AdobeRGB sRGB Rec.709 和DCI P3色域有什麼區別?

RGB 的色域看白點RGB 基矢傳遞函數就夠了。
四個色域的白點都是 D65 標準光源,CIE xy 位置 (0.3127, 0.329)(這個位置是能用光譜儀測出來的……)
四者的 RGB 基矢是(CIE xy):
Adobe RGBR=(0.64,0.33),G=(0.21,0.71),B=(0.15,0.06)
Rec709R=(	0.64,	0.33),G=(	0.30	,0.60),B=(	0.15,	0.06)
DCI-P3 D65R=(	0.68,0.32),G=(0.265,0.69),B=(0.15,0.06)
傳遞函數方面,Adobe RGB 和 DCI-P3 都是線性的,sRGB 為整體 2.2 Gamma,Rec709 為整體 2.4 Gamma

DCI P3 是最好的,目前的頂級色域

以下摘自 Noteloop

The DCI P3 Color Space is an RGB color space that was introduced in 2007 by the SMPTE. The color space features a color gamut that is much wider than sRGB. All Digital Cinema Projectors are capable of displaying the DCI P3 color space in its entirety. As of 2013 there is only one commercially available monitor capable of displaying the entire DCI P3 color gamut, the Dolby Professional Reference Monitor PRM-4200.

The table below compares the native color gamut of the DCI P3 Color Space to the color gamuts of other RGB color spaces.

Color SpaceCoverage

Rec. 709 / sRGB100%

Adobe RGB93.6%

DCI P3100%

聊聊DCI-P3和Display P3的差異

在目前的廣色域顯示器中, adobe RGB 最為普遍。 自從5K imac出來後,大家開始跟風用display
P3(和DCI-P3的區別是白點改為D65,伽馬改為2.2)。但P3主要是針對視頻,而adobe RGB可以覆蓋印刷行業(覆蓋CMYK)



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TAG:顯示器 | 色域 | 色彩管理 |