
  • 美國的一些大型投資銀行正在重新考慮實習生工作計劃,放鬆對初級員工的苛刻要求。美銀美林在上周五公布的一份備忘錄中建議,初級職員一個月里至少該在周末期間休息四天。
  • 對實習生來說,他們需要為高額的薪酬付出沉重的生活代價。實習生通常需要在上午 8:30 和 9:30 之間來到辦公室。通常,他們在白天大部分時間裡不會被分派什麼工作,直到下午晚些時候或傍晚才會接到任務。因此,實習生往往工作到深夜。以往的實習生們說,他們經常在正常的上班時間裡做瑣碎的事情,或什麼都不做。 (來源:美國投行重估實習生項目 考慮減輕工作負擔)


Thanks for inviting.

I"ve never actually worked "on the street", so my impressions might be biased and outdated:
For IBD: interns come in at 8am, leaves at 11pm. Do a lot of meaningless works.
For ST: interns come in at 7am, leaves at 7pm. Buy breakfast, coffee, lunch for traders. sometimes being made fun of and get yelled at.
For Research: interns come in at 7am, leaves at 7pm. Actually do work.

The unbiased answers are here:
So, What Will I Do As An Investment Banking Summer Analyst (Besides Get Abused)?

A Week in the Life of an Investment Banking Analyst: Sunday Monday
A Week in the Life of an Investment Banking Analyst: Tuesday
A Week in the Life of an Investment Banking Analyst: Wednesday
A Week in the Life of an Investment Banking Analyst: Thursday
A Week in the Life of an Investment Banking Analyst: Friday
A Week in the Life of an Investment Banking Analyst: Saturday

Day in the Life of a Sales Trading Intern
Sales Trading (ST) Intern


電影《華爾街》中,關於 "Greed is good" 的說法有問題嗎?

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