






直奔主題,用最直接的方式,搜索聯合國官網。進入高逼格的聯合國網站,細緻地閱讀內容,終於找到了Internship Programme這一項。看著英文介紹,發現真得還蠻簡單的。之前的擔憂,顯得有些多餘。

Internship的職位有很多,要選擇適合自己的,有environment affairs,political affairs,humanitarian affairs,economic affairs,information management,peace operation,conference management等等。作為一位社會科學的學生,我選擇了social affairs intern。實習地點也有很多,紐約、日內瓦、韓國仁川、曼谷、聖地亞哥等等,涵蓋全球,所以可選擇項也很多。考慮到實習期間費用自理,可以往來中國的,我選擇了亞洲國家,首選泰國曼谷,聯合國亞洲總部所在。

準備申請材料,填寫網路表格的過程跟自己當初申請國外大學的時候十分類似。最耗費心神的是一封personal statement:你為何覺得自己適合這份職位,你能為工作做出什麼貢獻等等。
第一稿自己看,第二稿請老師看,第三稿請朋友看,三次潤色,三次檢校proof reading後,才往上傳。
表格的其他內容就比較簡單了,包括學校,學歷,推薦人聯繫方式,年齡,國籍什麼的。像英文水平怎麼樣等,表格上都沒有詢問到,專業其實也沒什麼限制。填完資料後,第一個職位申請材料就可以運用到其他職位了,所以我毫無顧忌地把所有亞洲國家的social affairs intern都給點了。廣撒網嘛!



那天愛丁堡的天氣一如往常,陰沉寒冷,刮大風。我的寢室是租在外面一個10幾平米的小單間,一個星期60鎊。昨天我剛打掃過,煮上了飯,電飯鍋里的飯香四溢,讓人心情平靜。小房間面朝公園後山,恬靜安詳,偶有行人經過。窗戶很大,一打開,就能飄進很清新的空氣。我早早地起床,大概7-8點得樣子,外面還很暗,英韓相差8個小時,韓國已經是下午3-4點了。打開電腦的Skype,等了5-6分鐘,Skype按時響起,對面傳來了一位女士的聲音。她就是我將來在聯合國實習的導師,來自日本的Yuko女士,從聲音就感到了她的知性。她介紹了幾位面試官,人力資源的Ka-fa WANG,跟我聯繫的高階官員;事務處的director Rama,原來是哈佛大學的教授。





知乎 Live - 全新的實時問答


知乎 Live - 全新的實時問答

通過聯合國的青年專業人才(YPP)項目可以進入聯合國當國際公務員(international civil servant)。我最近採訪了一位通過這個項目進入聯合國的經濟事務官員,詳細信息我貼過來了,供大家參考。

IDCC知道12月4日就是一年一度的聯合國青年人才項目考試,為了幫助大家更好地準備考試,我們特別邀請了聯合國經濟官員Michael Milligan為大家答疑。Michael參加了2010年的YPP考試並過關斬將進入聯合國,現任職於拉丁美洲和加勒比經濟委員會(UN ECLAC)。


General questions about working in the UN:

Q: What』s it like to work in the UN?

Michael: Too big a question! Exciting, interesting and frustrating. The United Nations does a lot more than I thought it did and is involved in many sectors - my last post was primarily working with government officials in land registration and mapping agencies. You find working here that the organization has great potential to make a difference. The biggest reason it sometimes doesn"t meet that potential is because of its very closed hiring procedures and failure to put the right person in the job, and the now strong emphasis on the YPP programme is the United Nation"s efforts to change that.

Q: What is your typical day?

Michael: Well, let"s see. Work at my office starts and ends quite early (7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.; work hours vary by duty station) so I wake up around 6 a.m., get ready and take a mini-bus to work. Then I set at a computer and type things, and occasionally have meetings and joke with colleagues. Today, for example, I reviewed a colleague"s article on free trade agreements and gave some (I hope) helpful notes; and we had a video conference with our ECLAC headquarters in Santiago to talk about our GDP forecasts for the countries in our region.

Q: There are so many UN offices, where should I pick if I were to work for the UN one day?

Michael: You would be quite lucky to have your pick of them! I"ve only worked at two offices, the Economic Commission for Europe and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, so I don"t think I can say which is the best out of the dozens of UN offices out there. I will point out that the YPP exam is only for selection to organizations in the United Nations secretariat, which doesn"t include every organization with "United Nations" in the name.

Q: Exactly how important is it to be multi-lingual in order to work for the UN? If you can advise, which languages should I learn first?

Michael: It depends. English, obviously, is essential for any job at the UN. Sometimes that"s all you need. In my last job, working in Geneva, French was only occasionally useful at work. To work in Latin America, you probably need to know Spanish or at least be ready to learn it.

Q: Is there career progression with the UN?

Michael: Yes, but not automatically. Some people come in at the entry-level (usually P2) and stay there for years; some move up quickly. Promotions are (in theory) merit-based.

Q: What specific policy areas does your work cover?

Michael: I study the economic issues of the English- and Dutch-speaking Caribbean. This includes, among other topics, economic growth, trade and foreign direct investment.

YPP specific questions:

Q: What is your background? Which part do you think makes you stand out as a YPP candidate?

Michael: I have a Ph.D. in economics from the University of New Mexico and taught economics as an assistant professor at Pusan National University, South Korea, for two years before coming to the United nations. When I began working at the United Nations I found that I had already been to and lived in more diverse places than a typical United Nations worker!

I think among YPP candidates I mostly stand out because of my winning smile and quick wit ;).

Q: What has been one highlight of your work as a YPP?

