《the last of us》中《原始星芒》和主線劇情有什麼耦合嗎?


警告??:含 The Last of Us 重大劇透

首先看一下14本可收集漫畫《Savage Starlight》(原始星芒)的劇情梗概,看過的童鞋可以直接往下跳到分析猜測分割線。

1. Termination Shock

Dr. Daniela Star dreams of deep space. In the year 2186, mankind has conquered the solar system, but the shackles of special relativity prevent them from going any further. At her research facility on Ganymede, Daniela is on the verge of a breakthrough that will allow humanity to finally answer the question: are we alone?

1. 終結電擊


2. Messenger Particle

The first test of Daniela"s zero-point jump drive started out a success, but contact with the test pilot was immediately lost. Forty-eight standard hours later, he returned transformed, and he came with a message. "WE ARE THE TRAVELERS," the message began.

2. 傳信者


3. Force Carrier

Reluctant to acknowledge Daniela"s findings, the Council was forced to accept the ominous reality: a series of supermassive objects were appearing and then disappearing in nearby star systems. The objects were making a sweep and the one that would hit the Sol system within days.

Daniela has been brought on board the Kobyashi, led by Captain James Ryan, to make sure an up-close analysis of whatever threat emerges.

3. 力媒體



4. Uncertainty

Mankind"s trillions have become billions. The Travelers" technology eclipses the most optimistic projections of human advancement over the next five hundred years, and humanity"s feeble resistance has all but crumbled.

Having barely surviving the crash of the Kobayashi, Daniela and Captain Ryan face an impending menace on the surface of Titan.

4. 未定數



5. Foreign Element

The victory of the Travelers was absolute, and so too were the terms of humanity"s surrender. The living flesh of every man, woman, and child left alive was claimed as the spoils of war. For how long can Daniela escape their terrible grasp?

5. 外來因素


6. Accretion

Daniela and Captain Ryan have been thrown into the Arena, where the hungry eyes of the Travelers watch as they are forced to fight to the death. Will she put aside her feelings for the captain to fight for her own survival?

6. 增生


7. Free Radicals

After their improbably escape from the Arena, Daniela and Ryan are now the two most wanted humans in the solar system. Their newfound infamy has attracted the attention of a mysterious organization called the Last Watch.

Following scarce and cryptic clues, the trail to the Last Watch has led them to Saturn"s tiny and misshapen seventh moon: Hyperion.

7. 自由基



8. Negentropy

With Captain Ryan"s leadership and Daniela"s technological expertise, the raids of the Last Watch have become ever more daring. As a scientist, can she bear to use her gifts for destruction?

8. 負熵


9. Precipitate

The time has come for Daniela"s second faster-than-light test flight. This time the mission is not exploration, but infiltration. This time, Daniela is going too. Their payload: a twenty-teraton anticarbon bomb. Their crew: eight of the most capable, suicidal, and dangerous men and women of the Last Watch. Their mission: the annihilation of the Traveler homeworld.

9. 加速


10. Deep Phase

So far, Daniela"s phase-shift device has kept the Von Neumann and its crew invisible to the Travelers" sensor network. But as each zero-point jump brings them ever deeper into their vast interstellar empire, hopes for the return journey dwindle.

In three days they have traveled a quarter of the galactic radius, and in two more they will be at the Traveler homeworld. As long as nothing goes wrong.

10. 深入



11. Antiparticles

After a navigational error jumps the Von Neumann into the corona of a white dwarf star, the damage is extensive and tension among the crew is high. With the cloaking device destroyed, the ship is forced to hide in a nearby stellar nursery.

After Daniela"s mistake, the crew won"t easily trust her again... But they don"t have long to decide what to do: time, along with oxygen, is running out.

11. 反粒子



12. Zero Point

It"s been fifteen days since the Travelers detected the uncloaked Von Neumann. The attack killed most of the crew, and, perhaps more importantly, it interrupted the reaction chain in the zero-point engine. At sub-light speed it would take six thousand years to reach the Travelers" homeworld; they are close, but not close enough.

Hope seems all but lost for Daniela.

12. 零點



13. Catalysis

Faced with the failure of their mission, Daniela and James chose to make the ultimate sacrifice for humanity: flying the ship, and the anticarbon bomb on it, straight into a neutron star.

The resulting explosion was the single most significant astronomcal event since the formation of the galaxy, destroying the Traveler fleet, their homeworld, and countless other worlds and star systems. But will the sacrifice of two of humanity"s greatest heroes be enough to break the Travelers" iron grip?

13. 催化作用



14. Singularity

The Travelers have been crippled... for now. Daniela"s daring plan, and her seemingly miraculous escape back home, has made her a galvanizing figurehead to the Last Watch. Captain Ryan"s "sacrifice" has made him a martyr, an illusion Daniela won"t dispel. But how long can she keep what really happened a secret?

