







讓數據給我們一些信息。在google scholar上搜索"air quality and diseases china"可以找到不少文獻。摘抄其中幾篇的abstract。按發表時間排列,比較近年的靠前排。中文翻譯是我基於google translator的基礎上做的。歡迎指正,補充資料。

1. Association of Particulate Air Pollution With Daily Mortality
The China Air Pollution and Health Effects Study

16個中國城市的日平均PM10濃度範圍從52微克/立方米至156微克/立方米。16城市綜合分析顯示PM10和死亡率顯著相關: 2天的移動平均10微克/立方米PM10增加與0.35%(95%後的時間間隔(PI):0.18,0.52)總死亡率增加相關,與0.44%(95%的PI:0.23,0.64)心血管死亡率的增加相關,以及0.56%(95%的PI:0.31,0.81)的呼吸疾病死亡率增加相關。女性,老年人,以及與教育程度較低的居民更容易受PM10危害。總結,這項關於中國顆粒物空氣污染的大規模流行病學研究表明,短期暴露於PM10與死亡風險增加相關。
Renjie Chen, Haidong Kan*, Bingheng Chen, Wei Huang, Zhipeng Bai, Guixiang Song and Guowei Pan, on Behalf of the CAPES Collaborative Group
American Journal of Epidemiology, 2012 Apr 17:kwr425.

Association of Particulate Air Pollution With Daily Mortality

China is one of the few countries with some of the highest particulate matter levels in the world. However, only a small number of particulate matter health studies have been conducted in China. The study objective was to examine the association of particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of less than 10 μm (PM10) with daily mortality in 16 Chinese cities between 1996 and 2008. Two-stage Bayesian hierarchical models were applied to obtain city-specific and national average estimates. Poisson regression models incorporating natural spline smoothing functions were used to adjust for long-term and seasonal trends of mortality, as well as other time-varying covariates. The averaged daily concentrations of PM10 in the 16 Chinese cities ranged from 52 μg/m3 to 156 μg/m3. The 16-city combined analysis showed significant associations of PM10 with mortality: A 10-μg/m3 increase in 2-day moving-average PM10 was associated with a 0.35% (95% posterior interval (PI): 0.18, 0.52) increase of total mortality, 0.44% (95% PI: 0.23, 0.64) increase of cardiovascular mortality, and 0.56% (95% PI: 0.31, 0.81) increase of respiratory mortality. Females, older people, and residents with low educational attainment appeared to be more vulnerable to PM10 exposure. Conclusively, this largest epidemiologic study of particulate air pollution in China suggests that short-term exposure to PM10 is associated with increased mortality risk.

2. The association between fine particulate air pollution and hospital emergency room visits for cardiovascular diseases in Beijing, China
Yuming Guo, Yuping Jia, Xiaochuan Panm Liqun Liu, H.-Erich Wichmann
Science of The Total Environment
Volume 407, Issue 17, 15 August 2009, Pages 4826–4830
The association between fine particulate air pollution and hospital emergency room visits for cardiovascular diseases in Beijing, China

8377 hospital ER visits of CVD were collected in our study. After adjusting the temperature and the relative humidity, the associations for 10 μg/m3 increases in levels of PM2.5, SO2, or NO2 and hospital ER visits for cardiovascular diseases were statistically significant with odds ratios (ORs) of 1.005{95% confidence interval (CI): 1.001–1.009}, 1.014(95% CI: 1.004–1.024), and 1.016(95% CI: 1.003–1.029), respectively.


These findings suggest that elevated levels of ambient air pollutants are associated with the increase in hospital ER visits for CVD in Beijing, China.

3. Visibility, air quality and daily mortality in Shanghai, China
在各種污染物中,PM2.5和能見度的相關性最強。... 能見度降低,和各種原因的死亡率,以及因心血管疾病的死亡率的升高相關
Wei Huang, Jianguo Tan, Haidong Kan, Ni Zhao, Weimin Song, Guixiang Song, Guohai Chen, Lili Jiang, Cheng Jiang, Renjie Chen, Bingheng Chen
Science of The Total Environment
Volume 407, Issue 10, 1 May 2009, Pages 3295–3300
Visibility, air quality and daily mortality in Shanghai, China

This study was designed to assess the association between visibility and air quality, and to determine whether the variations in daily mortality were associated with fluctuations in visibility levels in Shanghai, China. Mortality data were extracted from the death certificates, provided by Shanghai Municipal Center of Disease Control and Prevention, and visibility data were obtained from Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Meteorology. Air quality data (PM10, PM2.5, PM10–2.5, SO2, NO2 and O3) were obtained from Shanghai Environmental Monitoring Center. Generalized additive model (GAM) with penalized splines was used to analyze the mortality, visibility, air pollution, and covariate data. Among various pollutants, PM2.5 showed strongest correlation with visibility. Visibility, together with humidity, was found appropriate in predicting PM2.5 (R-squared: 0.64) and PM10 (R-squared: 0.62). Decreased visibility was significantly associated with elevated death rates from all causes and from cardiovascular disease in Shanghai; one inter-quartile range (8 km) decrease in visibility corresponded to 2.17% (95%CI: 0.46%, 3.85%), 3.36% (95%CI: 0.96%, 5.70%), and 3.02% (95%CI: ? 1.32%, 7.17%) increase of total, cardiovascular and respiratory mortality, respectively. The effect estimates using predicted PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations were similar to those assessed using actual concentrations. This is the first study in Mainland China assessing the association between visibility and adverse health outcomes. Our findings suggest the possibility of using visibility as a surrogate of air quality in health research in developing countries where air pollution data might be scarce and not routinely monitored.

