Daft Punk表演時操作的屏幕是什麼?幹什麼用的?
Daft punk在2007巡演和2008格萊美的時候用的是法國JazzMutant Lemur Multitouch Modular Controller
還有一個是Behringer BCR2000 MIDI Controller
Moog Minimoog Voyager Rack Mount Edition
不記得在哪看到說daft punk live的時候用的有些控制器是定製的。不過他們本身就很喜歡玩各種採樣器、合成器、MIDI。Rolling stone採訪里就提到他們的studio里有個從加拿大定製4*6ft(1.2*1.8m)的合成器,上面有各種filter、節拍器、開關,還有933個旋鈕。所以他們的live setup有定製MIDI應該很正常。======補充=====
Tino Schaedler and Optimist Design teamed up with Daft Arts to create this amazing mid-century modern design set. Check out the old school audio equipment integrated into the set. Very cool. The recording booth is patterned after the 「Mother」 space craft control room from the movie Alien. The robots gold mirror mixing console actually worked and was played live.
JIM LOGIUDICE film/props/special fx, Here』s the set we built for Daft Punk』s Grammy...
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TAG:音樂 | 格萊美獎GrammyAward | 歐美流行音樂 | 音效 | DaftPunk |