

1.網友瀏星雨的分析—— 「單身華裔父親給10歲女兒洗澡被警方擊斃」新聞真相

2.心路獨舞的分析—— 華裔男子為10歲女兒洗澡被奪撫養權抵抗警方遭擊斃——一個虛構的新聞熱點--心路獨舞的博客--鳳凰網博客

3.果殼網友對事件的分析——【追本溯源】華裔父親為女洗澡被剝奪撫養權 抵抗後遭槍擊事件到底是真實的還是虛構出的熱點






2013-10-24 01:40:02





最近兩天,一篇題為《華裔男子為10歲女兒洗澡被奪撫養權 抵抗警方遭擊斃》(點擊題目可進入)的熱點新聞在國內各大媒體和網站上廣泛傳播,並在網友間引起了各種各樣的熱議。作為在美國生活了快二十年、並親手養育了一個已九歲女兒的家長和教育工作者,看到這個題目不禁疑竇叢生。










能使用孩子們的衛生間,若是因特殊原因需要照顧孩子的話,必須有其他老師或者護士同時在場。在同性孌童案陰影下的美國,《華裔男子為10歲女兒洗澡被奪撫養權 抵抗警方遭擊斃》

【追本溯源】華裔父親為女洗澡被剝奪撫養權 抵抗後遭槍擊事件到底是真實的還是虛構出的熱點



微博上最新的熱點新聞:華裔父親為女洗澡被剝奪撫養權 抵抗後遭槍擊。已經有網友將報道全文貼到本小組,不了解前情的可以點擊鏈接。

這條今天的熱點新聞,在新浪微博上是由@這裡是美國 這個賬號發布了一條微博:


不過,很快微博網友@中杯冰檸蜜 轉發這條微博時附上了更多詳細的內容:




只能再回到最初的信源,點進@這裡是美國 提供的鏈接,是環球新聞轉自中國新聞網的文章,找到中國新聞網。原文是中新網在2013年10月22號下午發布的:美華裔單身父親為10歲女兒洗澡惹禍上身被擊斃




補充:謝謝@花落成蝕 他發現紐約僑報網還沒有刪掉這篇文章,鏈接:父親幫10歲女兒洗澡惹禍(國內媒體是全文照搬,其實也可以不看,所以就等於說也沒有新的線索。)











引用@花落成蝕 的話:報紐約網的頁面還沒有刪【僑報記者崔國萁10月21日紐約報道】紐約華社不斷發生華裔家長因打孩子或在撫養孩子過程中不慎弄傷孩子而遭到市兒童局介入,由此被剝奪孩子的撫養權,同時父母被抓吃官司的悲劇發...

很明顯,起這個嘩眾取寵標題的的確是《僑報》記者,見僑報搜索結果(日期為21日)。而@花落成蝕 「發現紐約僑報網還沒有刪掉」的「這篇文章」,實際上是22日《僑報》重發的版本,原因也許是《僑報》自己認識到不妥,也許是已經收到讀者抗議









引用@xmh51 的話:到疑似源頭,書《我在美國當警察》:父親老王為女兒換藥竟惹殺身之禍老王忍辱負重幫太太拿下了博士學位,自己的英文卻是26個字母排起來認識,一顛倒組合就犯蒙,聽了半天就聽明白一個字,女兒。心想女兒怎...

引用@請叫我怪蜀黍 的話:嗯,感覺這個出處比較可信。但是這個案件真實性還是保持懷疑




引用@M.J 的話:按照曹的妻子的說法,她當時是在家的,在樓上,聽到槍聲才發現丈夫被擊中了。這個警察說的完全不同,怎麼回事?



引用@請叫我怪蜀黍 的話:我覺得最重要疑點還是樓主提到的問題,一個少數族裔被警察殺死,無論是否合理,這在美國媒體上肯定要翻了天了,即使過去那麼舊時間,肯定還會留下痕迹,怎麼會google上搜不到。



引用@xmh51 的話:到疑似源頭,書《我在美國當警察》:父親老王為女兒換藥竟惹殺身之禍老王忍辱負重幫太太拿下了博士學位,自己的英文卻是26個字母排起來認識,一顛倒組合就犯蒙,聽了半天就聽明白一個字,女兒。心想女兒怎...



