

向原作者Ara Ogle致敬:
Are there no female characters at all in The Hobbit?



  • 全書中沒有任何女性角色
  • 全書中只出現了一個有名字的女性,貝爾多娜·圖克——比爾博·巴金斯的母親。但是她在故事開始之前就去世了
  • "girl"一詞在書中只出現了一次
  • 「woman/women"出現了兩次
  • "she"出現了一詞,還是和比爾博他母親一起出現的
  • 電影中共出現了兩個女性角色——密林衛隊長塔瑞爾和羅瑞安夫人凱蘭崔爾,其中塔瑞爾是導演硬加進去的,凱蘭崔爾則是從魔戒中借來的角色




  • 終身未婚,所以要收養侄子弗羅多作為繼承人
  • 很內向,害怕和陌生人說話,也不喜歡呆在人多的地方



Are there no female characters at all in The Hobbit?
As far as I can recall, there is nothing except a brief mention of Bilbo"s mother and her sisters. She is long dead when the book starts, so she does not count.

Nothing at all after that - there must have been female elves in Rivendell and the woodland kingdom, but I think they play no part. And right at the end, it is mentioned that Thorin was the elder brother of the (unnamed) mother of Fili and Kili.

There may have been females among the eagles or spiders, or even the whargs, but again not mentioned. (The only eagles identified by gender are male, while any individual spider is called "it".)

Jackson has corrected this a little, with Bilbo"s mother shown with Bilbo as an infant in the Extended Edition. Galadriel at Rivendell, as well as elf-maids in the background. And more to come in Desolation of Smaug, it seems.

Ara Ogle, am a woman
244 upvotes by Tara Dockery, Yair Livne, Emily Smith, (more)

There are not. And I would go further and say that this seems to me to be an extremely deliberate action on Tolkien"s part. While it makes sense that there would be no main female characters (given that all the main characters are essentially part of a military party and the author had no basis for women being members of a military), there aren"t just no female characters, there are scarcely any women seen at all in The Hobbit. No elf-maids in Rivendell or Mirkwood. No women in the week they spend being feted in Lake Town. In the destruction of Lake-Town we get two sentences; "Women and children were being huddled into laden boats in the market-pool." and another essentially identical sentence, which insults the Master of Lake Town by listing him as the only able-bodied man to flee with the women. In Bilbo"s return, we hear of his cousins "the Sackville-Bagginses" but it is not made clear that they are a married couple and thus include a woman; we know this only because Lobelia is shown as a character in LoTR.

Just to be clear on how much women are missing in this novel,

  • There are no female characters, named or unnamed (someone who is dead being mentioned in passing is not a "character").
  • There is exactly one named woman in any conversation at any point, Belladonna Took (Bilbo"s mother).
  • The word "girl" is used once in the novel. ("[Gandalf] had been away over The Hill and across The Water on business of his own since they were all small hobbit-boys and hobbit-girls.")
  • The word woman/women is used twice in the novel (in the sentences mentioned above regarding Bilbo"s mother).
  • The word "she" is used only once in the novel (in reference to Belladonna Took)

The big question is, "why"? There are many females mentioned in TheLord of the Rings, even if most of them have very small parts. There are a number of women invited to Bilbo"s party. Lobelia Sackville-Baggins torments Frodo. The wife of the mushroom-farmer is mentioned. Goldberry, Arwen, Galadriel, Eowen, Ioreth, and Shelob all play minor parts with agency. Deceased or mythical characters like Finduilas of Dol Amroth, Luthien Tinuviel, Nimrodel, and Elbereth Githoniel are referenced, and women in Minas Tirith and Rohan are shown, etc. etc. It is clear that not mentioning/including women at all is not a common trait in Tolkien"s writing; why, then, is it so strong an element ofThe Hobbit?

It has always seemed to me that the lack of women in the Hobbit has something to do with Bilbo"s character. While there are a few cases of author omniscience in The Hobbit, it is mostly viewed from Bilbo"s point of view. It"s worth noting that the few times we do get even a tiny mention of women (Hobbit-girls, Bilbo"s mother, and the sentences from Lake Town quoted above) are all three instances of author omniscience rather than viewed from Bilbo.

And who is Bilbo? He is a lifelong bachelor. He"s introverted; he seems to feel most comfortable in his own company or the company of very close friends. He"s pretty shy. He doesn"t like catching people"s attention (he becomes the bearer of a ring that grants him invisibility!) and when he has to talk to people he doesn"t know, frequently stutters or appears uncomfortable.

Therefore, my theory is that we don"t see women in The Hobbit—even to the limited extent we see them in the main trilogy—because Bilbo doesn"t see them. Bilbo doesn"t see people as individuals until he gets to know them, but rather only as scary crowds that he prefers to stay far away from, and Bilbo actively avoids getting to know women, because he"s afraid of them as an "unknown".

















@公子小白 @陳宇帆Morgan

男精靈都美的不行不行的 要女的幹嘛 流行搞基



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