders marched for six hours to pass Hugo as he sat in the window at his house. Every inch and detail of the event was for Hugo; the official guides even wore cornflowers as an allusion to Fantine"s song in Les Misérables.

  • http://memo.fr

The homages rain on Hugo. The communal one in the Sorbonne, all the School, finally laic, recites its worms. On February 26th, 1881, nearly 600 " 000 Parisian, working, schoolboys, male choirs and brass bands, break in an ocean of crowd and flowers under her windows of the avenue of Eylau, renamed soon of its name, glory without precedent for an alive poet. The middle-class republic buries under the honors the old anarchist scoffer.

  • http://thefreemanonline.org

As Hugo began his 80th year, February 26, 1881, he was honored with a National Festival, a celebration the likes of which had never been seen for a private individual—some 600,000 admirers paraded by his opulent residence, 130 Avenue d』Eylau, in the Champs Elysées quarter, leaving huge mounds of flowers.

p.s. 說「基本真實」、「基本靠譜」無非因為查到的這些沒什麼權威性的普通外文資料如是記載。




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