


答案很簡單,小股東原來持有多少股,退市後還是持有多少股(都是common share)。所改變的,無非是這部分股票原來可以在交易所交易,退市後不能了。


就其他國家而言,答案是有的,而且有非常成熟的制度。有興趣的可以自行Google,關鍵詞用squeezing out minority shareholder或者eliminate minority after takeover之類的吧。如果想大概了解的話,很多律師事務所為marketing的目的,會出一些關於併購的guidance/manual之類的東西,可以幫助你對這類問題有個大概的了解。


考察一下美帝公司法最發達的特拉華州:Under Section 251(h) of the Delaware general corporation law, if:

  • a target company is incorporated in Delaware and
  • the acquirer makes a tender offer for all shares of the target company pursuant to an agreement approved by the target company board of directors and
  • following consummation of the tender offer the acquirer owns enough shares of the target company that the acquirer could approve a long-form merger without the approval of any other target shareholder and
  • certain other conditions are met

then the acquirer can implement a merger transaction (known as a 251(h) merger) under
which the acquirer will acquire the remaining target common shares for the same
consideration as the acquirer paid in the tender offer.

概括言之,如果是善意收購(這是前提,得與target的board簽約),且持股數達到一定數量使得收購方僅通過自己投票就可以批准收購剩餘股份,那麼在提供與之前的tender offer相同對價的情況下,收購方可以收購剩餘股份以實現100%持股。



If the bidder acquires a relevant interest in more than 90% of the securities on issue and has acquired at least 75% of the securities it offered to acquire under the bid.

The scheme of arrangement process can also be used as a statutory squeeze-out merger arrangement. This requires approval from at least 75% in value and more than 50% in number of the shareholders present and voting at the scheme meeting, together with court approval of the scheme.

There are also general squeeze-out provisions in relation to a class of securities, which are available within 6 months of a person becoming a 90% holder in relation to that class of securities.


By way of a statutory compulsory acquisition where at least 90% (of the shares not owned by the bidder and its affiliates) are tendered within 120 days of date of the bid.

Alternatively, by way of a second step squeeze-out transaction where bidder holds two-thirds and acquired a majority of the shares held by minority shareholders under its bid.


The bidder can use the corporate squeeze-out procedure if he owns at least 95% of the target"s stated share capital. In the context of an upstream merger with another stock corporation, partnership limited by shares or SE, the required percentage shareholding for a squeeze-out is 90% of the stated share capital.


An acquirer cannot compulsorily purchase the shares of the remaining minority shareholders as the public shareholding in the target should not fall below 25%. However, the acquirer can squeeze out the minority shareholders in two circumstances:

  • Through de-listing the shares in accordance with the Delisting Regulations (seeQuestion 22).

  • If the target is merged with another company and the dissenting shareholders are bought out in accordance with section 395 of the Companies Act.

另外補充一點, @周玥對《公司法》第43條「股東會會議作出修改公司章程、增加或者減少註冊資本的決議,以及公司合併、分立、解散或者變更公司形式的決議,必須經代表三分之二以上表決權的股東通過。」的理解我認為有點問題,這一條並沒有類似squeeze out的效果。只是規定公司合併需要三分之二以上股東同意,事實上小股東不走也是可以的,合併後小股東照樣可以在合併後的新實體按照合併的約定持股。


1. 私有化指的是退市,公眾股東持有股權數量低於一定標準從而豁免證券法管制就可以達到私有化的效果,此時仍然有一部分股東持有該公司股票,不過這個時候他們不在持有上市公司的股權,這時候的公司狀態類似於上市前公司狀態。
2. 私有化是對股東利益產生重大影響的行為,別管你是在私有過程中買股票跑了還是沒跑,私有化的對價多少以及私有化本身這一事實——私有化的公司股票缺乏流動性,會造成股價折價。
3. 我估計題主還是想問 譬如私有化對價是10塊錢回購股票,那麼股東可以不賣嗎?答案是一般情況下可以,特殊情況下不行,這和私有化的交易結構有關係。
4. 最簡單的交易結構,某個人在公開市場上買回股票,任何人當然都可以選擇不賣。這種公開市場上購買股票還有一個升級版,就是tender offer,涉及了一下更複雜的規則。
5. 但是上邊的交易對於收購者來說有個重大缺陷,就是有的人真的可以當釘子戶,利用自己的股權來敲一筆,那就涉及到另外一種,就是公司法的重組。美國法院管這個叫corporate equivalent eminent domain,翻譯過來就是公司法上的強拆,天朝公司法 「第四十三條 股東會會議作出修改公司章程、增加或者減少註冊資本的決議,以及公司合併、分立、解散或者變更公司形式的決議,必須經代表三分之二以上表決權的股東通過。」也就是說如果股東超過三分之二的股東同意合併,公司可以被強制合併,少數股東的股權也就被強拆了。——中國法上這個三分之二是強制的,美國公司法上可以章程約定,這種設置衍生成所謂的freezeout來,多數股東利用這一條把少數股東擠出去,事實上大量的資本市場交易,例如買殼上市,都涉及這一條,不過是上市公司和非上市公司合併之後的公司是上市還是不上市的區別。






TAG:上市公司 | 私有化 |