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The Psychology of Color: A Guide for Designers


The color wheel is a tool for understanding color and color relationships.


The most common color wheel is the twelve (12) hue wheel. A color wheel could have as few as six hues or as many as 24, 48, 96 or more.

最常見的色環是 12 色環。通常一個色環包含至少 6 種、多到 24、48、96 或更多種顏色。

  • Yellow
  • Yellow-Green
  • Green
  • Blue-Green
  • Blue
  • Blue-Violet
  • Violet
  • Red-Violet
  • Red
  • Red-Orange
  • Orange
  • Yellow-Orange
  • 黃色
  • 黃綠色
  • 綠色
  • 藍綠色
  • 藍色
  • 藍紫色
  • 紫色
  • 紫紅色
  • 紅色
  • 紅橙色
  • 橙色
  • 黃橙色

Primary colors三原色

There are three primary colors. They are the hues yellow, blue and red. These three colors are the hues that theory can be mixed to make all other colors. If you mix the three primary colors, in theory it would produce black.

色環中有三種原色。它們分別是紅、黃、藍。理論上這三種顏色可以混合出任何其它顏色。當你把這三種顏色混合到一起時,理論上會產生黑色。(譯註:本文的三原色理論基於較傳統的顏料消減型混合體系,有別於計算機領域常用的 RGB 光源疊加型三基色體系和 CMY 印刷消減型分色體系。延伸閱讀: 原色 - 維基百科)

Secondary colors三間色

By mixing two primary hues together you create a secondary color. There are three secondary colors. They are the hues green, violet (purple) and orange. Orange from mixing red and yellow, violet (purple) from blue and red, and green from yellow and blue.


Tertiary colors複色

The third set of hues are known as tertiary or intermediate colors. These hues are made by mixing adjacent primary and secondary hues. The six tertiary or intermediate colors are yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet, red-violet, red-orange, and yellow-orange.


Hue: A hue is the purest or brightest form of a color. Hues are colors that have not been mixed with white, gray, or black. The twelve colors around on the outermost part of the wheel are hues.

純色:純色是一種顏色最純最亮的形態,是還沒和白、灰或黑色進行混合時的形態。色環最外圈的 12 種顏色即代表了 12 種純色。

Tint: The circle of colors next to the hues represent the tint of each hue. A tint is the hue mixed with white. The hue may be mixed with just a touch of white or with so much white that the hue is very faint.


Tone: The next circle of colors represent the tone of each hue. A tone is the hue mixed with true gray. The hue mixed with any amount of gray is considered a tone of the hue.


Shade: The inner most circle of colors represent the shade of each hue. A shade is the hue mixed with black. Just as with the tines, the hue may be mixed with just a touch of black or with so much black that you are.




Yellow shines with optimism, enlightenment, and happiness. Shades of golden yellow carry the promise of a positive future. Yellow will advance from surrounding colors and instill optimism and energy, as well as spark creative thoughts.



  • Stimulates mental processes
  • Stimulates the nervous system
  • Activates memory
  • Encourages communication
  • 刺激思維
  • 刺激神經系統
  • 激活記憶力
  • 鼓勵溝通


  • During the tenth century in France, the doors of traitors and criminals were painted yellow.

  • Yellow signifies "sadness" in Greece"s culture and "jealousy" in France"s culture.

  • Yellow is psychologically the happiest color in the color spectrum.

  • The comic book character Green Lantern was afraid of the color yellow.

  • 75% of the pencils sold in the United States are painted yellow.

  • 在第十世紀的法國,叛徒和罪犯的家門會被漆成黃色。

  • 黃色在希臘文化中表示「悲傷」,而在法國文化中表示「妒忌」。

  • 從心理學上講,黃色是色譜中最令人愉悅的顏色。

  • 漫畫人物綠燈俠懼怕黃色。

  • 在美國售出的鉛筆中,有四分之三是漆成黃色的。


Green occupies more space in the spectrum visible to the human eye than most colors, and is second only to blue as a favorite color. Green is the pervasive color in the natural world, making it an ideal backdrop in interior design because we are so used to seeing it everywhere.



  • Soothes
  • Relaxes mentally, as well as physically
  • Helps alleviate depression, nervousness, and anxiety
  • Offers a sense of renewal, self-control, and harmony
  • 有鎮靜作用
  • 令人放鬆身心
  • 有助於緩解壓力、緊張和焦慮
  • 提供一種新生、內斂、和諧的感覺


  • The solid green flag of Libya is currently the only national flag of a single color.

  • There is a superstition that sewing with green thread on the eve of a fashion show brings bad luck to the design house.

