





可是1990年代美國的經濟真的那麼繁榮嗎?如果我們再看仔細一點, 我們會發現並不是。總體財富增加了很多,90年代大部分所產生的財富是鞏固再富人(也就是說Top 1%)的手裡,而中產階級「老百姓」的財富幾乎沒增加。柯林頓所造成的「新就業機會」大部分是低收入的,真沒什麼值得驕傲的。在柯林頓任期八年中,美國貧富差距也增加了不少:1992年最富1%的財富佔全國13.5%,2000年佔16.5%。雖然有些人生活水平提高了,但是很多是盲目地憑藉債行為,這樣很不可持續,是2008年經濟危機的原因之一。

柯林頓通過了很多對大企業和華爾街有利卻對老百姓有害的政策。柯林頓1999年批准了 Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act,廢止了1933年分割投資銀行和普通銀行的Glass-Steagall Act,並阻止了一個可能監管衍生品市場的法案。 他的財政部長羅伯特·魯賓(Robert Rubin)是原高盛集團(Goldman Saches)的CEO,代表華爾街的利益,使得不少人懷疑金融業在政府幕後操縱。


最後,不能不提的是莫尼卡?萊溫斯基(Monica Lewinsky)醜聞。其實,史上許多美國總統都在玩了婚外情(最著名的是肯尼迪和瑪麗蓮)。但在1990這樣保守派復興而且互聯網時代柯林頓的行為非常愚痴。他人的私生活我一般不管,但這次醜聞浪費了美國的多麼時間多麼資源真是值得批評的。

During the 1990s, the American economy "boomed". Stock market value and home prices soared. Unemployment was low. Jobs were created. Standards of living rose. With the Cold War at an end, the world enjoyed a period of relative peace, and there were few major tragedies or wars to scar the Clinton presidency.

You may assume that as a liberal and typical supporter of the Democratic Party I would be very fond of Clinton. But I"m not.

First I will comment on his personality. In the US, a president is judged as much on his personality as on his accomplishments. Clinton may have come across as a friendly guy, down-to-earth guy. Certainly that"s the image he projected. But I didn"t buy it for a minute. To me, Clinton was the epitome of the manipulative politician, making the public think he really cared. Like when he famously told a black single mother "I feel your pain".

But my main criticisms of Clinton lie more with the substance of his legacy. The economic successes of the 1990s can"t really be attributed to him personally. The economy goes up and down in cycles, and Clinton just happened to be lucky to preside over one of the upswings.

But look closer at the numbers and we see that the Clinton economy was not all it seemed. Overall wealth increased during the 1990s, but it increased much more for the upper class than it did for the middle class and the poor. Many of the jobs "created" under Clinton were poor-paying "McJobs" (e.g. minimum wage worker at McDonalds).

The gap between the rich and poor increased dramatically. From the beginning to the end of Clinton"s presidency the top 1% increased their share of national income from 13.5% to 16.5%.

Clinton approved many bills which gave huge breaks to corporations and Wall Street. He approved the bill which undid the age-old law requiring investment banks and retail banks to remain separate, and blocked a bill which would have regulated the market in derivatives. Many economists blame these moves as contributing to the financial crisis that unfolded under Bush. Much of Clinton"s economic policy was devised by Robert Rubin, who was former chairman of Goldman Sachs, leading many to argue that Wall Street was pulling the strings of Clinton"s economic policy.

On social issues, Clinton disappointed advocates for gay rights. His "don"t ask don"t tell" policy forced gays in the military to keep their identity a secret.

Finally, of course the scandal with Monica Lewinsky left a huge stain on Clinton and the Democratic Party. I personally don"t care what Clinton or anyone else does in private life. It"s quite normal for the president of the United States to have affairs with women outside marriage. Kennedy was famous for it! I"m more disappointed that he was stupid enough to get caught. The last two years of his presidency were completely dominated by the scandal, and while ultimately that"s the fault of the Republican party who manipulated the scandal for political effect, it"s Clinton who gave them the opportunity to do so.



重返工作 12年柯林頓寫的書。 讀完第一章就能知道他的治國理政思路。














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