14. 獨一無二



如果以「平行世界」的視角來看原始星芒,認為原始星芒的劇情是 TLoU 劇情在另一個宇宙觀下的復刻。那麼 Daniela 對應 EllieCaptain Ryan 對應 JoelThe Travelers 對應於 Cordyceps(WTF?谷歌翻譯譯成冬蟲夏草- -|||),The Last Watch 對應於 FirefliesDaniela 與 Captain Ryan 逃離競技場對應於 TLoU 逃出隔離區劇情Daniela 與 Captain Ryan 尋找 The Last Watch 對應於 Ellie 與 Joel 尋找 Fireflies 劇情

一個猜測是原始星芒在最後與 TLoU 是劇情上的分支。TLoU 中 Joel 選擇了 Ellie,而原始星芒暗示了另一條路的結果,只不過原始星芒中犧牲的是 Captain Ryan 而 TLoU中是 Ellie。 The Travelers 遭受了重創,意味著也許 Ellie 的犧牲能夠製造出疫苗,同時也能很大程度上幫助活著的人以及感染不久的人,但是在漫畫第14冊,說到旅行者遭受重創之後,有一個"For Now",意味著疫苗也許能在一定程度上救助這個世界,但末日不可能因為疫苗的出現而結束。誰能保證火螢不利用疫苗來鞏固壯大自己的勢力而成為下一個「末日政府」。就算火螢能夠以拯救全人類為先,誰又能保證像獵人、大衛那樣無數的團體和組織不會有非分之想:殺掉火螢,讓疫苗掌握在自己手上。更壞的情況,有疫苗的組織在自己的組織內注射疫苗,然後幫助病毒的擴散,以殺死所有不屬於自己組織的潛在敵人
病毒並不是末日中人類最大的敵人,而是人性。就像 TLoU 的遊戲中,往往非常難的關卡都是與人類的戰鬥,而不是與蘑菇。蘑菇很嚇人,但是可預測,而人心則很難分辨,所以末日中很多數人都選擇不相信任何人,見到即開槍(shoot on sight)。

但是我還有另一個看法(┏ (゜ω゜)=?神秘的微笑以及嘴角的閃光特效~)。

TLoU 最後的難題是什麼?選擇救 Ellie,放棄研製疫苗的機會,或者犧牲 Ellie,獲得可能製作出疫苗,拯救全人類的機會。而在原始星芒的最後,這個難題是什麼呢?咋一看似乎是 Daniela 與 Captain Ryan 是否選擇犧牲自己來消滅 The Travelers。但是,但是但是但是,Daniela 與 Captain Ryan 本來就是敢死隊 8 人組之二,早就做好了犧牲自己的打算。同時,在第 8 冊漫畫簡介的最後,有一個問題:As a scientist, can she bear to use her gifts for destruction? 由於 Daniela 的失誤,原定在旅行者母星爆炸的計劃失敗了,要想消滅旅行者,只能通過在中子星引爆炸彈以引發更大範圍的爆炸,但是同時,這樣的爆炸將會毀滅無數除了旅行者母星所在星系的無數其他星系,這在漫畫第 13 冊中已經得到了證實,除了旅行者,還有無數其他世界與星系也遭到了毀滅(countless other worlds and star systems)。所以在原始星芒中的難題是:撞向中子星,犧牲無數其他文明來獲得一個拯救自己文明的機會,或者接受任務的失敗,自己的文明受到毀滅艱難的選擇,是吧?

那麼,Daniela 與 Captain Ryan 經過一番思想上的掙扎還是決定撞向中子星,為拯救自己文明一搏嗎?不不不不不,那樣你就 too young too simple 了~(┏ (゜ω゜)=?神秘的微笑以及嘴角的閃光特效~)。


從左到右,從上到下,分別是漫畫 1~14 冊的封面圖。

用最簡單的一句話來回答 TLoU 最核心是關於什麼的?Joel 與 Ellie 之間類似父女的關係 (The Father-Daughter Relationship between Joel and Ellie)。原始星芒也是一樣的,最核心的是 Daniela 與 Captain Ryan 之間的關係,從一開始一起探測未知的危險是什麼,到一起逃出競技場,尋找並加入末日守衛,直到最後一起參加最後的任務。先看第九冊漫畫的封面,敢死隊中的六人,從 Captain Ryan 看 Daniela 的眼神中可以明顯看出二人親密的關係。而在 Daniela 的失誤後,隊員不再信任 Daniela 時,也是 Captain Ryan 在保護 Daniela,這在第十一冊漫畫封面展示了出來。最重要的一冊封面我認為是第十二冊,二者的神情,不太可能是因為下定決心撞向中子星,而是:二者在這個選擇上有分歧。我的版本是:Daniela 作為一個科學家,認為不應該犧牲無數的文明來保護人類文明,而 Captain Ryan 的看法相反,二者之間特殊的關係以及時間的緊迫導致問題更為複雜。兩人在爭鬥中最後撞向了中子星,Daniela 在爆炸剛剛吞噬掉她一隻手臂的瞬間被捲入了類似蟲洞什麼的東西瞬移到離爆炸非常遠的地方(手臂請看最後一冊漫畫封面),在 Daniela 回到基地後回憶時突然明白了那樣的爆炸能夠產生出蟲洞一樣的東西,在爆炸的瞬間是 Captain Ryan 將她推向蟲洞一樣的東西的位置的。這樣的話,對於 Captain Ryan 而言,他堅持撞向中子星就不是為了拯救人類文明而犧牲其他文明,而是為了救 Daniela 而犧牲其他文明。

Daniela 的失誤是故意的嗎?
回答是的話,可能是因為 Daniela 作為科學家知道在旅行者母星爆炸也會產生更大的爆炸,會毀滅無辜的文明。也可能是因為 Daniela 是間諜,畢竟所有的一切都是由 Daniela 的實驗而起。
是 Captain Ryan 救了 Daniela 嗎?

很有可能原始星芒這部漫畫並沒有與主線劇情有什麼關聯,而只是為了讓末日世界更為具體,更好地展現 Joel 與 Ellie 之間的關係,同時作為一個不錯的收集元素(而不是某些遊戲莫名其妙的收集元素)。


一定要玩 The Last of Us。

To the edge of the universe and back; Endure and Survive !!!



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