Michael: Not sure why some of the questions relate to my work at the United Nations and some to my work as a YPP as these are the same thing! Well in my last job at the ECE I got to travel a lot, about once a month, all over Europe and the former Soviet Union. That was PRETTY cool.

Q: Tell us how you prepared for your YPP?

Michael: My exam was on economics. To prepare for this, I taught economics at a university for two years ;). I also looked up sample exams on line.

Q: What resources did you use to prepare for the exam?

Michael: Textbooks on economics, especially international economics, and sample exams online.

Q: What resources were actually useful for the exam?

Michael: See above. There is, I think, also a Yahoo! group for those interested in the exam, but I didn"t use it to prepare.

Q: The sample exams on UN careers website are helpful, but I still would like to hear you talk a little about the structure of the exam. Is that okay?

Michael: Yes, it is OK.

Just kidding. Well first of all I"m not really a YPP. When I took the exam it was called the National Competitive Recruitment Exam (NCRE). They later changed the name to YPP and the exam format too. So the written exam was a bit different for me. When I took it there were two parts - the English text-summary part, which was quite easy for me as a native speaker, and the economics part. The economics part was a fair opportunity to show what you knew about economics, I thought. It involved several short answer questions and a few long answer questions. There was no question I didn"t know how to answer. Then again they never tell you how you did, just if you passed, so it"s possible I barely got by! They say the exam is harder now than when I took it.

After I passed the written exam, I was flown to New York for the oral exam. Questions focused mostly on current events and on the structure of the United Nations; I knew little of either. So I printed out a bunch of information from United Nations websites and bought every current events periodical I could find at the airport bookstore on my way to New York. I had a LONG flight there from Korea so I just studied the whole way and ended up doing pretty well during the oral exam.

Q: English is my second language so I』d like some advice on how I can train myself to summarize long texts for the general exam. Do you have any suggestion?

Michael: Practice, practice, practice.

Q: About the general paper, could you please tell me the grading standards of summary part that you thought might be? Are the multiple choice questions just facts about UN? Could you please give me some specific ideas on that?

Michael: They don"t tell you how you did so I can"t really say about grading standards. When I took the exam, there was no multiple-choice section.

Q: My handwriting is not very good. Should I be concerned?

Michael: I have very bad handwriting. I am always concerned about this with such exams so I printed my answers very, very carefully.

Q: Hong long did it take for you to get in the UN?

Michael: 32 years.

After I took the written exam, it was 13 months until I began my job.

Q: Are there any drawbacks of being a YPP?

Michael: Yes. The United Nations is very much a "cronies" network. Many supervisors do not like being forced to hire someone who passed an exam instead of being allowed to hire people they know. Since the United Nations started a push to seriously promote the YPP only in recent years, it is not likely you will have a boss who is a YPP.

Q: Are there other ways to get into the UN since I am 32 next year and won』t be qualified for YPP anymore if I don』t get in this year?

Michael: You can always apply to a posted opening; it does happen sometimes that people get hired via a competitive process other than the YPP programme.

Q: If I fail this time around, what advice would you give me to better prepare for future YPP applications?

Michael: Study.

Q: Can you tell me a little about your experience so far as a YPP?

Michael: I thought I just did?

Q: Are there any way you think the YPP scheme could be improved?

Michael: Yes. I think there should be positions above P2 reserved for those who passed the YPP. It could also be a good idea to have P1 positions available for those who pass the exam and have less experience. Most people who pass are in their late 20s or early 30s and so are not necessarily "young professionals".



按照他們的話說,現在聯合國是越來越難進了,但是中國人進聯合國的機會在上升,因為聯合國工作席位有一部分是根據會員國的會費數額確定的(參見讀書頻道 - 新華網 之國際公務員),中國繳費在上升,所以相應的國際公務員配額也在上升。

沒工作經驗的或者工作經驗少的想申請P-2的果斷YPP撞運氣,或者申請intern然後轉consultant然後刷著工作經驗苦等P2職位放出來【按照目前的現狀不砍P2的職位就感謝上蒼吧】;或者攢滿項目經驗工作經驗人脈寬廣位於事業尾聲的進去相對容易。field service要比hq的職位相對好申請。總結的話三個字:看造化。















對於大多數普通人來說,最常見的就是直接在聯合國的官網 UN Careers 進行搜索。第一步,選擇你感興趣的部門、地點、級別等,然後從搜索出的結果中進一步選擇具體想要申請的職位。第二步,在官網上註冊賬戶,詳細填寫個人信息(比較繁瑣耗時),包括學習經歷、工作實習經歷,cover letter等,同時還要有三個推薦人的信息(不需要提供推薦信,但要有推薦人的具體職位和聯絡信息)。第三步,發送完申請之後耐心等待對方聯絡,時間可能長達幾個月。我當時申請了聯合國的幾個不同的實習職位,有一個是在一個月之後聯絡我的,另一個是在四個月之後聯絡我的。第四步,收到聯絡郵件後,看對方要求,有的要提供writing sample之後篩選面試,有的直接約時間面試。第五步,面試一般是Skype面,主要問的是跟你申請的職位相關的信息,以及你以前的經歷、做的項目等。第六步,如果通過面試,一般很快就能拿到offer。



be a man, use your hand~




聯合國有很多contract 而且下面機構會在官網定期更新position 各位小盆友可以多多關注
如果聽過社招 即招聘有經驗的
先是官網投簡歷 需要註冊填寫
然後通過篩選了,一般有筆試和面試兩部分,而且筆試內容是情景題目 就是會給一段假設或者報表 再去作答
如果筆試通過了 就會到面試環節 那幾率就很大嘍 全英文面試 請自行準備相關問題






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