引用@請叫我怪蜀黍 的話:嗯,感覺這個出處比較可信。但是這個案件真實性還是保持懷疑




引用@xmh51 的話:到疑似源頭,書《我在美國當警察》:父親老王為女兒換藥竟惹殺身之禍老王忍辱負重幫太太拿下了博士學位,自己的英文卻是26個字母排起來認識,一顛倒組合就犯蒙,聽了半天就聽明白一個字,女兒。心想女兒怎...



In Memory of my Beloved Husband Xianqing Cao

By Jane Zhen-Yi Cao, Ph.D.
7192 Bridlewood Circle
Portage, MI 49024

Phone: 616-321-0084

May 19, 2001

Dear Sisters and Brothers, my Fellow American Citizens, Children of God:

we come here to honor a good soul, a loving husband, a caring and
heroic father, a dedicated son and brother, a kind and helping man, a
patriot, a world peace believer, a permanent resident of the United
States, a child of God, my darling husband Xianqing Cao.

Lots have been said by others. To be fair to my husband and our children, I must share with you some factual information.

came to the USA in December 1986. I had 6 years of graduate school in
the University of Rhode Island and obtained my Doctor of Philosophy
(Ph.D.) degree in Analytical Chemistry in December 1992. I am now a
research scientist in the Pharmacia Corporation.

In 1998, I was
naturalized as an American citizen. I chose to be an American because I
believe that God had given all persons the right to live, to be free, to
work, and to search for happiness. I believe the principles in the
Declaration of Independence. I believe the principles of the American
Constitution. I believe the fundamental human rights should be applied
to every person in this world. I believe the freedom of speech and
press, and I believe the right of the people to keep and bear arms and
to protect their family in their homes.

In 1996, I was baptized
to believe in God. I believe in God because God is truth, God is love,
and God is righteousness. When one thing happened, no matter what you
say, what you claim, or what you suggest, there is only one fact, one
truth. And God knows the whole truth. I believe justice to all. If it is
injustice to one, it is injustice to each every one of us.

1995, I was forced to file a divorce from the biological father of my
two daughters, Margaret and Elena mainly because of his violent and
abusive behaviors (Stamford, Connecticut, Docket No. FA95 0148162 S). On
May 20, 1996, Judge John F. Kavanewsky, Jr. awarded me sole legal and
physical custody of Margaret and Elena and ordered the father to pay
child support. Until now for about 4 years, the father has not paid any
child support.

At those difficult times, I prayed to God to send a
man to me, a man whom I could fall in love with, a man who would love
Margaret and Elena as his own children, and a man whom Margaret and
Elena could look upon as their father.

God answered my prayer.
God sent my husband Xianqing Cao to me from China in 1997. Margaret and
Elena loved so much to be with Xianqing, playing with him and staying
close to him. The affinity between Xianqing and my daughters moved me.
This is a man with a kind, caring, and loving heart. I love this man and
God made the right decision for me. We became such a joyful family.

taught the children to play intellectual games and balls, went outings
fts for the children, fed Elena meals when she was little, gave and
applied the medicines to the children when they were sick, helped the
children taking bath when they were little and when I was pregnant,
carried the children to their beds when they fell asleep in the cars and
in other rooms, accompanied them for their doctors』 visits, drove the
children to their dance lessons and performances, piano and violin
lessons and reciand fishing with them, cooked many delicious meals,
bought toys, clothes, and gitals, and skating lessons, and carried the
children around when they were too tired to walk, and much more.

lost his mother when he was only 8 years old. In searching for his
mother』s love, he found the Holy Father, Holy Son and Holy Spirit. He
was baptized in 1996 in China. He had his bible studies and Sunday
worships in private homes because this group of Christians did not agree
with the concept that their belief in God should be under the
leadership of the communist government. God loves him and God wants him
to love people. Many times Xianqing told me that he would love people
like Jesus Christ.

Friday evening May 4, I went to see Xianqing』s body. I prayed to God to
let Xianqing rest in peace in God』s heavenly world. I prayed to God to
let me sleep and eat well so I could take care everything in front of
me. But I did not have one minute of good sleep that night. During those
long night hours, my head was exploding and I was questioning God: Why
would you take him since he had been such a good man?

night May 5, 2 years old Annabelle fell asleep about 8:30 PM. About 9:30
PM, our 9 months old son Alexander suddenly became very active although
this should be the time he usually was asleep. He was singing, walking
and jumping while I was holding his hands. Suddenly, I became so
light-hearted and I started to sing happy songs to Alexander. I was so
joyful that it surprised me. So I said to God, 「Tonight I should have
some good sleep.」 But I was not sure.