  • Green was the favorite color of George Washington, the first President of the United States.

  • Green is the color used for night-vision goggles because the human eye is most sensitive to and able to discern the most shades of that color.

  • NASCAR racers have shared a bias against the color green for decades. Reportedly, it began after a 1920 accident in Beverly Hills, California, that killed defending Indianapolis 500 champion Gaston Chevrolet. It was the first known racing accident in the United States to kill two drivers, and Chevrolet reportedly was driving a green car.

  • 利比亞的滿幅綠色國旗是目前唯一的單色國旗。

  • 有一種迷信認為在時裝秀的前夜用綠線縫衣服會給設計工作室帶來厄運。

  • 綠色是美國第一任總統喬治·華盛頓最喜歡的顏色。

  • 綠色是夜視鏡所採用的顏色,因為人類的視覺對綠色的不同深淺色調最為敏感,更易於辨識。

  • 全美房車競賽協會數十年來對綠色一直懷有偏見。據傳,這種偏見始於 1920 年發生於加州比佛利山莊的一次事故,這次事故奪去了「Indianapolis 500」賽事的衛冕冠軍 Gaston Chevrolet(加斯頓·雪佛蘭)的生命。這是美國賽車運動有史以來首次造成兩名車手喪生的意外事故,而當時雪佛蘭駕駛的就是一輛綠色賽車。(譯註:此話題可參閱此文《綠車不吉利?》。)


Blue is seen as trustworthy, dependable, and committed. The color of ocean and sky, blue is perceived as a constant in our lives. As the collective color of the spirit, it invokes rest and can cause the body to produce chemicals that are calming.



  • Calms and sedates
  • Cools
  • Aids intuition
  • 靜心安神
  • 涼意
  • 促生直覺


  • Blue is the least "gender specific" color, having equal appeal to both men and women.

  • Blue is the favored color choice for toothbrushes.

  • Owls are the only birds that can see the color blue.

  • People are often more productive in blue rooms.

  • Mosquito"s are attracted to the color blue twice as much as to any other color.

  • 藍色是最不具有「性別特徵」的色彩,對男性和女性有同等的吸引力。

  • 藍色是最受牙刷青睞的顏色之選。

  • 貓頭鷹是唯一能識別藍色的鳥類。

  • 人們在藍色房間里通常更有工作效率。

  • 藍色對蚊子的吸引力是其它顏色的兩倍。


Purple embodies the balance of red"s stimulation and blue"s calm. With a sense of mystic and royal qualities, purple is a color often well liked by very creative or eccentric types and is the favorite color of adolescent girls.



  • Uplifts
  • Calms the mind and nerves
  • Offers a sense of spirituality
  • Encourages creativity
  • 鼓舞人心
  • 平靜心靈,舒緩神經
  • 提供靈性的感覺
  • 激發創造力


  • Purple was the royal color of the Caesars.

  • Purple was the color of the first dye made by man.

  • Purple is the color of Madison Square Garden and seating for VIP』s was once covered in purple.

  • Purple is the color of the highest denomination = $5,000.

  • During the Silver Age of comic books, those with purple on their covers sold better.

  • 紫色是凱撒大帝的皇家色系。

  • 紫色是人類發明的第一種染料的顏色。

  • 紫色是麥迪遜廣場花園(紐約曼哈頓的一個大型室內運動場)的代表色,而且 VIP 專座就曾使用紫色覆蓋。

  • 紫色被用於最高面額的紙幣(5000 美元)。

  • 在漫畫書的興盛時期,採用紫色封面的書往往賣得更好。


Brighter pinks are youthful, fun, and exciting while vibrant pinks have the same high energy as red; they are sensual and passionate without being too aggressive. Toning down the passion of red with the purity of white results in the softer pinks that are associated with romance and the blush of a young woman"s cheeks.



  • Bright pinks, like the color red, stimulate energy and can increase the blood pressure, respiration, heartbeat, and pulse rate. They also encourage action and confidence.
  • Pink has been used in prison holding cells to effectively reduce erratic behavior.
  • 亮粉色,具有類似紅色的效果,可以激發能量,增加血壓、呼吸、心跳和脈搏;還可以激發鬥志和信心。
  • 粉色常被用於監獄的牢房隔間,可有效地降低異常行為。(譯註:據說,在男廁使用粉色裝修和粉色小便斗,可以有效減少小便灑落地面的情況。)


  • In 1947, fashion designer Elsa Schiaparelli introduced the color "hot pink" to western fashion.

