

@哈龍 從出場順序說得觀點很對,但我也有補充。(而且大家真的不用糾結日本人口音了,還是很好聽懂的,口語在這種場合不重要)




2.而且相關引用必須有出處,reference list就是為了查證你的資料可信度。雖然前面有人提到時間上有錯誤,但是不影響內容的可信度。

我是在 BBC 網站上看的視頻。雙方沒有 「交鋒」 而是分別採訪。聽上去兩個人說得都有邏輯和各自的論點,但觀眾不去查證歷史的話,難以判斷誰對誰錯。中方給出的參考證據比較多,包括國際公約等等,而日方只是強調中方在 1970 年之後才開始爭奪該島的控制權。採訪順序上看是中方受益。



所以,即使你了解了一個英國觀眾的想法,你無法總結所有觀眾的 「平均想法」 因為想法沒法平均,沒法總結,每個人的想法都有效,都有意義,都事出有因。

但有兩件事我覺得需要說。一是中方把人比喻為伏地魔的確有些幼稚。我們也能看到中方在被訪時也引用了丘吉爾。這讓人感覺到中方的確在英國觀眾面前 make an effort。而日方則是重複強調一個觀點。從這裡可以看出雙方的態度,感覺中方比日方更重視,但也會被誤認為 desperate(把別人形容成伏地魔很沒禮貌誒……)



我只是回答問題。我沒有 make a stand。






Host: The Chinese ambassador in a moment.
First, is Japanese counterpart …. Er, Ambassador, these islands ain"t inhabited.
Why is it just give it to the Chinese?

J: It is a matter of principle. It is a
matter of sovereignty. I know the British also have the sovereignty issue. We
acquired these islands peacefully and lawfully in the late 19th
century. Since then, we have held these sovereignty for a hundred and twenty
years. China never challenged it until 1970.

Host: but is this really worth just jerpodizing
the security of the whole of that part of the world? or possibly the world itself?

J: I think the question should be directed
to the Chinese. So we have held the effective control of the islands very
peacefully and in accordance with the international law. And they are
challenging the status quo by force and coercion. It is completely against the
international order.

Host: What』s really happening here is that
Japan is seeking to re-establishing the military identity.

J: No, that』s not quite true…

Host: is it true she seeking the constitutional

J: while the correct record of the Japanese
commitment to peace has been very strong. And the prime minister himself has
made it very clear that he has no intention of changing the core tenets of the pacifism
including war denunciation, the possibility in the constitution.

Host: But why did they change the
constitution to remove the inhibition on settling disputes by forced arms?

J: We are not engaged in any use of force
at all. As I said,

Host: He wants to change the constitution.

J: No, I said there could be some debate
over the constitution. But the prime minister, as I said, made it very clear
that he has no intention of changing the core tenets of pacifism including the
war denunciation. And over the islands, what has been happening is the utmost 聽不清 over the
part of the Japanese. While the Chinese have continuously been trying to change
the status quo by force and coercion. We are very much concerned about it. It』s
dangerous provocation. As I has been
mentioned, I think they have to abide by the rule of the law rather than resorting
to the use of force and coercion.

Host: do you think it help things to use
childish abuse comparing people to Voldemore for example?

J: While, I don』t want to, you know, resort
to he who must not be named. Today I but I only responded to the Chinese
ambassador groundless baseless accusation. But I think the important message,
the main 聽不清 of my message? is to call for a dialogue, to talk ?. Simply because
we have some difference of

Host: but you said you have nothing to talk

J: why er..

Host: how can there be a dialogue when you

J: there』s a different view, so we all
should sit down and talk. And the problem is not our sovereignty. But the
problem is more to do with the continuous Chinese provocation. And we need to
sit down and talk, to solve out.

Host: Ok. Ambassador. Thank you very much.

J: Thank you.

Host: we can pick up some of those points
for the Chinese ambassador Liu Xiaoming. How are you?

Liu: Fine.

Host: Thank you very much for coming in.

C: So good to see you again.

Host: Nice to see you. Yes, hello.

C: sorry.

Host: erm. now. How serious do you think
this is?

C: Very serious. This is a very serious
issue. Japanese Prime Minister』s visits to the Shrine. In our view, it』s not a small
matter. It concerns how Japanese face up to their history of aggression. You
know. But we care more about how you know, I would quote Winston Churchill』s
words: those who fail to learn from History are doomed to repeat it. So we are
concerned that they do not face up to their you know disgraceful record of

Host: Er, so you raised the question of
visiting the visits to the Shrine. There have been over sixty prime ministerial
visits to that shrine since the second world war. And to twenty something of
them, the Chinese raise no objection at all.

C: This is not right. I know this is
Japanese ambassador』s figure. You know it was not until 1978, when the 14
A-class war criminals moved in. And then in 1985 Japanese prime minster
together with the whole cabinet visited the shrine, we launched strong
protests. So since then, we made counteless protests against this.

Host: But let』s look at these islands. Why
have you suddenly asserted control of the air for example. Why do you suddenly
do that?

C: That was a good question. Why does this
matter pop up so suddenly? It has been very peaceful for the past 40 years.
First of all, I would say this island has been to China, has been part of
Chinese territory since ancient times. It was not until 1895 when China lost
the war with Japan that he seized it illegally. But according to Cairo Declaration,
Potsdam Proclamation, all the territory seized illegally by Japan should be
returned to China. That is the international document agreed by Britain,
British leader, American leader and Chinese leader.

Host: So I』m not familiar with the Cairo
Declaration. When was that?

C: er, 1945.

Host: right. it』s nothing to do you say then
with the natural resources which may be connected to this island or which may
be available from the islands.

C: It was about sovereignty. You know it』s
about territorial ? Let me finish about why it come up. You know when we
normalized relations in 1972, both leaders agreed you know there』s a dispute over
the island, we should shelve the difference. Deng Xiaoping in 1978 when he
visited Japan he answered the question about Diaoyu Island. And he said we have
disputes with Japan, but I think we can shelve it for the time being. The
future generation will be wiser than us. So we agreed to shelve it. But
Japanese want to change the status quo in the past few years. You know what did
they do? They try to nationalize this island. They want to you know purchase this
island by their government.

Host: How far do you prepare to take this

C: How far? First of all, we ask them..
They have to face to the fact that we have disputes over this island. They even
refuse to recognize there is a dispute between the two countries.

Host: while interestingly, the Japanese
ambassaddor over there a second ago was talking about the need for a dialogue.
That is the implicit recognition that there is a disagreement

C: Er, in fact, it was Abe who shut
the door…

Host: the Japanese prime minister

C: The Japanese prime minister of the
dialogue between China and Japan because he overturned the fundamental foundation
of two countries. How could you expect China would agree to talk to him when he
refuse to repent on the war crime the Japanese did to the Chinese people. You
know even this was not only the case for China. Korean President also refused
to meet Abe, Prime Minster of Japan because of his behavior on history issue.

Host: Thank you very much indeed, thank










New York Times上有發這個視頻, nytimes.com

中國武力擴張, 威脅和平;
我們日本人是愛好和平的, 中國人挑事兒;




日本大使先出場 立論
中國大使後出場 駁論






1. 不合邏輯。
2. 習慣性地認為中國別有用心,胡攪蠻纏。








TAG:英國廣播公司(BBC) | 中日關係 | 釣魚島 |