Happy Alexander went to bed
at about 10:30 PM. I heard a noise, I took a peek on the top of the 2nd
floor stairs. Downstairs was quiet. I went to close the window of the
2nd floor bathroom because that was the only thing not being closed and
locked in the house. But the door into the bathroom was locked. We do
not lock any room door so our kids would not be accidentally locked in a
room and get scared. I wanted to go to sleep so I said to myself, 「Even
though the window is open but the door is locked. It should be OK.」

went to bed. Without any more thoughts I fell asleep right away. When I
woke up it was 6:30 AM Sunday May 6. During my sleep, I had a long and
happy dream with my husband. We were embracing each other, talking and
laughing. We were so intimate, joyful and bright. And the feeling was so
true and real that I did not know that we were in my dream. I was still
delighted when I woke up. I knew Xianqing was with God and I thanked
God for having Xianqing in heaven. I felt so happy for Xianqing because
so many people wanted to be in heaven but they did not find the way.
Xianqing went to heaven, came back to me, and told me he was happy. What
would be a better place in this world than in God』s heaven?

went downstairs and started to prepare the baby bag to go to the
Kalamazoo Chinese Christian Church. I was thinking my husband went to
heaven after 3 days of his death. I naturally thought: 「Jesus rises
after 3 days.」 I took out my calendar and started counting the days.
Close to midnight Wednesday May 2, I was told Xianqing passed away.
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night, exactly 3 days! God has his timing
and God has his ruling. I thank you, God. Glory to God.

when I came out of the house to my van at about 9:45 AM Sunday, I saw my
garage door was completely open. I was shocked! I went to check the
door from the garage into the house. Both locks of the door were
unlocked! I knew somebody was trying to scare me. The police had my
husband』s set of keys of the house and our cars. With the completely
broken glass door, there was nobody giving back the house to me on
Thursday night May 3 when I was told I was allowed to go back to the
house. After I came back from the Kalamazoo Chinese Christian Church, I
reported this incident to the Portage police in the afternoon May 6
(case # 01-6809).

Xianqing worked in business in China. He came
to the USA in June 1997 with a business visiting visa. Because of our
love and his love to my children, he decided to stay with us, learn
English, and do business with Chinese company in the future.
Unfortunately, he had very difficult time learning English. Meanwhile,
our family was growing. We decided that he would stay home to take care
of the children, especially baby Annabelle and baby Alexander.

Xianqing was a stay-home Dad, I must share with you his devotion and
determination for the peaceful unification of Mainland China and Taiwan.
He wanted China became a democratic country through the unification. We
live in America, why do we care about China? It is because China has
1/5 of the world population and its stability and development have
profound impact on the world peace and world economy. It is because our
parents, our sisters and brothers, the people dear to our hearts are
still living in China. We care for them. We care about their current and

On June 15, 2000, Xianqing started his 1st trip to
Washington DC. Secret Service agent Jim Hitchcock (phone 202-406-8600)
called me on June 18 and told me my husband was with him. On June 19 in
the afternoon, Xianqing arrived at home. I did not like his trip at the
time that I was about to give birth to our son. He started to tell me
some stories related to this DC trip.

In July 2000, Xianqing and I
bought each of us a small pistol. Xianqing thought it was necessary to
have a gun to protect our family. There was an incident on December 19,
1999 Portage police case # 99-19191. It was a bitterly cold winter night
with deep snow. At about 1:30 AM, after I just fed Annabelle, I heard a
noise like a glass bottle exploding at the bedroom window where I kept
the baby bottles. I was too sleepy to get up to check out. When we got
up in the morning we found a BB gun pellet broke the window. Xianqing
said to me that somebody wanted to kill him. He was more concerned about
my safety than his own.

Xianqing wanted to join the precision
shooting competition in the Southern Michigan Gun Club starting in
January 2001. I liked him to have a hobby to keep him happy while he had
to stay home with kids all day long and everyday. So I helped him to
purchase a used SW 41 gun from the On Target Gun Shop. The next
week the gun jammed. A jammed gun was no good in the timed competition.
So we ordered a new Walther GSP German gun for his competition in
November 2000.