  • Pink encourages friendliness while discouraging aggression and ill-will.

  • Since the color pink is said to have a tranquilizing effect, sports teams sometimes use pink to paint the locker room used by opposing teams.

  • Studies of the color pink suggest that male weightlifters seem to lose strength in pink rooms, while women weightlifters tend to become stronger around the color.

  • Pastries taste better when they come out of pink boxes or served on pink plates (it only works with sweets) because pink makes us crave sugar.

  • 1947 年,時裝設計師 Elsa Schiaparelli 將「艷粉色」引入西方時尚圈。

  • 桃色可以營造親密氛圍,減少攻擊性和敵意。

  • 由於聽說粉色有一種鎮定效果,有些球隊會把客隊的休息室漆成粉色。

  • 對於粉色的研究發現,男性舉重運動員在粉色房間內似乎感到力不從心,而女性舉重運動員面對這種顏色反而會有變強的傾向。

  • 糕點從粉色盒子里取出或盛在粉色盤子里時,嘗起來會更美味(這種情況僅適用於甜點),因為粉色令我們渴望糖份。


Red has more personal associations than any other color. Recognized as a stimulant, red is inherently exciting and the amount of red is directly related to the level of energy perceived. Red draws attention and a keen use of red as an accent can immediately focus attention on a particular element.



  • Increases enthusiasm
  • Stimulates energy and can increase the blood pressure, respiration, heartbeat, and pulse rate
  • Encourages action and confidence
  • Provides a sense of protection from fears and anxiety
  • 煥發熱情
  • 激發活力,可以提高血壓、呼吸、心跳和脈搏
  • 激發鬥志和信心
  • 通過恐懼和焦慮來提供一種警戒意識


  • Red is the highest arc of the rainbow.

  • Red is the first color you lose sight of at twilight.

  • The longest wavelength of light is red.

  • Feng shui recommends painting the front door of a home red to invite prosperity to the residents.

  • Bees can"t see the color red, but they can see all other bright colors. Red flowers are usually pollinated by birds, butterflies, bats, and wind, rather than bees.

  • 紅色是彩虹最外圈的顏色。

  • 紅色是你在黃昏時最先無法辨別的顏色。

  • 波長最長的可見光就是紅色的。

  • 中國的風水學建議將住宅的前門漆成紅色,取興旺紅火之意。

  • 蜜蜂看不見紅色,但它們可以看見其它鮮艷的顏色。紅色花卉通常依靠鳥類、蝴蝶、蝙蝠和風媒進行授粉,而不是靠蜜蜂。


Orange, a close relative of red, sparks more controversy than any other hue. There is usually strong positive or negative association to orange and true orange generally elicits a stronger "love it" or "hate it" response than other colors. Fun and flamboyant orange radiates warmth and energy.



  • Stimulates activity
  • Stimulates appetite
  • Encourages socialization
  • 激發活力
  • 刺激食慾
  • 鼓勵社交


  • The interior dash lights on older model Suburu cars were orange.

  • Orange is the color that means "high" in the color-coded threat system established by presidential order in March 2002.

  • In the United States Army, orange is the color of the United States Army Signal Corps.

  • Safety orange is a color used to set things apart from their surroundings.

  • Agent Orange, an herbicide named after the color of its containers, was used in a systematic herbicidal program organized by the US military that ran from 1961 through 1971 in Vietnam.

  • 一些老款的 Suburu 汽車的儀錶盤燈光就是橙色的。

  • 2002 年 3 月,由總統令確立的「威脅等級色彩代號」系統中,橙色代表「高」。

  • 在美國陸軍中,橙色是通信兵的代表色。

  • 「安全橙」是一種用於將物體從周邊環境中區分開來的顏色。

  • 「橙劑」是一種除草劑,得名於它容器的顏色。這種除草劑曾用於 1961 至 1971 年間美軍在越南組織的一項系統的除草工程。


white projects purity, cleanliness, and neutrality. Doctors don white coats, brides traditionally wear white gowns, and a white picket fence surrounds a safe and happy home.



  • Aids mental clarity
  • Encourages us to clear clutter or obstacles
  • Evokes purification of thoughts or actions
  • Enables fresh beginnings
  • 有助於頭腦清醒
  • 鼓勵我們掃除混亂和障礙
  • 喚起思想或行為的凈化
  • 提供一個全新的開端


  • A white flag is universally recognized as a symbol of truce.

  • According to Pantone Inc., white is the best selling color for the classic American t-shirt.

  • More shades of white are available commercially than any other color.

  • White clothing typically becomes translucent when wet.

