Tim Cook 對平價入門款 iPhone 的態度是什麼?

如果大家有關注蘋果 Q2 Y2013 的財報分析師會議,那麼就會留意到,Tim Cook 對分析師的回復已經很明顯地暗示,平價入門款 iPhone,或者說廉價 iPhone,或者說 budget iPhone 或者說 entry level iPhone,或者說塑料版 iPhone 5,隨便吧,都會很快發布。

因為第一次購買 iPhone 4 的客戶數量非常非常可觀,證明一個負擔得起 (affordable) 的價格非常有吸引力,而 Apple 想要竟可能多地吸納這些客戶,繼而用很有競爭力的 iOS 生態系統穩住這類型的客戶。被問到是否有足夠多的武器(因為 iPhone 4 和 4S 會停產)繼續在這些新興地區保持增長,Tim Cook 回答 「we have more than one tool in the toolbox」。所以,結論非常明顯了。下面是原文。

Gene Munster - Piper Jaffray: ...You talked about more affordable pricing and Peter, can you just confirm that, that was just with the iPhone 4 and then separately as you think about the growth that you had in some of these emerging markets, it sounds like some more recently it has come from affordable pricing, but also you potentially could address those markets in products that are more appropriate for those markets? And maybe can you just talk from a very high level just how you think about, are those both levers that you potentially could use or do you feel that pricing is the lever? And then a follow-up question.

Tim Cook: ... The reference that Peter made earlier was to the iPhone 4 and what we have seen is that the number of first-time smartphone buyers that the iPhone 4 is attracting is very, very impressive. And we want to attract as many of these buyers as we can. And we saw that beginning to happen towards the end of the Q2 timeframe as I have referenced on last quarter』s call and we did that on a wider spread basis offered the more affordable pricing on a wider scale basis this quarter and continued to be very happy with what we saw and where iPhone 5 continues to be the most popular iPhone by far, we are really happy to provide an incredible high-quality product with iPhone 4 running iOS 6 to as many first-time smartphone buyers as we can. And I think it』s proven to be exactly a great product for that buyer.

Gene Munster - Piper Jaffray: Do you think there are more weapons that you could use in these markets to continue the pace that you have?

Tim Cook: There is always more weapons. And we have more than one tool in the toolbox, but yes, it』s a great way for a buyer to get into the iOS ecosystem and the customer set ratings that we have with iOS 6 and the stickiness of the platform is huge. And so it』s great for customers and we are very glad to offer it. ...

via Apple Inc. (AAPL) CEO Discusses F3Q 2013 Results - Earnings Call Transcript - Seeking Alpha

他們還矢口否認有iPad mini的存在...庫克需要一款在綜合實力強於4S,起碼屏幕&>3.5的產品來代替現在的4和4S的地位,而且只有推出廉價版的4寸iPhone才會更好的推進iOS7的普及,顯然用在4S運行iOS7的體驗並不十分理想。


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TAG:蒂姆·庫克 (Tim Cook) | iPhone 5c |