I agreed with him to work for the world peace and the peaceful
unification of China provided he had the opportunity and position to
contribute. Xianqing wanted to go to DC again. To find out the truth
about his stories and to assist him in English, our 4 children and I
went with him to DC on Saturday September 23, 2000. I reserved 2 regular
rooms at the Hyatt-Arlington (703-525-1234). However, we were sent to
the Capital Suite on the 16th floor to stay (Room 1612 and Room 1616).
Xianqing told me he knew why we were arranged to stay in the Capital
Suite, but until now I could not comprehend this.

On October 31,
2000, Xianqing drove to DC again. When he came back home, Xianqing asked
me to write a letter to President Bill Clinton dated November 2, 2000.
Xianqing was very concerned about the Middle East conflicts and was in
fear that a war could be happening between Mainland China and Taiwan.

December 5, 2000, Xianqing drove to DC again. He came back home on
12/6/00. He told me that he did not meet the people he wanted to meet. I
was upset with his sudden DC trips because I thought he would not be
successful and our family was not in good financial situation to support
his trips. I did not want him to go again so I took away his credit
cards and his bankcard. But he was so determined even if it could break
up us. He said he would do everything he could to prevent war.

December 7, 2000, he packed almost everything he had including his gulf
clubs, tennis ball bag, suitcases, briefcases, notebook computer, and
his three guns, etc. He drove to Washington DC the fifth time for his
peace mission that is to peacefully unite Mainland China and Taiwan. His
devotion to this peace mission had leaded him to painful experiences to
him and our family. He told the Secret Service agents in DC that he
broke up with me and his home was his car. The DC police arrested him
because he had 3 guns in his car. He was sentenced for 4 years of
probation because of those three guns. He was treated in such a way in
DC that he was sent to the DC General Hospital for emergency treatment
and hospitalization. Until his death he was not fully recovered from his
stomach sickness and liver sickness.

In January 2001, I received
a mail from the White House for my husband at our home. The postmark
was dated January 18, 2001. The mail was a photo picture of President
Clinton and the First Lady Senator Clinton. If there is anyone has
another photo of this picture, please let me know because it would help
me understand the truth of the stories my husband had told me.

Xianqing read the article published in the March 20, 2001 front page of
the World Journal (in Chinese), he told me he would be assassinated
very soon. Many times he asked me in great pain, 「 Why do they want
war?」 「Why do some people destroy the chances to peacefully unite
mainland and Taiwan?」 My answer to him was simple, 「There is money
involved. Some people can do anything for money.」

About 2 weeks
after the US spy airplane and 24 crewmembers were held on April 1 by
Chinese military, my husband told me that there were two well-built
Chinese-looking men standing and walking around and in our backyard for
over an hour. I asked him if he was sure they looked like Chinese. He
replied that they were Chinese military professional killers. I said he
could report to police if someone would kill him. He told me they were
professionals and if they wanted to kill he would have no time to report
to anybody. So I said, 「Do not shoot anybody unless that person break
into our house to kill you.」

On Wednesday May 2, 2001, at about
4:15 PM, Xianqing called me at work. He said there were three women at
our door and Margaret opened the door for them. He said he did not know
what they came for and wanted me to find out. I told him to give the
phone to them and I would talk with them. One woman (Woman #1) took the
phone and said to me that they wanted to talk with me, too. I said I
would be home in 20 minutes.

When I arrived at home, I found
Woman #1 sitting in our living room sofa. She did not introduce herself
and kept sitting in the sofa. She told me that there were two persons
from the children』s protection agency talking with Margaret in the
backyard. She told me that she did not know anything and she just came
to sit here. My husband and I waited in the living room until the other
two women (Woman #2 and Woman #3) brought Margaret in the house and
asked me to go the backyard to talk with them.