  • The appearance of white in a dream is thought to represent happiness at home. White castles are a symbol of achievement, destiny perfectly fulfilled, and spiritual perfection.

  • Originally, scientists wore beige coats. In the late 19th century, medical professionals chose white ones. The color white was chosen because of the idea of hope and expectations for healing and recovery that the physicians would bring.

  • 白旗是普遍公認的停戰標誌。

  • 據彩通公司稱,美國傳統 T 恤還是白色的最好賣。(譯註:彩通公司是一家權威的色彩研究機構,該公司推出的彩通配色系統是印刷配色領域的事實標準。)

  • 白色衣服通常在濕水後會變得有些半透明。

  • 夢裡出現白色,通常被認為是家庭幸福的表現。白色城堡通常是功成名就、精神圓滿的象徵。

  • 最初,科學家們通常穿著米色外套。到了 19 世紀晚期,醫學專家們開始選擇白色外套,因為他們心懷對健康事業信心和期望,這與臨床醫師們的目標一致。


Gray is the color of intellect, knowledge, and wisdom. It is perceived as long-lasting, classic, and often as sleek or refined. It is a color that is dignified, conservative, and carries authority. Gray is a perfect neutral, which is why designers often use it as a background color.



  • Unsettles
  • Creams expectations
  • 增加變數
  • 突破常規


  • The New York Times is sometimes called "Gray Lady".

  • Gray represents non-involvement, giving it a formal authority.

  • Gray is associated with intellect and the brain is composed of "gray matter".

  • Gray is representative of pessimism.

  • The human eye can distinguish about 500 shades of gray.

  • 紐約時報有時也被稱為「灰色女士」。(譯註:主要原因是該報的風格較為古典嚴肅。)

  • 灰色代表金盆洗手,放棄形式上的權力。

  • 灰色經常和智慧聯繫在一起,而大腦恰好由「灰質」組成。

  • 灰色是悲觀主義的代表色。

  • 人類的眼睛可以區分大約 500 種不同明暗程度的灰色。


Black is authoritative and powerful; because black can evoke strong emotions, too much can be overwhelming. Black represents a lack of color, the primordial void, emptiness. It is a classic color for clothing, possibly because it makes the wearer appear thinner and more sophisticated.



  • Makes one feel inconspicuous
  • Provides a restful emptiness
  • Is mysterious by evoking a sense of potential and possibility
  • 低調
  • 提供一種空無一物般的寧靜
  • 它的神秘感來自於它所喚起的一種潛藏而未知的感覺


  • In England, taxi cabs are traditionally black.

  • Black implies weight -- people will think a black box weighs more than a white one.

  • The color black is associated with sophistication and power – tuxedos, limousines, judge"s robes, and priests" attire are all typically black.

  • The color black is so widely regarded as sophisticated in fashion that the term "the new black" is often used to describe and give merit to a color trend.

  • One old wives" tale claims that if a woman is buried wearing the color black, she"ll come back to haunt the family.

  • 在英格蘭,計程車傳統上都是黑色的。

  • 黑色意味著份量——人們會覺得一個黑盒子會比白盒子要重。

  • 黑色往往跟修養和權勢聯繫在一起——正式禮服、豪華轎車、法官的長袍、神父的正裝通常都是黑色的。

  • 黑色在時尚界廣受讚譽,比如人們經常使用「新黑色」這個名詞來表達對一種色彩潮流的推崇。

  • 有一種迷信說法,如果一個女人被埋葬時穿著黑衣,她就會經常遊盪在她的家人周圍。

The Colors of the Chakras色彩與脈輪

The chakras are related to the seven basic energy centers in the body. Each of the chakras correlates to a major nerve ganglia branching out from the spinal column. In addition the chakras are correlated to colors, sounds, body functions, and much more.


相關:Color Theory for Designers 1)總結設計師需掌握的色彩理論(1) 2)總結設計師應掌握的色彩理論(2) 3)總結設計師需要掌握的色彩理論(3)

Color Theory For Game Designers 1)遊戲設計色彩學之不同顏色的象徵意義 2)遊戲設計色彩學之創造不同氛圍及場景 3)遊戲設計色彩理論二:色彩運用慣例 4)闡述遊戲關卡設計中的色彩理論 5)解析遊戲開發者如何選擇顏色演算法











有機會可以去看下騰訊的《刀鋒鐵騎》(我不是托= =),這款遊戲的設計是由@@粉紅先生-Pink77 設計的,相比較一些國內其他遊戲,設計感就比較成熟。當然最近也有不少其他遊戲都在進步。







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