





劍橋大學的神經科學團隊曾經發表過一篇論文,研究了創業企業家和普通人的大腦活動。在神經科學領域,冒險精神一向被認為是一種躁鬱情緒失調(bipolar disorder),也就是說,傻大膽確實是一種精神疾病。

這位Barbara Sahakian教授找來了幾十位企業家,對比他們在做決定時的大腦反應。結果顯示,在沒有時間限制,能夠理性分析時,企業家的決策速度和風險偏好跟普通人沒有區別。但是,一旦事態緊急,需要依靠直覺馬上決策時,企業家們明顯更有攻擊性,更願意冒險。
















  1. Ersche, K. D., Roiser, J. P., Clark, L., London, M., Robbins, T. W., Sahakian, B. J. (2005). Punishment induces risky decision-making in methadone-maintained opiate users but not in heroin users or healthy volunteers. Neuropsychopharmacology, 30(11), 2115-2124.
  2. Black, S. E., Devereux, P. J., Lundborg, P., Majlesi, K. (2015). On The Origins of Risk‐Taking in Financial Markets. The Journal of Finance.
  3. Macko, A., Tyszka, T. (2009). Entrepreneurship and risk taking. Applied psychology, 58(3), 469-487.
  4. Blanchflower, D. G., Oswald, A. J. (1998). What makes an entrepreneur?. Journal of labor Economics, 16(1), 26-60.
  5. Wadhwa, V., Holly, K., Aggarwal, R., Salkever, A. (2009). Anatomy of an entrepreneur: Family background and motivation.



Intuitively, one would say: Yes, the risk appetite must be higher, risk aversion lower.

"Entrepreneur" comes from the French word "entreprendre" which means to undertake something. And any undertaking has a risk of failure.

I am entrepreneur myself since ~12 years, after 6 years in Germany"s largest engineering company, Siemens.

In the German language, we have the ironic phrase "If you do something, you can make mistakes, if you don"t do anything, you can"t make mistakes. And the one who does not make any mistakes is promoted to be boss".

That off course describes the situation an an employee in an existing company, where one might hope to be promoted with time and absence of mistakes alone.

For those who aim higher, they have to take more risks than that.

Not only as entrepreneurs, but also as employees. As employee you might have to take on more risky assignments like building up a new unit or restructuring a struggling business. Now the risk of failure is real, and can destroy a corporate career. On the other hand, rewards in form of promotions are also more likely.

Myself, I decided to change from the corporate risk to the entrepreneurial risk. I was in the inhouse-consulting of Siemens (a strategic management consultancy working only for Siemens). I always considered management consulting to be a training camp for entrepreneurs: After all, we would help others how to run their businesses better. In the beginning, this was true, learning about different business types (like product business, or project business, or service business, or software business), and all the situations such a business can be in (like cost cutting and restructuring, or organizing growth, integrating an acquisition etc.).

Over time, I realized that is was becoming more a training camp how to become a manager in a large organization, not an entrepreneur. So I decided to quit.

Many colleagues called this step very "risky". Many called me "brave" and said they felt "respect".

I couldn"t really understand their thinking:

Yes, off course, I was leaving behind a good and safe salary. But I could have found a similar job at any moment. Foregone salary was my biggest investment into my own company, which also offers professional services, so I did not need to invest into RD, fixed assets like machines, stock etc.

Ok, I would now have to bear the full responsibility for my actions alone. But on the other hand, that is exactly what made me feel more SAFE, running LOWER RISK. The risk I saw at that moment was the risk of staying part of a larger organization, with quite limited possibility to influence where it was heading. That to me seemed risky.

It"s like standing on the deck of a super tanker. If you see a cliff in the distance, it might already be too late to veer around. And even if it would not be too late yet, you would first have to alert the rest of the crew, they would have to believe you, and start taking action. By that time, it might well be too late, if you are heard at all.

On the other hand, my own business is like a small sailboat: Small, low power etc. Apparently unsafe. But is it really? I am at the helm. I know how to operate the sails. I can veer around in very short time and distance. I am in full control. As long as I am vigilant, I might actually be safer. At least, I feel much safer, knowing that I have in principle the possibility to react to whatever happens.

Another thought is that if people are willing to take a risk depends on their alternatives, and what is happening around them.

In 2000 I worked at Ford Motor Company in the USA. I lived in the student town Ann Arbor, home to Michigan State University and University of Michigan. Among the students, becoming "the next Bill Gates" was the common dream, everybody wanted to work in a start up, or create one. This was before the Dot-Com bubble burst, off course. They would ask me, why on earth I worked in the "old economy" automotive.
So here, the positive wave of successful start ups made people become entrepreneurs.

Later, when I created my business in 2005/6 in Germany, the effects of the Dot-Com Bubble burst could still be felt in the "real" economy. At that time, finding good jobs was not so easy, and many founders I met were actually forced to create a company out of necessity. They would simply not find a job, so they created one.
So a negative pressure can also lead to entrepreneurship. However, the success rate is much lower, and as soon as the economy picked up again in Germany, many of those start ups disappeared.

What I want to say here: The genes of people, responsible for risk appetite or risk aversion, are far from the only influencing factor. The economic situation, role models etc. also play a big role.
And even what risk really is, depends on the personal preference, as in my case.





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