Without introduce
them, the two women started to tell me that there was a report that my
husband inappropriately touched my two older daughters. I told them I
was never told and I was not aware of anything like this. I would like
to know if the report source was a reliable source, and I would like to
talk with my daughters. I wanted my daughters to tell me and I told the
two women that Margaret never lied to me and I would believe what
Margaret would tell me. I also shared some stories about 8 years old
Elena and her medical history. The two women did not allow Margaret to
talk with me, and they told me that I failed to protect my daughters. I
asked when the incidents happened, and they said the time was always
when I was not at home that was after school and before I came home from
work. So I suggested I could put both daughters in the after school
child care and made sure they would never be along with my husband. They
said no. Then, they said they have the order to immediately remove the 4
children from the house. I said the concern was about the two older
children why you wanted to remove all four including a 9 months old baby
who needs a lot of parental care. I said if you have concern about my
husband I could bring the 4 children to live in a hotel until the
investigation was completed. I was denied. Woman #1 said to me, 「 I want
to be brutal here. Either pack for the children or we go without.」

said to me he wanted to know what was going on and he wanted a
translator. I said to Women #1 that this was a matter concerning my
husband and he had the rights to know, and please had a translator for
him. Women #1 used her cell phone to dial and gave the phone to my
husband. I heard my husband said that he loved the two daughters as his
own, he applied medicine for Elena before, and sometimes when he kissed
the children he did not have fresh shave. Women #1 grabbed away the
phone and they started to walk into the house for the children. We
followed them and I was telling them the special cares that Annabelle
and Alexander needed: 0.05% DesOwen lotion for eczema and soybean
formula. I went to the kitchen, took the formula can, and brought to the
laundry room where the baby bag was.

On the way to upstairs,
Xianqing said to me that we could not allow them to take away our
babies. With his broken English he said to the Woman #2 (I found out her
name was Nicole on May 3) holding Alexander not to take away our
children. Women #1 said to me, 「 You calm down your husband, or he』ll
get arrested and you spend the night along in the house.」 I said, 「Can
you give me one minute to calm down. Think about that he takes care of
the babies from the first day they were born.」 Women #1 denied my
1-minute request. But Nicole dropped Alexander to my husband and all
three of them disappeared in a matter of seconds. If Nicole believed
Xianqing was so dangerous that she had to remove the babies from the
house immediately, why would she gave the baby to my husband and left
the house? Where was her protection to our children?

Xianqing put
down Alexander on our bed in the master bedroom. While he was walking
downstairs, he said to me, 「If we let them take away our kids, we would
never see our children again. I did not leave for China and the reason I
stay is the children. I would fight not to let them take away the
children.」 I said to him, 「 Please don』t, or they will arrest you.」

4 children were crying. I gathered them into the master bedroom around
me. Alexander was crying hard. I knew he was hungry because it was the
time that I usually came back from work and fed him. I got the bottle
and went downstairs to make formula for Alexander. I saw my husband in
the kitchen on the phone. He was saying, 「They want to kill me because I
know too many secrets.」 I went to the laundry room for the formula can.
I heard children』s loud crying, and I said to myself that this was not
the time to make formula. So I went upstairs to the children and held
Alexander. I heard noises from the back of the house. I was scared and
did not want the children to hear and get scared, so I closed the two
bedroom windows facing the backyard. Then I sat on the master bedroom
bed with the 4 children with me. I was comforting them while I heard
striking noises. Then I heard glass broken noises and pounding noises.
Suddenly, Woman #1 appeared upstairs with a handgun in her hand pointing
to me and said, 「Don』t move.」 I realized that this woman was a police.
The women came and took the children. Woman #1 point her gun to me and
said, 「go」, then she put Alexander in her gun arm and grabbed me to the
downstairs, out of the front door, and to the driveway. I did not have a
chance to look at the kitchen and the eating area where my husband
should be.

The 4 children were driven away immediately in a van. I
was taken into a police car parked some distance away from our house.
After sometime, I saw my husband was taken out of the house lying on an
ambulance cart without any shirt and pants. I saw something around his
leg and at his head. I was then taken into the Portage police station. I
wrote a note for the care of our 4 children to give to the people who
would take care of the children. Then, detective Ken Jako came in the
room and taped his interview with me.

About 9:30 PM Jako told me Xianqing was under surgery. I requested to
see my husband and was denied. About 11:50 PM Jako told me that my
husband passed away. I requested to see him and was denied. Jako said I
could do whatever I wanted to him after the autopsy and his return to a
funeral home. I said he was dead, nothing could bring him alive, and why
cut him open? Jako said I could go to court to request to stop autopsy
but I probably would be denied.

Thursday afternoon May 3, I went
to the hearing for my children. From the taped testimonies of the Woman
#3 (Heather Hain) and Nicole (Recording Tape No. 5-01-31), they let a
non-professional, the vice principal of the Amberly Elementary School to
interview my 8 years old daughter Elena, use a 4-inch bear for Elena to
point, suggest words like 「vagina」.

