Your time of dwelling in these hills is come to an end. Here the men of the
West have resolved to make their homes, and the folk of the dark must depart -
or be slain. ——『中土歷史』卷十二 「你們在這片山區居住的日子到頭了。西方人決定在這裡安家。黑暗的信徒要麼離開,要麼死。」
... Thieves are they. For our lands are ours from of old, which they
would wrest from us with their bitter blades. White skins and bright eyes are no
warrant for such deeds.』 『Are they not?』 said she. 『Then
neither are thick legs and wide shoulders. Or by what means did ye gain these
lands that ye boast of? Are there not, as I hear men say, wild folk in the caves
of the mountains, who once roamed here free, ere ye swart folk came hither and
hunted them like wolves? - 『中土歷史』卷十二 「……他們是盜賊。我們的土地自古就是我們的。他們卻要用利刃從我們手裡奪走。白色皮膚和閃亮的眼睛沒有給予他們這麼做的權力。 「給不了嗎」,她說道,「你們粗壯的腿和寬闊的肩膀也給不了。管你怎麼吹噓你們是怎麼得到這片土地的。聽說以前山裡洞穴中的野人在這篇土地上自在行走,一直到你們這支黝黑的民族來了,把他們當作狼來獵殺。
而海洋人真的認為自己在作惡嗎? Tal-Elmar 所述的故事裡,Númenor 人似乎正在同精靈聯合,扛著推翻中土的黑暗君王
Sauron 的大旗,光看中土的史冊的話,他們戰績輝煌,把 Sauron 趕出了 Eriador,後來更把 Sauron
本人俘虜了。他們把土著稱為 folk of the dark,所以事情也不是那麼簡單。
I have spent most of my life, since I was your age,
studying Germanic matters ... I was much attracted by it as an undergraduate
(when Hitler was, I suppose, dabbling in paint, and had not heard of it), - JRRT信件 從你這麼大的時候起,我人生大部分時間都在研究日耳曼。我大學時就被深深吸引了的(我猜,那時候的希特勒還在瞎亂學畫畫,壓根都沒聽說過這些)
He wondered what the man"s name was and where he came from; and if he was really
evil of heart, or what lies or
threats had led him on the long march from his home; and if he would not really
rather have stayed there in peace - The Two Towers 「他 [Sam] 想知道這人 [死去的 Haradrim] 怎麼稱呼,來自何方;他心底確實邪惡呢,或是因為什麼樣的謊言或者威嚇才令他背井離鄉;是否他本願意安寧地留在家鄉呢」——LotR
The Germans have just as much
right to declare the Poles and Jews
exterminable vermin, subhuman, as we have to select the Germans: in other
words, no right - Letters 「德國人有多少權力宣稱波蘭人、猶太人是可滅絕的害蟲、下等人,我也也有多少權力這麼說德國人:也就是說,他們沒有權力」
"I regret that I am not clear as to what you intend by arisch. I am not of Aryan extraction: that is Indo-iranian; as far as I am aware none of my
ancestors spoke Hindustani, Persian, Gypsy, or any related dialects. But if I am
to understand that you are enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I can
only reply that I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people." - JRRT信件 「很遺憾我不明白你說的 arisch 是什麼意思,我不是雅利安後裔,這個詞是指印度·伊朗人;就我所知我的祖先里沒有說印度斯坦語,波斯語,吉普賽語或者其他分支語言的。如果我理解成,你其實是要問我是否有猶太血統,我只能說我很遺憾我的祖先里似乎沒有屬於這個有才華的民族的」
大家知道 Tolkien 的矮人形象有源於猶太的地方。大家也該看到矮人的形象總的來說是正面的。
I have the hatred of apartheid in my bones; and most of all I detest the segregation or
separation of Language and Literature. I do not care which of them you think
White. - The Monsters the Critics 「我對種族隔離恨之入髓;我最憎惡的莫過於語言文化的隔離,我才不關心你們認為哪些才算白種。」
Not that in real life things are as clear cut as in a story, and we started out with a great many Orcs on
our side - JRRT信件 「現實生活里事情就沒故事裡那麼黑白分明了,我們啟程時身邊就有好多 Orcs」
In real (exterior) life men are
on both sides: which means a motley alliance of
orcs, beasts, demons, plain
naturally honest men, and angels. - JRRT信件 「現實生活中是人類站在雙方:那是個 orcs、野獸、魔鬼、淳樸老實人、天使的混雜同盟」
托老的描述:"They were called "Halflings"; but this refers to the normal height of Men of Numenorean descent and of the Eldar (especially those of Noldorin descent), which appears to have been about seven of our feet." (高等精靈和努門諾爾人的平均身高是7英尺,aka 2.13米)
另一處描述:"The Quendi were in origin a tall people. The Eldar (...) they were in general the stronger and taller members of the Elvish folk at that time. In Eldarin tradition it was said that even their women were seldom less than six feet in height; their full-grown elfmen no less than six and a half feet, while some of the great kings and leaders were taller." (高等精靈個子很高,是精靈中比較高的,即使是女性通常也高於6英尺,成年男性一般會高於6.5英尺,他們中的國王和領袖還要更高)