

轉自:工程式控制制論(英文版) (豆瓣)




Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Linear Systems of Constant Coefficients
1.2 Linear Systems of Variable Coefficients
1.3 Nonlinear Systems
1.4 Engineering Approximation
Chapter 2 Method of Laplace Transform
2.1 Laplace Transform and Inversion Formula
2.2 Application to Linear Equations with Constant Coefficients
2.3 "Dictionary" of Laplace Transforms
2.4 Sinusoidal Forcing Function
2.5 Response to Unit Impulse
Chapter 3 Input, Output, and Transfer Furction
3.1 First-Order Systems
3.2 Representations of the Transfer Function
3.3 Examples of First-Order Systems
3.4 Second Order Systems
3.5 Determination of Frequency Response
3.6 Composition of a System from Elements
3.7 Transcendental Transfer Functions
Chapter 4 Feedback Servomechanism
4.1 Concept of Feedback
4.2 Design Criteria of Feedback Servomechanisms
4.3 Method of Nyquist
4.4 Method of Evans
4.5 Hydrodynamic Analogy of Root Locus
4.6 Method of Bode
4.7 Designing the Transfer Function
4.8 Multiple-Loop Servomechanisms
Chapter 5 Nonintcracting Controls
5.1 Control of a Single-Variable System
5.2 Control of a Many Variable System
5.3 Noninteraction Conditions
5.4 Response Equations
5.5 Turhopropeller Control
5.6 Turbojet Engine with Afterburning
Chapter 6 Alternating-current Servomechanisms and Oscillating Control Servomechanisms
6.1 Alternating-Current Systems
6.2 Translation of the Transfer Function to a Higher Frequency
6.3 Oscillating Control Servomechanisms
6.4 Frequency Response of a Relay
6.5 Oscillating Control Servomechanisms with Built-in Oscillation
6.6 General Oscillating Control Servomechanism
Chapter 7 Sampling Servomechanisms
7.1 Output of a Sampling Circuit
7.2 Stibitz-Shannon Theory
7.3 Nyquist Criterion for Sampling Servomechanisms
7.4 Steady-State Error
7.5 Calculation of F2*(s)
7.6 Comparison of Continuously Operating with Sampling Servomechanisms
7.7 Pole of F2(s) at Origin
Chapter 8 Linear Systems with Time Lag
8.1 Time Lag in Combustion
8.2 Satehe Diagram
8.3 System Dynamics of a Rocket Motor with Feedback Servo
8.4 Instability without Feedback Servo
8.5 CoIrplete Stability with Feedback Servo
8.6 General Stability Criteria for Time-Lag Systems
Chapter 9 Linear Systems with Stationary Random Inputs
9.1 Statistical Description of a Random Function
9.2 Average Values
9.3 Power Spectrum
9.4 Examples of the Power Spectrum
9.5 Direct Calculation of the Power Spectrum
9.6 Probability of Large Deviations from the Mean
9.7 Frequency of Exceeding a Specified Value
9.8 Response of a Linear System to Stationary Random Input
9.9 Second Order System
9.10 Lift on a Two-Dimensional Airfoil in an Incompressible Turbulent Flow
9.11 Intermittent Input
9.12 Servo Design for Random Input
Chapter 10 Relay Servomechanisms
10.1 Approximate Frequency Response of a Relay
10.2 Method of Kochenburger
10.3 Other Frequency-Insensitive Nonlinear Devices
10.4 Optimum Performance of a Relay Servomechanism
10.5 Phase Plane
10.6 Linear Switching
10.7 Optimum Switching Function
10.8 Optimum Switching Line for Linear Second-Order Systems
10.9 Multiple Mode Operation
Chapter 11 Nonlinear Systems
11.1 Nonlinear Feedback Relay Servomechanism
11.2 Systems with Small Nonlinearity
11.3 Jump Phenomenon
11.4 Frequency Demultiplication
11.5 Emrainment of Frequency
11.6 Asynchronous Excitation and Quenching
11.7 Parametric Excitation and Damping
Chapter 12 Linear System with Variable Coefficients
12.1 Artillery Rocket During Burning
12.2 Linearized Trajectory Equations
12.3 Stability of an Artillery Rocket
12.4 Stability and Control of Systems with Variable Coefficients
Chapter 13 Control Design by Perturbation Theory
13.1 Equations of Motion of a Rocket
13.2 Perturbation Equations
13.3 Adjoint Functions
13.4 Range Correction
13.5 Cutoff Condition
13.6 Guidance Condition
13.7 Guidance System
13.8 Control Computers
Chapter 14 Control Design with Specified Criteria
14.1 Control Criteria
14.2 Stability Problem
14.3 General Theory/or First-Order Systems
14.4 Application to Turbojet Controls
14.5 Speed Control with Temperature-Limiting Criteria
14.6 Second Order Systems with Two Degrees of Freedom
14.7 Control Problem with Differential Equation as Auxiliary Condition
14.8 Comparison of Concepts of Control Design
Chapter 15 Optimalizing Control
15.1 Basic Concept
15.2 Principles of Optimalizing Control
15.3 Considerations on Interference Effects
15.4 Peak-Holding Optimalizing Control
15.5 Dynamic Effects
15.6 Design for Stable Operation
Chapter 16 Filtering of Noise
16.1 Mean Square Error
16.2 Phillips"s Optimum Filter Design
16.3 Wiener-Kolmogoroff Theory
16.4 Simple Examples
16.5 Applications of Wiener-Kolmogoroff Theory
16.6 Optimum Detecting Filter
16.7 Other Optimum Filters
16.8 General Filtering Problem
Chapter 17 Ultrastability and Muhistability
17.1 Ultrastable System
17.2 An Example of an Uhrastable System
17.3 Probability of Stability
17.4 Terminal Fields
17.5 Muhistable System
Chapter 18 Control of Error
18.1 Reliability by Duplication
18.2 Basic Elements
18.3 Method of Multiplexing
18.4 Error in Executive Component
18.5 Error of Multiplexed Systems
18.6 Examples