Now the FIA (family
independence agency) is suing me to terminate my parental rights over my
4 children. Till I am writing this memorial for my husband (5/17/01) I
have not being allowed to talk a single word with Margaret and Elena. My
daughters are excellent kids. Do their excellence comes from a
「neglect, cruelty, criminality, depravity」 mother? To protect my
children, did FIA have to force their father to loose his life, to have
our baby son never know his father, never have his father to teach him
to play balls and to show him how to be a man, and to take away their
mother, too? Is this child protection?

My husband would always be
our children』s protective and heroic father. He had gunshots at his
leg, his stomach, and the side of his forehead. There was no shot on his
back. My husband was facing the police shooting at him to protect his
babies not being taken away from our happy family. And he devoted his
life for our children. On the other hand, would the police dare to break
our glass door into our house if he did not wear his protective vest? I
doubt it!

My husband has gone to God』s heaven. He is no longer
with us physically. But his beautiful ideals and his peace mission are
still alive. Love to the world and peace to the world. Let China be
peacefully united as one democratic country. Xianqing was not successful
in peaceful unification of China while he was alive. However, as God』s
children we know that God is mighty and God can help us. I am sure
Xianqing』s spirit would be always there for love and peace.

us pray to God for his help. Let love, truth, and righteousness reign.
And if you meet a Chinese in Mainland China, tell him about our loving
God, teach him to pray to God, ask him to open his heart to receive God.
And God will help if you pray to him. May God bring peaceful
unification of Mainland China and Taiwan. May great men rise in China
for democratic new China. May justice to all people. Justice to my
husband Xianqing Cao, and justice to my family.

Thank you all for coming to Xianqing』s funeral. God bless you.




來源: 蘇兆儀 於 2003-12-06 08:14:22


來源: 曹弋真博士 於 2003-12-06 08:14:27

在http://bbs.wenxuecity.com 站內搜索「曹顯慶」





來源: 六郎 於 2003-12-06 08:14:14

http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/origin/515.html 【需翻牆】




這個僑報網,可是在【「第四屆世界華文傳媒論壇」境外媒體代表名單 】 上











慨,當地人認為,曹就是一個瘋子,警方在不得已的情況下將其擊斃可以理解,但是沒有任何Due Process的這個態度無法令人接受。



美華人曹顯慶遭警方槍殺疑點多 弋真誓為亡夫伸冤


旅美華人替女塗藥遭冤殺 美國警察未被起訴




Xianqing Cao 2001年的資料:
妻子:Jane Cao
Margaret Cao (eleven years old), Elena Cao (eight years old), Annabelle Cao (two years old) and Alexander (nine months old)

1. 一個很奇怪的網站:


2. Xianqing Cao 的


Cao Xianqing Peace Mission Funds Newsletter
It is Child Kidnapping! It is Murder!
Jane Cao
7192 Bridlewood Circle, Portage, MI 49024
Phone: 616-274-0268
July 5, 2001
On May 2, 2001, baby Alexander (9 months old) and Annabelle (2
years old) were kidnapped from my husband Xianqing Cao by Kalamazoo
County FIA and the police. At the same time, my four children,
Alexander, Annabelle, Elena and Margaret, were kidnapped by the
FIA and the police from me.
Following the murder of my husband by the police and the FIA, until
now my daughters are still being held hostage by FIA to force me
to admit that my husband abused my daughters to justify the police
brutal killing of my husband by breaking into our house without
warning, investigation, search warr



比《刮痧》還要悲慘 華裔父親在美為何遭槍殺(圖)
2001年07月13日06:28 北京青年報




  1. 虐童很多比例是成年人自身的心理問題所致,不是靠嚴刑峻法能控制的。其實看看天朝「城管打傷/死小販」的新聞層出不窮,也是一樣:城管這麼凶,小販也不見「收斂」;
  2. 美國對未成年人監護權力再大,也受到程序限制,必須在有明確危及未成年人權益的行為存在的前提下行使,所以很多時候力有未逮;
  3. 你看到諸多的新聞,也正說明了美國社會對此類現象的重視。



這新聞上過日本2ch,底下評論:那全日本的父親都要被拉出去槍斃(???? ???)。的確這方面日本比我們還嚴重啊。。。

推薦這個節目,關注50w 就結婚啊!~









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