An important but as yet unanswered aspect of the central nervous system is that most neural pathways are bilaterally symmetrical and cross over to the opposite (contralateral) side of the brain or spinal cord.
當然,以上只是假說,算是從進化角度提出的合理解釋之一。真實的解釋,還是需要將來的證據和數據說話的。來源:Capozzoli, N. J. (1995). Why are vertebrate nervous systems crossed? Medical hypotheses, 45(5), 471–5.
右手.左手 (豆瓣)
這本書從頭講解了為什麼有"左""右"這種概念, 為什麼分辨左右比分辨前後上下都要難. 為什麼大部分人慣用右手, 左右腦為何分工不同. 其中有一段就根據一些研究說明為什麼一些脊椎動物神經系統和大腦半球會左右反轉, 以及為什麼複雜動物往往內臟不對稱而肢體對稱. 這裡描述了一些可能的解釋.
這些理論認為, 動物演化過程中身體發生了兩次翻轉, 使得原本圓柱對稱的結構變得不對稱. 脊椎動物頭和身體的180°翻轉導致整個身體神經系統和大腦左右半球的鏈接擰了過來.
比目魚是個從左右對稱變得不對稱的例子. 幼年比目魚和正常魚一樣左右對稱, 但青春期時其頭骨頂端開口, 一側的眼睛逐漸移動到另一側, 腹部的鰭也逐漸和背部相稱, 最後變成身體無眼一側完全朝下, 另一側有兩隻眼睛朝上的扁平形態. 比目魚的左右/上下就這樣發生了變換.
有些人具有罕見的天生內臟布局和正常人鏡像(部位反轉), 但生活和一般人無異. 還有更罕見的是, 一些人天生內臟對稱, 兩側都是左半邊或右邊的鏡像(左/右型異構體), 這樣的人內臟有嚴重的缺陷(會有一些單側的內臟缺失, 比如脾, 以及中央的心臟畸形), 很難生存下來. 男的連左右的睾丸都一樣高(一般人右側更高).看到這個問題,我忽然想起解剖老師說過要我們問有趣的問題,自己查資料,算平時成績。然後我就無恥的去問這個問題,老師不出所料的說不會,表揚了一頓後讓我查資料,然後我邪惡的計劃朝目前排名第一的答案寫,覺得不人道,就手賤查了點其他資料,發現有不同的觀點,就補充的這裡。
Most sensory and motor pathways in the central nervous system cross the midline. Comparing between
different neuronal pathways in different species suggest that, fibers crossing is most probably a response
to the development of separated parts for the body during the process of evolution. This hypothesis proposes direct link between the occurrence of fibers crossing and the occurrence of separated parts of the
body such as lateral eyes and limbs. It is supported by many observations that clearly indicate that different neuronal pathways in different species cross the midline when they carry separated information
and run ipsilaterally when they carry shared information. Carrying separated information seems to create
a need for functional coordination between the two halves of the nervous system which seems to be
mediated by the fibers crossing.
This hypothesis may alert scientists to study certain aspects of sensory and/or motor pathways in different species. It also enable the students to remember whether a pathway is uncrossed or crossed based
on whether this pathway carry shared or separated information.
The image-forming eye hypothesis can not explain the dif-
ferences between the visual pathways in the frontal-eye ani-
mals and the lateral-eye animals. The eyes of all these
animals act as image-forming machines and therefore, differences between their visual pathways are not expected
and can not be explained by this theory. Also, in the lat-
eral-eye species, each eye receives monocular vision only
and complete images are formed on each retina without
image discontinuity. Despite that all retinal fibers of these
species cross the midline.
(2) The binocular vision hypothesis can not be valid simply
because the retinal fibers of the two temporal halves of
the two retinas in the frontal-eye animals which carry bin-
ocular vision run ipsilaterally while the retinal fibers of the
two nasal halves of the two retinas in the frontal-eye ani-
mals which carry monocular vision cross the midline. Also,
albinos have much less binocular vision but much more
crossing retinal fibers comparing to normal. These facts
are not expected if binocular vision cause fibers to cross
the midline.
(3) The bilateral symmetrical hypothesis can not be valid
since that the olfactory pathways (these pathways are
not only anatomically symmetrical on both sides but also
they carry the same odors at the same moments and this
may make them the most bilaterally symmetrical path-
ways in both structural and functional terms) run ipsilat-
erally and this contradict with this hypothesis. Also, this
hypothesis can not explain the differences between the
visual pathways in the frontal-eye animals and the lat-
eral-eye animals. All these pathways are bilaterally sym-
metrical. Therefore, their differences are not expected
and can not be explained by this theory.
(4) The avoidance behavior hypothesis may explain the need
of fibers crossing in the spinal cord to mediate some pro-
tective spinal reflexes. However, it can not explain the
fibers crossing at other levels of the CNS such as the
decussation of the medial lemniscus in the medulla, the
corpus callosum between the two cerebral hemispheres
and many others.
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來源: Crossing of neuronal pathways: is it a response to the occurrence of separated parts for the body (limbs, eyes, etc.) during evolution? 【作 者】Banihani SM
【刊 名】Medical Hypotheses【出版日期】2010
【卷 號】Vol.74
【期 號】No.4
【頁 碼】741
如渦蟲般的 魚類就可以同側投射 而到了四足動物就反過來了 投射到對側以避害