The celebrated physicist and mathematician A. M. Ampere coined the word cybernetique to mean the science of civil government (Part II of "Essai sur la philosophic des sciences," 1845, Paris). Ampere"s grandiose scheme of political sciences has not, and perhaps never will, come to fruition. In the meantime, conflict between governments with the use of force greatly accelerated the development of another branch of science, the science of control and guidance of mechanical and electrical systems. It is thus perhaps ironical that Ampere"s word should be borrowed by N. Wiener to name this new science, so important to modern warfare. The "cybernetics" of Wiener ("Cybernetics, or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine," John Wiley Sons, Inc., New York, 1948) is the science of organization of mechanical and electrical components for stability and purposeful actions. A distinguishing feature of this new science is the total absence of considerations of energy, heat, and efficiency, which are so important in other natural sciences. In fact, the primary concern of cybernetics is on the qualitative aspects of the interrelations among the various components of a system and the synthetic behavior of the complete mechanism.

The purpose of "Engineering Cybernetics" is then to study those parts of the broad science of cybernetics which have direct engineering applications in designing controlled or guided systems. It certainly includes such topics usually treated in books on servomechanisms. But a wider range of topics is only one difference between engineering cybernetics and servomechanisms engineering. A deeper and thus more important difference lies in the fact that engineering cybernetics is an engineering science, while servomechanisms engineering is an engineering practice. An engineering science aims to organize the design principles used in engineering practice into a discipline and thus to exhibit the similarities between different areas of engineering practice and to emphasize the power of fundamental concepts. In short, an engineering science is predominated by theoretical analysis and very often uses the tool of advanced mathematics. A glance at the contents of this book makes this quite evident. The detailed construction and design of the components of the system the actual implementation of the theory are almost never discussed. No gadget is mentioned.

What is the justification of this separation of the theory from the practice? With knowledge of the very existence of various engineering sciences and their recent rapid development, such justification seems hardly necessary. Moreover, a specific example could be cited: Fluid mechanics exists as an engineering science separate from the practice of aerodynamics engineers, hydraulic engineers, meteorologists, and many others who use the results of investigations in fluid mechanics in their daily work. In fact, without fluid mechanists, the understanding and the utilization of supersonic flows would certainly be greatly delayed, to say the least. Therefore, the justification of establishing engineering cybernetics as an engineering science lies in the possibility that looking at things in broad outline and in an organized way often leads to fruitful new avenues of approach to old problems and gives new, unexpected vistas. At the present stage of multifarious developments in control and guidance engineering, there is a very real advantage in trying to grasp the full potentialities of this new science by a comprehensive survey of the whole field.

Therefore a discussion on engineering cybernetics should cover reasonably well all aspects of the science expected to have engineering applications and, in particular, should not avoid a topic for the mere reason of mathematical difficulties. This is all the more true when one realizes that the mathematical difficulties of any subject are usually quite artificial. With a little interpretation, the matter could generally be brought down to the level of a research engineer. The mathematical level of this book is then that of a student who has had a course in elements of mathematical analysis. Knowledge of complex integration, variational calculus, and ordinary differential equations forms the prerequisite for the study. On the other hand, no rigorous and elegant mathematical argument is introduced if a heuristic discussion suffices. Hence to the practicing electronics specialist, the treatment here must appear to be excessively "long-hair," but to a mathematician interested in this field, the treatment here may well appear to be amateurish. If indeed these are the only criticisms, then, with all due respect to them, the author shall feel that he has not failed in what he aimed to do.

During the course of writing these chapters, the author had the benefit of many conversations with his colleagues at the California Institute of Technology, Dr. Frank E. Marble and Dr. Charles R. DePrima, which often led to sudden clarification of an obscure point. The task of preparing the manuscript was greatly lightened by the efficient help rendered by Sedat Serdengecti and Ruth L, Winkel. To all of them, the author wishes to extend his sincere thanks.





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