






作者:Matthew Lim

作品:Sink Lounge Chair

作者:Leah K.S. Amick

作品:Peel - Cabinet

作者: Leah K.S. Amick

作品: Slide - Coffee Table







首先是美國設計教育體系中研究生細分專業很少,所以MA想申請純粹傢具設計的院校本來就不多。其次,就是美國傢具產業本來就不是特別的興盛,大量的優秀傢具設計師以及傢具品牌還是多以歐洲這邊為主。因此像德國 北歐 英國很多學校 對傢具專業細分的比較多。ps:咱們中國的傢具設計近幾年也崛起很快,值得期待。

當年在米蘭傢具展的一個展位,是一所德國的院校,這一所院校是diploma,也就是咱們的中國的職高學校。但是作品很棒,於是我很好奇詢問,他們很自豪的告訴我,「雖然是diploma的學院,但是我們是傢具專業十分厲害的院校,和(德國)其他master的水平是一樣的「 翻了翻以前的照片,拍得不好,12年的時候吧,還可湊合一看。

言歸正傳,傢具設計也屬於工業產品設計板塊,因此,大的來說,我們還是在做產品,而產品是什麼? 產品只是滿足人類某種特定行為的產物。 而咱們傢具設計也就是其一部分。

所以咱們如果是專註申請傢具設計這個專業的話,首先要體現出的第一點 是你懂產品設計,而不是單純的只懂得傢具設計。你提出這個問題,就是一個小小的誤區。 我們依舊是在做產品設計,只是專註的研究傢具領域而已。

接下來就是最最核心的問題了,什麼樣的產品設計(傢具設計)才是優秀的呢? 這個問題還是涉及比較廣的,這是整個本科4年在傳授的東西,寥寥幾句比較難解釋清楚。 簡單的來說既是前期的research如何體現你的設計思維,以及你的思考的邏輯性。 這個研究分析的過程是為你的產出質量打基礎的。 其次,才是涉及對產品的材料,工藝的認知程度。 最後就是設計師自身的設計涵養等。。。

最後,作品之間是不需要關聯性的。 每個作品能充分體現剛才說提到的所有方面即可。 未來我會再單獨準備兩篇關於工業設計,以及傢具設計作品的詳解文章。






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Vivian Chiu(BFA)

Misha Kahn(BFA)

Andrew Prioli(BFA)



I"ll answer in detail about the Furniture program at Rhode Island School of Design, as they continuously push the furniture world to new and exciting places. RISD is a unique school because of its emphasis on craft and experimentation, even in the more specific Master Degree disciplines. It is important to show your interest in furniture but it is crucial to show how that interest expands beyond the ideas and labeling of traditional "furniture".

Artist: Richard Serra

Tilted Arc 1981

First and foremost, a Master"s portfolio is not simply a collection of your work. A strong and successful Master"s portfolio must have a vision, an opinion and, most importantly, it must ask a question. For example, an important but simple question that a furniture portfolio can ask is, how does my work relate to the human body? To answer this question, we don"t want to show 5 different chairs we made and how interesting they look - we want to see the variety in how you think! Jewelry and architecture both have direct scalar relationships to the body, while glass, ceramics, and textiles all have a tactile relationships to the body. Pick something specific, such as a scale or a material, and explore this question through that aspect. It may turn out to be a project you define as "industrial design" but it shows your capability of thought and analysis - most important to schools determining who to accept.

Designer: Taylor Colantonio

RISD MFA Furniture 2013

Designer: Joey Guerra

RISD BFA Furniture 2013

Designer: Desmond DeLanty

RISD BArch 2013

One of the major issues that Furniture addresses more specifically than industrial design is posture. This can be something you either take very seriously, such as anything designed by Eames, or try to explore a more humorous approach, seen in most work by Katie Stout.

Designer: Katie Stout

RISD MFA Furniture 2012

Another major point to cover in a Master"s furniture portfolio is at least one project that you have developed into multiple forms/functions/iterations. This is really crucial in showing your ability to pursue an idea deeply and thoroughly. One good example would be the explorations of the Japanese Atelier Bow-Wow trying to understand and push the limits of mobility, food, and gathering.

As with any good portfolio, you must show your process in multiple forms. A portfolio should not be exclusively completed/clean/sterile final images of the best work you have done. The best place to find excellent process material is in your sketchbook! Many students applying to both Master and Bachelor"s Degrees are afraid to put incomplete work into their portfolios, and thus miss the opportunity to take full advantage of the sketchbook. Institutions like RISD absolutely love seeing sketchbook work included in a portfolio because they are able to better understand how your mind works - craft is something they can teach you easily once you get there.

Designer: Desmond DeLanty

RISD BArch 2013

As some of the other answers have stated, a portfolio at MAXIMUM consists of 20 pieces, but this number can be as small as 12. Remember, variety/experimentation and showing how you think are the most important traits you can show in a portfolio. The question(s) you ask with your work is what draws these schools deep into your work as opposed to remaining superficial in their interpretation and critique.





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