


謝 @JoJo邀,不值得,但必須這麼做。個人觀點,僅供參考,不喜勿噴。








我給你們分析一下情況,據我所知中石油目前大部分煉化廠都是賠本在生產,為什麼?答:因為中石油在搞政治。能源市場結構無非就是石油、天然氣、煤炭、電力,中石油唯一能控制的只有石油,對於他而言,籌碼無非就是漲或者跌。假如漲,勢必拉仇恨和關注度,這個不可以。那維持基本的不賠不賺怎麼樣?中石油不是這樣想的,他要用這個行業的輕微虧損,換取改革的主動權。前面我講過美國的頁岩氣革命導致美國大量清潔能源的使用,這個時候煤炭對於美國而言就屬於次級能源,開採都開採出來了,怎麼辦?當然出口傾銷第一大煤炭進口國了。到站含運費價30美元,中國發改委驚了,臣妾做不到啊!假如反傾銷就會貿易戰,假如放開,那中國100%的煤炭企業都會倒閉,而中國山西的煤企剛剛完成公私合營,資金鏈緊張,已經撐不住了。然皇帝不急急太監,澳大利亞、印尼無語了,美國的這個價格,不要說賣,就是開採都做不到。於是發改委想了一個爛招,那就是配額制,把美貨擋在門外,號召電企愛國用國產煤。其實最後電企用的還是進口印尼、澳大利亞的高價(100刀)煤炭,美國人心想中國人智商是硬傷啊,為什麼不放開美國煤炭,等印尼、澳大利亞煤企垮了以後,收購印尼、澳大利亞的煤炭呢?一定要當上帝?當禿鷲才有肉吃啊。對於中石油而言,他們可以挾洋自重,所以油價連跌,就可以把壓力全部傳導給發改委,印度已經解散發改委了,為了兄弟中石油,發改委你就犧牲一會吧。發改委樂呵呵的看著油價十一連跌,突然感覺不對勁,中石油這是在陰我啊,命只有一條,怎麼能捨身取油呢。於是發改委2015年12月15日發改委暫停暫緩調整成品油價格,大家說一下自己的感受。? - wuweilxl 的回答

印度能不能走中國模式的道路?答:不行。這個問題需要從三方面講,一個地緣政治,大國不需要強大的印度。http://www.zhihu.com/question/37409868一個是印度的國民性,不脫亞入歐,不剪辮子,就不要扯現代化的蛋。如何評價「印度需要一場文化大革命來掃除思想流毒」的觀點? - wuweilxl 的回答一個是能源,我們看發達國家,德國、英國、法國、美國、中國、日本都有一個資源,這個資源就是煤炭,這種廉價的能源能使一個國家邁腳跨上一個叫現代化的台階。我們再來看印度,印度煤炭資源稀缺,想靠污染環境發展經濟都難。







答案必然是不值得 但每個人的價值觀不同 加上現在國內金錢污染嚴重 國內監管制度不完善 我國當前國情 所以也必然少不了一些企業還是會想著先發展後治理 側面上也正是人自私的本性所致





倫敦 洛城當年不也是那個破樣子







Looking out the window of a high-speed rail from Beijing to Shanghai, I am wondering what spectacular buildings have 「disappeared」 right in front of me. All schools are closed today because of the 「smog,」 not the fresh morning vapour, but the toxic particulate matter measured by the PM 2.5 value.

Why would we exchange our environment for a prosperous economy through mass industrialization? Ideally, there would be a way to improve the economy, environment, and society together, as the concept of 「sustainable industrialization」 is underlined. But in reality, these aspects can hardly improve at the same time without sacrificing others.

Industrialization has made people』s lives more convenient through mass production, but it is clear that industrialization has caused tremendous environmental problems, such as turning Beijing into a 「disappeared city.」 Moreover, industrialization also has serious ethical concerns, especially when it comes to mass-producing cheap products. By watching documentaries, I have learned that we consumers are not the only ones who pay for products: developing countries sacrifice their natural resources; manufacturing regions sacrifice their clean air; and workers sacrifice their health. Clearly, these aspects do not contribute to sustainability. Instead, mass-producing cheap products is what makes industrialization unsustainable.

I hate China』s manufactories because they produce a massive number of cheap products that are 「designed for the dump.」 I felt ashamed when the label 「made in China」 became a symbol for fake products of low quality. To solve the environmental and ethical issues that mass industrialization has caused, the manufactories should no doubt take responsibility by reinforcing emission control and promoting green products. Even though most manufactories have already taken action under the new laws, the environmental problem remains unsolved. This causes me to think, besides the manufactories, what other stakeholders does mass industrialization have?

Perhaps the problem of industrialization is so complex that merely blaming the manufactories is not enough. Factories would only make products to fulfill consumer needs, and we are these consumers. In the previous paragraph, I mentioned being concerned about the environmental and ethical problems caused by industrialization. Within a changing perspective, we as consumers need to take responsibility for a sustainable industrialization.

Like most people, I used to be trapped in the world of consumerism. I would walk around for hours in a shopping mall to look for clothes on sale and make some 「smart purchases.」 I would go to different shops to compare their products and choose the one with best performance-price ratio. It was the value of 「more is better」 that stimulated me to buy cheap products, but recently, I realized these products neither made me happy nor made my life easy: they were useless and easily damaged, yet they took up space. Soon after adopting a minimalist lifestyle, I started valuing quality over quantity and function over decoration. I love this lifestyle because it eliminates many trivial problems and highlights the essential parts of life.

Manufacturers are constantly adapting to consumer needs, and consumer needs will change only if our values change. Currently, our society seems to value aiming for more: earn more money; buy more products. Thus, we use up more resources, create more pollution, and produce more garbage. However, if we change our value from aiming for more to aiming for less and better, manufacturers would improve their products based on new consumer needs and reduce planned obsolescence. Even though the selling amount would be reduced, the price for each product would be higher because of its high quality and all the proper protection of workers and the environment. But what about people who cannot afford high-quality products? First of all, many who can afford to buy cheap products are very likely to be able to afford simple and high-quality products because the price for them to replace their cheap products after a damage would be similar to the price of one high-quality product. Furthermore, for those who have serious economic difficulty, they would be likely to gain donations from others when large amounts of people start to aim for less and consequently make donations. In this way, we could enable a sustainable industrialization: benefiting the economy, saving the environment, and improving the society all at the same time.

A sustainable industrialization is important for all countries. However, looking at the current developing countries and all the developed countries, it is clear that few have made their industrialization really sustainable. For example, although most countries have boosted their economies through industrialization, most of them have sacrificed their environment significantly.

However, sustainable manufacturing is not impossible—It requires us to think about the problem thoroughly and take responsibility as consumers. I recommend a minimalist lifestyle to everyone to support sustainable manufacturing and improve our lives.

Looking at the Beijing smog, I think about my high school in St. Catharines, Canada, where the air is always fresh and where I never need to wear a mask outdoors. Yet, I am thankful for this view; though tragic, it is shocking and thought-provoking. To take action to change it, I have adopted a minimalist lifestyle and will continue to promote it.



值啊 不然和朝鮮一樣?






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