4. Household Air Pollution from Coal and Biomass Fuels in China: Measurements, Health Impacts, and Interventions
觀察到的健康影響包括呼吸道疾病,肺癌,慢性阻塞性肺疾病,免疫系統減弱,並肺功能減弱。砷中毒和使用「毒」煤產生的FL uorosis在中國某些地區被觀察到。
Household Air Pollution from Coal and Biomass Fuels in China: Measurements, Health Impacts, and Interventions on JSTOR
Junfeng(Jim) Zhang and Kirk R. Smith
Environmental Health Perspectives
Vol. 115, No. 6 (Jun., 2007), pp. 848-855
DATA SOURCES: We reviewed approximately 200 publications in both Chinese- and English-
language journals that reported health effects, exposure characteristics, and fuel/stove intervention options.
CONCLUSIONS: Observed health effects include respiratory illnesses, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, weakening of the immune system, and reduction in lung function. Arsenic poisoning and ?uorosis resulting from the use of 「poisonous」 coal have been observed in certain regions of China. Although attempts have been made in a few studies to identify specific coal smoke constituents responsible for speci?c adverse health effects, the majority of indoor air measurements include those of only particulate matter, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and/or nitrogen dioxide. These measurements indicate that pollution levels in households using solid fuel
generally exceed China』s indoor air quality standards. Intervention technologies ranging from sim
ply adding a chimney to the more complex modernized bioenergy program are available, but they
can be viable only with coordinated support from the government and the commercial sector.

5. Associations between daily mortalities from respiratory and cardiovascular diseases and air pollution in Hong Kong, China
-- Wong et al. 59 (1): 30 -- Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Occupational Environmental Medicine 2002;59:30-35 doi:10.1136/oem.59.1.30
Associations between daily mortalities from respiratory and cardiovascular diseases and air pollution in Hong Kong, China
T W Wong, W S Tam, T S Yu, A H S Wong
Objective: To investigate the association between ambient concentrations of air pollutants and respiratory and cardiovascular mortalities in Hong Kong.
Methods: Retrospective ecological study. A Poisson regression of concentrations of daily air pollutants on daily mortalities for respiratory and cardiovascular diseases in Hong Kong from 1995 to the end of 1998 was performed using the air pollution and health: the European approach (APHEA) protocol. The effects of time trend, seasonal variations, temperature, and humidity were adjusted. Autocorrelation and overdispersion were corrected. Daily concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3), and particulate matter &<10 μm in aerodynamic diameter (PM10) were averaged from eight monitoring stations in Hong Kong. Relative risks (RRs) of respiratory and cardiovascular mortalities (per 10 μg/m3 increase in air pollutant concentration) were calculated.
Results: Significant associations were found between mortalities for all respiratory diseases and ischaemic heart diseases (IHD) and the concentrations of all pollutants when analysed singly. The RRs for all respiratory mortalities (for a 10 μg/m3 increase in the concentration of a pollutant) ranged from 1.008 (for PM10) to 1.015 (for SO2) and were higher for chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) with all pollutants except SO2, ranging from 1.017 (for PM10) to 1.034 (for O3). RRs for IHD ranged from 1.009 (for O3) to 1.028 (for SO2). In a multipollutant model, O3 and SO2 were significantly associated with all respiratory mortalities, whereas NO2 was associated with mortality from IHD. No interactions were detected between any of the pollutants or with the winter season. A dose-response effect was evident for all air pollutants. Harvesting was not found in the short term.
Conclusions: Mortality risks were detected at current ambient concentrations of air pollutants. The associations with the particulates and some gaseous pollutants when analysed singly were consistent with many reported in temperate countries. PM10 was not associated with respiratory or cardiovascular mortalities in multipollutant analyses.








其中,發表於《美國醫學會雜誌》的一項研究表明,PM2.5會導致動脈斑塊沉積,引發血管炎症和動脈粥樣硬化,最終導致心臟病或其他心血管問題。這項始於1982年的研究證實,當空氣中PM2.5的濃度長期高於10 μg/m3,就會帶來死亡風險的上升。濃度每增加10 μg/m3,總的死亡風險會上升4%,心肺疾病帶來的死亡風險上升6%,肺癌帶來的死亡風險上升8%。此外,PM2.5極易吸附多環芳烴等有機污染物和重金屬,使致癌、致畸、致突變的機率明顯升高。 中國科學院陳竺院士等研究者,於《柳葉刀》雜誌上發表的文章中估計中國每年因室外空氣污染導致的早死人數在35萬-50萬人之間。

最小的顆粒物(直徑小於等於100納米,合0.1微米)帶來的危害更為嚴重。有證據表明這些顆粒物可以傳過細胞膜到達其他器官,包括大腦。有研究指出,這些微粒可能引發腦損傷(包括老年痴呆症)。值得注意的是,柴油發動機產生的微粒直徑通常在 100 納米(合0.1微米)左右。








還要權威論證?你不知道這是guojia jimi嗎?

之前回北京的第一天就感覺鼻咽喉都不舒服 每天狂喝水 兩周後直接發燒了 另外最近幾年肺癌的人越來越多了吧



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