
比如In this world, I love three things,the moon,the sun and you.The sun for the day,the moon for the night,and you forever.再比如拜倫的春逝中 If I should see you after long year,how should I greet you,with tears,with silence.歡迎大家前來分享~( ̄▽ ̄~)~

To Liu Wen,the opposite house,3 am.


all that I recall is a beauteous, alcohol-deluded flash
When your sunlight laughter dulled my pain
BSuzie W ong』s foundered world
Spellbound scene of my cure

Loving you is the important thing.There are some people who think love is sex and marriage and six o『clock-kisses and children,and perhaps it is.But do you know that I think?I think love is a touch and yet not a touch. ---Salinger 《The heart of the story》有人認為愛是性,是婚姻,是清晨六點的吻,是一堆孩子,也許真是這樣的,萊斯特小姐。但你知道我怎麼想嗎?愛是想觸碰又收回手。
國家地理宣傳文案:if you are, you breathe.
If you breathe, you talk.
If you talk, you ask.
If you ask, you think.
If you think, you search.
If you search, you experience.
If you experience, you learn.
If you learn, you grow.
If you grow, you wish.
If you wish, you find, and if you find, you doubt.
If you doubt, you question.
If you question, you understand, and if you understand, you know.
If you know, you want to know more.
If you want to know more, you are alive.

Love is very strange, what all mind, then what all can forgive. Like Tagore said,"Eyes are raining for her, heart is holding umbrella for her, this is love."

Always want to leave the best to you,
but it turns out you"re the best in the world.

Whoever says they don』t want to be in love must have someone in their heart that they can』t possess.

I miss you not because of my loneliness but I do feel lonely when I miss you.

Life scenery, in fact, are the scenery of the soul, what can be missed, it is not missed his heart.

Good things come to those who wait. Some of us just have to wait longer than others.

Love me little, love me long.

In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result,no ownership,Just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years.

World too, life is so short. Try to take it nice like they want that way, son.

One of the most difficult tasks in life is removing someone from your heart.

Sometimes you need to look back, otherwise you will never know what you have lost in the way of forever searching.

If I do not have a knife, I can not protect you if I have a knife, I can not give you a hug.




Yesterday I saw a lion kiss a deer.
--lost star

「Loving can heal, Loving can mend your soul」
Ed sheeran 的 photograph歌詞

Maybe some people are just meant to be in the same story.



If there be two, they are two so
As stiff twin compasses are two

If they be two, they are two so
As stiff twin compasses are two ;
Thy soul, the fixed foot, makes no show
To move, but doth, if th" other do.
And though it in the centre sit,
Yet, when the other far doth roam,
It leans, and hearkens after it,
And grows erect, as that comes home.

If you do not leave, I will in life and death.


真心相愛過 累了爭吵了分開了 還會不會再次相遇?

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